Disciplinary Action/Before school/Practical interview/Both (Stripped and released)/(Negotiated happy sex Tatiana)/Begin/Questions/Foreplay/Sylvia pussy/Tatiana/Stimulate/Hide

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Thinking fast, you scoop up the young naked girl in your arms and pull her into your chest as you rock back, settling her deeper onto your penis, but more importantly, also facing her away from her father.

You give a quick glance to Sylvia. She is also looking in your direction, too engrossed with her friend having sex to notice the principle peeking in from the door.

"Shhh... shh... it's Ok, Tatiana, your punishment is almost over," you coo gently into her ear, but really meaning those words more for her father at the door to hear.

Tatiana just whimpered in response. From a third party perspective, it was hard to tell whether it was a whimper of pleasure or pain. Actually, it was a little hard for you to tell even. You might have thought she was crying right now if you hadn't heard her as she built up to her orgasm. You could only imagine what Mr. Grandville thought, suddenly walking into the room and hearing his daughter whimpering like that while she was on your cock.

"It's alright. It's just us here right now. Don't worry about Sylvia watching. We'll be done soon," you tell her. Meanwhile, you also hold her butt and start gently shifting her up and down on your dick, creating a new wave of even more whimpers from her. At the same time, you look up and meet Mr. Grandville's eyes, to which he responds by quickly looking away with a pained expression on his face.

After that, he ducks out of the room and closes the door behind him. However, the sound of the door closing and latching again manages to catch the girls' attention. Sylvia looks over immediately.

"What's that?" She asks, while Tatiana gives a somewhat louder moan while she puts her hands on your shoulders.

With Tatiana's hands on your shoulders and her knees under her now, she begins to move along with your motions, bouncing herself on top of your cock as she tries to seek her own sexual release. If she did notice the sound from the door, any concern over it was quickly pushed out of her mind by her need to seek an orgasm.