A World of Cubby Sex/Male Adult/Raccoon/SlaveTrnr/5th

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You actually know the perfect rat boy for the job. A young 13 year old snot who lives by himself in one of the apartments you keep a safe house in. Sure he is one year young but you vaguely remember hearing him once say his birthday was three months from now. More then enough time to break him and train him.

You head to the apartment and by luck or providence you see him come out of his room and pass you to go upstairs to get a soda. You look around to make sure no one is there. When satisfied you wait. Soon he comes back soda you quickly grab him and force him into your apartment. Before he has a chance to react you slap tape over his mouth and then you put a rag of chloroform over him to knock him out for a bit. After he is asleep you move the bed and open a trap door. With the help of some criminal contacts you have made a number of hiding holes in slum apartments like this. At the bottom is a "playroom" that is very thoroughly soundproofed. Where you have all your little toys to break any cub.

After you get down there you lay the boy on the ground, tie him up, and then wait for him to wake. When he does the fun is ready to begin. So what do you do first?