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You go into the CIA’s HQ and as you arrive you go to an area consisting of a few offices. You are a part of a special forces military team trained for some of the most deadliest missions on earth. You have a rather kind hearted attitude than most of the other soldiers probably because of your age. Your team name was called,”Red road” you go into the office that says it and your teammates are already there waiting for you. The door closes and you greet them. Hey, ladies. They all giggled. You always got that from women you greeted. So what is going on today, you ask. The General is coming in today, says Karen. He has some important mission for us today. Just then the General himself walks in. Good evening soldiers, he says with his booming voice. Now today we are all here for a reason. He has a remote and turns a projector on showing another woman. Her name is Rosie. She is a crazy girl and none other than the sister of Calliou. Well, why is this so important, you ask. Because of this replies the General. He clicks the button to a video of her hijacking an airplane. We don’t now what she will do next but it won’t be pretty thats for sure. So what are we suppose to do?, asks Kathy. We are going to board that plane and capture Rosie and rescue the passengers and the captain. How are we going to get on that plane, asks Patty. Well let me show you replies the captain. Follow me to this elevator. You then gaze at something that gets your attention and it looks like it’s glowing.

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