A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Ryan/Kids/Lose/Empty/No/Swim

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Ryan‎ | Kids‎ | Lose‎ | Empty‎ | No
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For a moment Sally thought her father and brother were actually going to get naked, and for all her talk, she was startled by this; it was happening so fast. But when she saw they had in fact worn swimming trunks under their pants, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed somehow. She told herself it was just because she felt lonely as the only nudist in the family.

Ryan hung Sally's sopping wet (but apparently unstained) shirt over a tree branch, while Devin put their rest of their cloths on the rocks near their backpacks.

"So, my little nudist, what do you say we enjoy the water, now that we're all dressed for it?", said Ryan.

Normally Sally would be the first to start happily splashing around as soon as she had her swimsuit on, but now she stood waist deep in the lake, feeling very self conscious. She knew that as a nudist she should just act like normal, but suddenly "play in the water" sounded like some kind of unfamiliar concept. "Um, yeah, I guess... what should we do?", she said after a long pause.

"Well, you'll probably want to stick to the shallows for now, but I'm gonna check out the island.", said Devin.

Sally hadn't paid attention to it before, but there was indeed a small island not very far from where they stood. Her brother was a strong swimmer and quickly made for this, which gave Ryan a chance to talk to her privately. "Honey, it doesn't seem like you're enjoying this as much as I hoped you would. We can get dressed and go back... I'll figure out something for your missing clothes... but unless you're really sure, I figure we might as well give it a little time and wait for your shirt to dry at least."

Sally hated to back down. But her dad was right, she wasn't acting like a proper nudist. "No, I'm OK, you just took me by surprise I guess.", she insisted.

She began wading along the shore, at first just going through the motions, but it wasn't too long before she started to enjoy herself, splashing, diving and so on. She did still feel a little self conscious and made an effort to stay partly submerged, but wasn't that the point anyway? The water felt great on a hot day. Sometimes even in her own mind she couldn't quite decide. Was she pretending to be a nudist, or was she really? Talking points about swimwear being the most most useless garment of all came back to her and they did seem pretty convincing.

But it wasn't long before her brother came back with some tempting news. "Sally, you'll love this, it's like a secret beach!"

"But I can't swim that far."

"That's the best, part, you won't need to. It's shallow. Come on."

"Have fun, kids. I think I'll stick close to the shore and keep an eye on our stuff.", said their dad, "I don't suppose it's likely, but I'd hate for anything to happen to it."

So Sally followed Devin towards the island. He was right, the bottom dropped away very slowly, so that she could walk quite a bit further out than she would have guessed. None the less, by the time they were about halfway to the island the water was up to her chin.

"I'll carry you the rest of the way", said Devin. "I checked and I can pretty much keep my feet on the bottom the entire way."

She agreed eagerly, without even thinking about it, still excited to see the island. But no sooner had he lifted her up then she felt awkward again. She had ridden on Devin's shoulders before, but for one thing it had been a while, a couple years probably, and more importantly she had certainly never done it naked. Something she couldn't stop thinking about the second she felt her brother's neck on her private place. Not only did the sensation of another person's bare skin touching her there feel strange, but she once again felt extremely exposed, high above the water as she was. True, there was no one else around except their dad, but still it was hard to shake the feeling of being so visible.

But just as Devin had said, he was able to wade the whole way, so Sally was carried quickly the island, and it really was something. A pair of willows graced the center, but more importantly, it had a real sandy beach, unlike the gravel substitute behind them.

Devin lowered Sally to her feet as he waded in the shallows. "What do you think?"

"It's cool! This is just like we were hoping to find originally. It's just too bad there aren't any other nudists around."

"Yeah, about that...", he said, now was Devin's turn to talk to his sister alone. "You really are serious about nudism now, right? I mean, I know originally it was just something I came up with to get you out of trouble for coming to breakfast half naked" — here he couldn't help pausing to look at her, now completely naked — "but you really believe in it now, don't you?"

Sally paused for a moment, again feeling shy under her brother's gaze. "Yeah, I think I do. People shouldn't have to wear clothes. I really think so." She had decided only as she said it. But it was what came next that caught him off guard. "What about you? You must believe in nudism too right? How else did you know so much about it?"

Sally didn't realize it, but this was quite a "gotcha" for Devin. He always had trouble straight-up lying to his sister, yet he wasn't really prepared to admit his interest was almost entirely limited to the looking at naked girls aspect. He certainly didn't feel he could tell her that while she was standing naked in front of him in the great outdoors.

He tried to evade the question. "Well, uhh, I've kinda been interested in it for a long time... it's such a different lifestyle you know? Especially people who live naked almost full time. But anyway, why don't we play in the water a bit? Isn't this a great little beach?"

"Yeah, it is.", Sally agreed. But she also detected that her brother wasn't telling her everything. Could it be? Was Devin really a nudist too and just afraid to admit it? That had to be it. She decided she should do something to help him get more comfortable with it, she wasn't likely to have a better opportunity than this any time soon.

What did she have in mind?