A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Chat/Pics/Mirror/Yes/Light

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As Sally sat pondering this apparently defective window she had a flash of inspiration, quite literally. A lone truck rumbled down a nearby street, and as it turned a corner the backyard was briefly illuminated by its headlights. This gave Sally a good scare and she felt sure the driver must have seen her (although he probably didn't) but before the light faded she also caught sight of her own startled face in the window, now reflected quite clearly. That was it! It made perfect sense once she thought about it.

The more light on her side, and the less on the other, the more it worked like a mirror. Trouble was, putting a bright light on herself was the last thing she'd want to do, especially after that last scare. On the other hand, she didn't want to disappoint her chatroom friends, or fall short as a nudist. She resolved to give it one more try, and so she crept back into the house and turned on the back porch light.

Going out again, with the yard lit, seemed like a much more daunting prospect from than before. True, her yard was fenced, but there were a few angles where you could see in, and the fence would do nothing at all if anyone, including her own family, happened to look from an upstairs window. Still, from Sally's vantage point all seemed dark and quite in the neighborhood. She told herself (actually quite reasonably) that standing out there for a minute or two was only a small risk and more likely than not no one was looking at all at this hour.

Still, it felt risky when she stepped out into the light. Maybe worse then if it had been daylight even, since she was essentially in a spotlight. So after a couple nervous glaces side to side she tried to get her picture done as quick as possible.


It was better for sure. You could see more of the yard and less of the kitchen, but a good part of her body was still obscured by that white blob, which she realized must be the flash. She didn't know how to turn this off, so she just covered it and tried one more time, hoping that with the light on it wasn't needed.


There she was! Finally a good one. Well... maybe not good, but it was acceptable. She looked like herself instead of some kind of phantom, it was a little dark, but you could see she was outside. The pose was still awkward, and her finger was glowing where she cover the flash... But it was good enough. The main point was to prove she was a real nudist after all. She wasn't trying to win the photography club competition or anything. She quickly ran inside and turned out the light.

Whew. Sally was really glad that was done, but... also glad she did it. It was fun in a retrospective kind of way. She looked at the microwave clock, 1:02. Wow... She should really get to bed, but those guys in the chat room must be waiting for her all curious. It wouldn't hurt to log in quickly and share it. She sat down at the kitchen table to do so. It should only take a moment.

She logged in as usually, not even paying attention to who was on.

   Pumpkin: Hey i did it
   Pumpkin: Got the photo to prove im a nudist
   Stalin: Hey! If it's not my favorite little nudist. Long time no see.
   Pumpkin: Oh hi i remember you too

Sally did now look at the user list and was surprised to see it was just him.

   Pumpkin: Thats odd no one else on
   Stalin: Chat server had some internet trouble, just came back like 5 minutes ago.
   Stalin: But never mind that, how are you doing? Still naked?
   Pumpkin: You bet i just got done taking a picture outside
   Stalin: Oh is that what you meant. Well I'd love to see it. I'll pass it on to the others of course.
   Pumpkin: I was wondering can put it on that imager site myself
   Stalin: Well yes but... you probably shouldn't. We're using Tor.
   Stalin: For privacy. See, I donno if you noticed but Imgur doesn't really like nudist pics. They get taken down pretty fast.
   Stalin: Wouldn't want you to get in trouble. It's safer if you send them to one of us so we can do it.
   Pumpkin: They must be textile prudes
   Stalin: LOL Well yeah I guess that's fair. 

At this point, Sally decided to go ahead and share the picture with "Stalin". She hadn't thought about him in a while, but that was a funny name too. She thought it sounded familiar from school. Didn't we have a war with him or something? But it was probably just a common name in that part of the world.

   Stalin: Whoa. Umm, well I can see it's you naked outside!
   Stalin: And lovely as ever...
   Pumpkin: Thanks
   Stalin: But why'd you take it like that? I wish I could see you better.
   Pumpkin: That was the plan we came up with
   Stalin: Who's we? I take it you've been back since the first time. 
   Stalin: Why'd you disappear anyway?
   Pumpkin: Well i was gonna take the picture they asked for but my brother caught me
   Stalin: Oh my! That must have been embarrassing.
   Pumpkin: Yeah but he wasnt mad or anything he just told me thats not what nudists really do
   Pumpkin: In fact he said whoever asked for that wasn't a real nudist

Sally wasn't sure herself why she suddenly felt like going into all that detail, maybe because she was talking one-on-one.

   Stalin: well I think we were pretty up front about that, weren't we? We're interested in nudist kids, we never claimed to be nudists or kids ourselves.
   Pumpkin: I guess thats true
   Stalin: But hey, if you're not comfortable with that kind of picture, we don't wanna pressure you or anything.
   Stalin: The one you sent now was great too. I just wish it wasn't so dark.
   Pumpkin: Yeah but let me explain
   Pumpkin: So that guy obviouslyfed said i should take one more like real nudists do instead ok 
   Stalin: Right, yeah that seems like a good idea.
   Pumpkin: But most nudist pictures are outside
   Stalin: True.
   Pumpkin: But how do I take a good picture of my own self outside
   Pumpkin: The only idea anyone had was to use a reflection
   Stalin: Selfie stick? You know those things you hold your phone further away with to get a better picture?
   Pumpkin: Oh i think I saw that once where would i get one
   Stalin: Walmart has them
   Pumpkin: We dont have a walmart around here
   Stalin: Wow, you must live in a really small town.

Sally suddenly felt nervous. This was the kind of thing Devin warned her about wasn't it? She shouldn't have said anything that gave aware where she lived... But there were a lot of small towns. That wasn't a big deal, she hoped.

   Stalin: You probably don't wanna say huh? 
   Pumpkin: Yeah
   Stalin: Well that's smart. Sounds like Your brother taught you good OpSec.
   Pumpkin: Whats opsec
   Stalin: Haha. Operations Security, that's like how everything you do makes you safer... or not.
   Stalin: You know, some of the guys won't like me for this, but I don't wanna see you hurt or scared or anything.
   Stalin: I love that you're here, and your pictures, but you really need to be careful. Not everybody online is nice you know.
   Pumpkin: I know
   Stalin: Good. Do you like taking pictures for us?
   Pumpkin: That last one was a little scary because i felt too visible with the light on
   Pumpkin: But yes its fun
   Stalin: Glad to hear it. But if you take any more, we should come up with a better for plan how to do it.
   Pumpkin: Like what?

But Sally had been chatting quite a bit longer than she meant to, and before she got her answer something interrupted her.

What was it?