Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Home/Bathroom/Let her go on her own (1st)

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"Do you want me to show you where it is?" you ask her. You get no response from Hannah, but as you continue on to say "common, I'll show you," she follows obediently. When you bring her to the destination, she quietly slips inside with only a momentary glance at you. It would actually not be regarded as inappropriate at her age for you to go in with her. (Facility) In fact, if you were at a facility, it would be considered "highly advised" for you to do so, even though she is only 1 year away from not needing it anymore. Well, you figure she can probably handle herself. So, you decide to stop worrying about it and move on with your day.

(+1 trust if Hannah has had previous unpleasant sexual experiences that included bare genital touching, but did not result in her being traumatized.)

Move on with the day (Hannah's condition is...)