Daycare manager/2.5/Hannah

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Scene openings

Relationship < 20

You look in on Hannah. She seems to notice you very quickly when you enter the room and actively avoids you whenever she thinks you are paying too much attention to her.

(Discomfort +5)

Relationship 20-39

You look in on Hannah. She seems to notice you very quickly when you enter the room, and looks a little uncomfortable when you are paying attention to her.

(Discomfort +1)

Relationship 40-59

You look in on Hannah. She seems to be a little more relaxed than when she first came here. She smiles a little when she notices you are paying attention to her, but you can still see her hesitating a bit.

Relationship 60-79

You look in on Hannah. She smiles and greets you as soon as she sees you.

(Happiness +1)

Relationship 80 - 100

You look in on Hannah. Her smile lights up her face as soon as she notices you. She calls out your name enthusiastically and it seems like she really wants you to come play with her.

(Happiness +5)
