Alexander the Babysitter/Ling Morin at the Arcade

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 23:00 UTC

Alexander leans nonchalantly against the counter, waiting for his new boss Stanley to give him his first assignment. Stanley, with clipboard in hand, is doing his best to manage all the loud, rambunctious children at their facility. He looks like he desparately needs more help. Stanley finally extricates himself from a group of kids and delegates another member of the team to take over. He strides over to Alexander, dodging little human obstacles on the way. Because of the ragged state of affairs, he dispensed with the pleasantries of a greeting (they had already met).

StanleyHarper (Talking).png

Stanley Harper

 23:00 UTC

Your first charge is...
  • He rifles through the papers on his clipboard

Ling Morin. We'll see how well you can handle her first and then evaluate you on your performance. Remember. We are here to take care of children, not to slack off. I'll be checking in on you from time to time. She'll be over at the arcade. That's in the back over there.

  • He jerks his thumb somewhere vaguely behind him.



 23:00 UTC

Stanley abruptly excuses himself and walks briskly toward another group of youngsters.

Alexander Maxwell.png

Alexander Maxwell

 23:00 UTC

Wait, I'm taking care of one kid?

StanleyHarper (Talking).png

Stanley Harper

 23:00 UTC

Yeah. Good luck!



 23:00 UTC

Stanley had vanished into the wall of people. Alexander stood perplexed for a moment. Why would he get a job taking care of just one kid? He pondered Stanley's last words. Was he actually going to need luck to deal with this child?

Alexander meandered towards the vague direction that Stanley had directed him. The main room he was in was fully carpeted and littered with knee high tables surrounded by tiny plastic chairs. As he took a left around the corner, he began hearing the telltale sounds of digital tunes and sound effects mixed with loud button mashing. He stood at the open entrance to the arcade. He hadn't expected a fully stocked arcade to be in this day care facility. He counted nearly fifteen machines that were active, with names that reminded him of both the 80s and the far future. Alexander wondered why there weren't more kids playing in the arcade. Maybe the machines were broken, he thought. After trying a few, he realized he was right. The games worked fine, but the controls were so off that he gave up in frustration. Gotta focus, he told himself. He made his way to the furthest, darkest corner of the arcade. There, with his back to him, was the child he was supposed to watch.

Alexander Maxwell.png

Alexander Maxwell

 23:00 UTC

Hey. My name is Alex. Stanley told me that we would be hanging out today.



 23:00 UTC

Without even turning around, the girl responded unphased.

LingM (Insolent).png

Ling Morin

 23:00 UTC

Go away. I need to concentrate.

Alexander Maxwell.png

Alexander Maxwell

 23:00 UTC

That's cool. You trying to beat the high score in...

Time Jump 3?



 23:00 UTC

Ling was playing a shooting game. While people usually moved around enjoying the physical aspect of the game, she stood stock still. Her back was straight and her legs were slightly more than shoulder width apart. She handled the gun lightly, bringing her elbows to her side at rest with barrel up, then arms extended forward while shooting. If Alexander hadn't known any better, he would have even guessed she was taught by a professional. Out of nowhere she widened her stance and pigeon-toed her feet without breaking her concentration. The bottom of Ling's dress swished upward and got caught in some fabric. His eyes, caught by the motion of her skirt, drifted downward. Alexander's eyes widened. He could see her bare ass. Surely she felt the new flow of air caressing her bottom? He opened his mouth to reveal her rear condition, but she interrupted him.


Ling Morin

 23:00 UTC

Sit down.



 23:00 UTC

Alexander thought she was rather brusque, but he thought better of retorting and obeyed her command. He didn't want to sit down on the arcade floor so he squatted instead. From his new vantage point he noticed a lot of stains all over the back of her skirt on the inside. His curious eyes wandered lower and he recognized stains running down the insides of her thighs.

Alexander Maxwell (Smile).png

Alexander Maxwell

 23:00 UTC

Hey, you have something on your...



 23:00 UTC

Ling finished her Time Jump 3 stage. The game was far from finished, but she took the opportunity to turn around and look at Alexander. Her cheeks were flushed and appeared to have been so for some time. Her breathing was ragged in anticipation. She pulled her dress over her head in one practiced motion. The dress fell in a heap on the floor.

LingM (Nude).png

Ling Morin

 23:00 UTC

Haven't seen you here before... Was about to take a break anyway.

No... don't get up. And don't move.

  • Pushes Alex over onto his ass.



 23:00 UTC

Ling forces Alexander's legs apart and crawls between them. She starts squeezing his crotch, searching for a rigid member. Alex, whether through fear and shock at being manhandled or through a lack of attraction to little girls, did not provide her with the delight of a hard penis through his jeans. Ling was neither disappointed nor deterred. She unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped his fly, and extracted his limp dick. Alexander decides to: