
From All The Fallen Stories
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Today is a day that has been planned for 3 weeks now, the entire neighborhood is getting together for an awesome day of fun. We each have a Laser gun and a vest, for laser tag. It is girls against boys, the boys have one side of the street, while the girls have the other. There is no particular goal, just to not get hit, if you get hit 3 times, you 'die' (the hits amount is counted by the laser tag vests), you have to lay down for 10 minutes, you are not allowed to move matter what(except of course an emergency or something stupid like that, but who the fu- I mean who cares...), after the 10 minutes, you reset your vest, go to your side of the street, then keep playing.

It was 8:50 AM on a Saturday morning, all the kids made sure they had at least until noon to play. Laser tag gear was being handed out by the older kids, I grabbed mine and went to the girls' side of the street. The games will begin at 9 AM sharp, we all had a watch set to the same time so that we knew when to begin. I put my vest on and turned it on, I could see all the other girls doing the same.

It was kind of uneven, there were more boys than girls, only 6 girls but there were 9 boys. I thought it was unfair, but the girls assured me that we were better, and I agreed... not much I could do about if anyway... kill one off?...

"5 MINUTES!!! IF YOU NEED TO USE THE RESTROOM, DO IT QUICKLY, I WANT TO MINIMIZE TROOP LOSS DURING BATTLE FOR A SIMPLE POTTY BREAK!!!" Yelled the eldest boy, Mark, he was 16, and my brother, he was very dramatic about his statement just now. He was far more athletic than any of the rest of us, including the other boys, I was kind of worried about him. Those 5 minutes were probably the longest 5 minutes of my life, the anticipation was killing me. I stretched and acted like I was about to run a marathon, my older sister, Emily, giggled when she saw me, she was 14.

Everyone was ready to kick some ass... I mean butt... I was wearing a pretty short skirt, which allowed my legs to move freely. I hadn't noticed this at the time, but I had forgotten to put on any panties, some of the boys had already noticed, but they didn't say or do anything. It was very well known, that if you were caught on the other side of the street than your side, you would get shot to death immediately.

I was designated as the spy of the team, because I was the smallest and could fit in more hiding spots. I also was the sneakiest in general, I once spent the entire day hiding from my family, for fun, I stayed in the house so that I couldn't just run away for the day, and nobody saw me. Mark interrupted my thoughts by yelling, "1 MINUTE!!! IF YOU NEED TO USE THE RESTROOM, DO IT QUICKLY!!!"

He apparently had acquired a megaphone, That's how he was so loud I thought. My mission was recon first, I would get information about their layout and relay it to my team mates. We would come up with a plan, and try to kill them all, my part was probably the most crucial to our success.

Time seemed to slow down considerably, I just wanted this game to start. Just as I was beginning to think it would never start, 15 watches throughout the street, started beeping. It was time! The watched beeped for 10 seconds, and then everyone started running and shooting, we had 4 girls on the "front lines" and I was recon, and the other one was the team leader.

Chapter 2