Cindy Rella/Getting Up

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You roll out of bed and use the cold water in the bowl to splash your face. Then you pick up the tortoiseshell hairbrush that used to be your mother's and stand in front of the full-length mirror to brush the tangles out of your long fair hair.

The mirror is far from perfect and you have to move around to see different parts of your body. You push your hands up under your embryo tits, trying to see what they might look like when they grow. You run your hands down the smooth skin of your flat belly to the mound above your still-hairless pussy. It's still leaking with all the spunk that Dick deposited inside overnight, so you slide two fingers in and give it a good rub before you wipe it clean and suck the tasty juice off your fingers.

After you've subdued your curls, you open the wardrobe and take out a clean dress. It used to be pale blue, but it's been washed so many times that it looks grey. It's a simple shift with no buttons or zips, so all you have to do is pull it on over your head, put your feet into your slippers and head off down into the kitchen to find breakfast.