A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School/Hand out papers

From All The Fallen Stories
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Mr. Vice had just turned off half the lights and put on one of those educational programs for kids on the projector when he called Sally to his desk. She approached him and immediately had a stack of papers handed to her.

"Hand these worksheets out to the class. Once you're done return to your seat"

Not having any choice she took to papers and turned away from the desk, the button of her skirt catching on the corner of his desk as she did so. Sally was startled by this, but after making sure her skirt was still in place she shrugged and carried on with her task. What she didn't notice was that the snag had caused to button to come undone, and with every few steps she took the zipper widened just a hair and the waistline slowly creeped down her nonexistent hips.

Sally carried on handing out worksheets and made it all the way to the final row, completely unaware that her skirt was primed to slip off her waist and expose her nether regions at any moment.

Who is her final stop?