Beginning of the Charm/Accept Milla's invitation to sleep

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  • You accept Mila's invitation to stay to sleep. The girls jump happy to hear you stay.
  • Eber says "let's watch a movie in my room all together and make popcorn."
  • Mila says "Okay, I could make popcorn with chocolate and something else to eat, it will take me a little while, but I don't know if Fabim wants to bathe first."
  • Dashiel says "Fabim, let's bathe together in the bathtub, I should clean myself anyway, please bathe with me!". Mila looks at you and says "if they want to bathe and then they go to bed with Eber and with me to watch the movie, or I bathe Dashiel and you cook something with Eber and start watching the movie, when we finish bathing, we will join you. "
  • Mila looks at your face and says "but if you are very tired, you can go to sleep directly, I understand that you may be tired, tomorrow I will wake you up myself"

You evaluate the options they give you and you must make a choice.

Watch the movie with Ever and then take a shower

Bathe with Dashiel and then watch the movie

Go to sleep in Milla's bed