A Loli's ENF Adventure/Emma/Earth 2X30

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The support given to Emma and her mother proved to be invaluable for the duo as now they don't even live on Earth anymore, and instead have been living in one of the many colonies located throughout the Solar System.

However, in the year 2330 there are several colonies to choose from, including but not limited to:

  • The Lunar Colonies, or rather cities, not to far from Earth and mostly resembling a normal city except for being entirely sealed in, of course.
  • The Martian Colonies, several towns each consisting of a collection of domes with buildings inside them and connected to each other via tunnels.
  • The Venusian Colonies, settlements that float on massive platforms high in the atmosphere where minor terraforming has made the air breathable.

Regardless of which it might be, Emma will have to be very careful with exploring and trying out exhibitionism because in these closed in communities, word travels fast.

Which will it be?