Daycare manager/technical stuff 2.5/General happiness mechanics

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General happiness is the more enduring form of happiness, and it forms the default to which the child's more volitile "happiness" stat will re-set to at the beginning of each day, and with time as the day goes on.

General happiness is formed by a number of things, but there are 5 that matter and 4 that the player has some degree of control over.

The 1 stat that matters which the player cannot control is the child's home-life happiness. (I future version make provide a breakdown for what makes home-life happiness.)

The 4 stats the player can control (less directly in some cases than others) are 1. Child's relationship with other children at the daycare. 2. Child's relationship with MC. 3. Child's comfort with the facility. 4. Child's sexual relationship with MC.


In order to calculate the child's general happiness, take the average of the child's home-happiness and 2X the child's daycare happiness (the 4 stats the player can control) and then divide by 3 to come up with an average.

The child's daycare happiness is simply the 4 daycare stats averaged out.

Daycare stats, relationships with MC and other children.

These are (currently) the simplest stats to calculate. There is currently no system for calculating the child's relationship with other children as of yet, so a default score of 20 will be used for this one. Relationship with the MC is simply the direct plugging in of the child's "relationship score."

Relationship with MC also plays a role in facility quality in 2 separate areas. This further emphasizes the effect and importance of the relationship score as it is counted multiple times in calculating the child's happiness at the facility.

Daycare stats, Child's comfort with the facility

This stat is sub-divided into 3 more stats that are averaged together.

  • 1. Condition of daycare. What kind of shape is the structure itself in, how clean is it kept, and how well is it set up to accommodate it's role as a daycare?
  • 2. What forms of entertainment are available? How is the child kept amused?
  • 3. What are the facility's rules?

Each of these are equally important and the average of these scores (rounded up) becomes the child's facility happiness score.

There is a bonus of +5 points to any individual aspect of any of those 3 categories that lines up perfectly with how things are handled at the child's home. Even if it's something that would be considered a bad thing, it is considered less bad by the child because they are used to it.

Condition of the daycare

Type of facility

  • Out-of-house: +20 and child will expect more home-like rules.
  • Facility: Child will expect rules similar to being at school.
Different numbers will eventually be available for each rule in the daycare. For the time being, only "Out-of-house" is available.

Home size (out-of-home)

  • Trailer -5
  • 1 bedroom mobile-manufactured +0
  • 1 bedroom house +5
  • 2+ bedroom mobile-manufactured +5, +5 if there is a 2nd bathroom.
  • 2-4 bedroom house, 1 story +10, +10 more with 2nd bathroom.
  • 2-4 bedroom house, 2+ stories +20
  • small mansion +20


  • Hazardous (dangerous objects in hard to avoid places) -20
  • Filthily -15
  • Old and cluttered -10
  • Old and somewhat messy -5
  • New condition and cluttered -5
  • Old and musty but cleaned +0
  • New and somewhat messy +0
  • New and clean, smells like cleaning products +5
  • Old and clean, smells like cleaning products +10
  • Old and immaculate +15
  • New and immaculate +20

Ability to serve as a daycare

  • No toys or other preparations for daycare status -20
  • Television available +5
  • 1-5 children's toys available -5
  • Outdoors available (no yard) -5
  • 1 room set up as a play-room +0
  • 6-10 children's toys available +0
  • Small yard available +0
  • Fenced yard +5
  • 2 rooms set up for children +5
  • small plastic home-use playstructures available +5
  • 11-20 children's toys available +5
  • 20+ children's toys available +10
  • 3+ rooms set up for children to play +10
  • Large yard available +10
  • Playground play-structures available +10

Forms of entertainment

Varieties of toys (how many out of 10 are available?)

  • Dolls (plushies, action figures, girl's dolls, excetera)
  • Puzzles (Picture puzzles, 3D hands-on puzzles)
  • Active (Games, Activities, or toys such as plastic guns that make the kid be active in order to use)
  • Cars (Small toy cars, can be remote control or not, have tracks or not, excetera)
  • Creative (Anything that can be molded(such as clay) stacked (such as blocks) or connected (such as legos))
  • Books (reading, coloring, or activity)
  • Novelty (Unusual toys or items like water tables or indoor sand boxes or inflatable clowns)
  • Audio (Music and music-oriented activities)
  • Visual (Television, Movies, or video guided activities)
  • Electronic (Computer or electronic games)

Quality of toys or activities

Specific toys will be added, each with a category from the list above as well as a quality rating. The combination of the two will determine how much happiness the toy generates for the child by having it available.

Availability of the MC

  • % of day MC is available. (Number of times player chooses actions that interact with child or keep the MC present Vs. actions that remove them from availability.) Take %/20 to add a range of +0 to +4. (suggest dividing day into 5 or 10 actions to simplify calculations)
  • Average of overall toy availability score and relationship with MC, weight each value by the % score above.
    • 0-20, 3 to 1 weight toys.
    • 20-40, 2 to 1 weight toys.
    • 40-60, 1 to 1 weight each.
    • 60-80, 2 to 1 weight MC relationship.
    • 80-100, 3 to 1 weight MC relationship.

Facility rules

Children are generally the happiest when the rules are clear, fair, consistent, and they have the opportunity to voice their opinion on the rules. Acceptance of the rules is also improved by their respect for the authority figure enforcing them. So long as this is the case, they will usually accept almost anything as a punishment so long as it's implementation does not get too out of hand.

Rules standards (outlining standards by which rules further down will be judged)

  • Fairness of rule
  • Manner in which rule is presented
  • Consistency of rule being enforced
  • Opportunity for protest
  • Proportionality and appropriateness of punishment

Standard punishment

  • Time-out
  • Denial of privileges
  • Call parents
  • Spanking

Escalated spanking

  • Normal spanking
  • Spank with paddle or switch
  • Spank bare bottom
  • Fingering added to spanking
  • Spanking becomes rape

Other non-standard punishment

  • Physical exertion
  • Creative painful activity
  • Forced exposure
  • Sexual activity as punishment



Sexual relationship with child

The MC's sexual relationship with the child tracks the highest tier among the activities categorized as sex acts that the MC has performed with the child, and the proportion of those activities that got a "consensual" rating (Enthralled, happy, or not-bothered) to the ones that got a "non-consensual" rating (Hate, dislike, or bothered.) (Neutral reactions are not counted.)

Furthermore, this stat gets a -90 if any "hate" action occurred at the highest tier performed with the child within the past week. This will be -60 for "dislike" and -30 for "bothered."

If these acts occurred within the past month, it is -60 for "hate," -40 for "dislike" and -20 for "bothered." Finally, non-consensual sex acts in the past year will get -30 with "hate," -20 with "dislike" and -10 with "bothered." If the "hate" result has ever shown up for the current highest-tier sex act performed with the child, there will be a -10 to this stat even if a year has passed since any non-consensual act occurred.

NOTE: Messy/cluttered status does not count children's toys or fresh food smears