A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin/Friends/Cajole/Randall/1on1/Extend/Always/Forget/Track/ImNot/Crazier/Stay/Touch

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Devin‎ | Friends‎ | Cajole‎ | Randall‎ | 1on1‎ | Extend‎ | Always‎ | Forget‎ | Track‎ | ImNot‎ | Crazier‎ | Stay
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In the moment, it didn't even feel like a conscious choice, she was so worked up she just had to do it. As soon as she touched herself, even if it was originally just for the purpose of cleaning up, there was nothing else she could think about. Sally spread her legs where she sat, barely concealed by a chokeberry bush, and started rubbing her little pussy like her life depended on it. It wasn't long before she was panting, and then moaning, but that didn't even register consciously for Sally. She was too caught up in her own pleasure.

* * *

Frank shifted position awkwardly. "It's been a while... So this girl, your 'daughter', is she like safe if she wanders off?".

"Sure, why not?", said Otto.

"Well, no offense, but she doesn't seem like she's all there."

"I know, I know, the clothing thing is weird, but considering her traumatic experience I'd say she's doing fine."

"Okay, I'm just saying—" But Frank was cut off by a loud cry from Sally. It sounded somewhere between a kitten accidentally caught underfoot and a very enthusiastic goat.

"See, she's fine.", said Otto.

"That did not sound 'fine', let me have a look. I learned first aid in the—"

"No need. She's having one of her episodes is all... just leave this to me, okay?"

"Ah! Ah, ah, ahoooaaaw!"

"But uh, it's just it sounds like she's—"

"None of your business, Frank. Show's over. I think it's time you were on your way. If you're looking for work before you head out, try Handy's like I told ya. Big red barn, back the way you came."

There was danger in Otto's eyes, and Frank didn't feel like getting stabbed over an underage piece of tail that day, so without another word he grabbed his things, and started walking east, just as Otto "suggested".

* * *

Sally almost felt like she was just waking up, she could have believed it if she'd been in bed, but when she considered her surroundings, she realized all too soon that the last things she remembered had not in fact been some strange dream, unfortunately. All she could really see were leaves, and small pieces of sky, which was enough to confirm she was outside, but she could also feel course dirt under her body, her completely naked body.

She groaned and sat up, pulling her head out of the bush. The first thing she saw was Otto looking down at her with a concerned expression.

"My goodness, Sally. What was that about? Are you alright?"

"Is Frank still here?"

"Nah, I sent him packing. He took a little too much interest in the noises you were making I thought. Didn't like him that much anyway."

Sally cringed at the mention of her "noises". But she was glad Frank was gone at least. "Uhh, yeah. Thanks."

"Enough about him though, you got me worried. Come on, get up off the dirt and come sit with me a bit. I'll help you if I can, but first I think you owe me an explanation, a real one."

"Yeah, okay.", she said as she reluctantly got to her feet. As stupid as the invisible clothes story was, pretending she wasn't naked had helped a little bit, but she could tell Otto was done playing along, and she almost felt exposed all over again. Still, she wasn't sure what else to do, so she followed him back to his little camp.

But when they got there, rather than sit down he started rooting in his knapsack. He pulled out a plastic coke bottle which he'd apparently repurposed for water. "In case you want to wash.", he said, offering it.

Sally wasn't concerned about a little dirt, but since he mentioned it, she looked at her self more closely, and was mortified to discover the mysterious liquid from her private place had gotten her so wet that dirt was sticking to her butt. She accepted the bottle and without even thinking about moving to somewhere more private, did her best to splash the dirt off. It was easier said than done with just a small bottle of water, but it was a significant improvement at least, and actually kind of refreshing.

"Now then,", said Otto, "sit, and tell me what's going on. Starting with why you're out here naked."

Sally sat down on the log, took a deep breath, and told him: