A Loli's ENF Adventure/Larissa/Luminia/She finds an object that lays a curse on her

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There are many magical items that fill Luminia, and even more still that have been lost to time a lie scattered across the land just waiting to be found. And as Larissa is about to discover, not all of these objects bestow only blessings upon their owner.

Here are a few examples of what she could find:

  • The Ring of Exposed Invisibility:
    • Ability: Renders the wearer invisible, but only when naked and outside of direct sunlight.
    • Curse: If worn in direct sunlight it will render the wearer's clothes invisible to all but the wearer. Can also only be removed by another.
  • The Dress of Tactile Resonance:
    • Ability: Enhances beauty and charm and deters unwanted contact, but only when worn without undergarments.
    • Curse: Any thoughts an onlooker has of touching the dress is felt by the wearer, while wearing undergarments encourages physical contact.
  • The Coin of Fair Exchange:
    • Ability: Grants amazing good fortune to the holder for three hours everyday.
    • Curse: Brings three hours of (harmless) misfortune to the holder twelve hours later.
  • The Key of Every Lock:
    • Ability: Can unlock any lock and anything considered to be "locked up" (knots, secrets, etc.)
    • Curse: Holder is completely unable to lock anything they haven't use the key on first.

So, which of these objects is Larissa about to find?