Disciplinary Action/Before school/Practical interview/Both (Stripped and released)/(Negotiated happy sex Tatiana)/Begin/Questions/Foreplay/Sylvia pussy/Tatiana/Stimulate/Hide/Silence/Stop

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"IT'S OK! It's Ok!" You say while grabbing the crying 8 year old by the hips and forcibly pulling her off your cock, causing her to whimper as you lay her back out on the couch. "It's Ok sweetie, you don't have to do it anymore if it hurts. You should have told me sooner, I would have stopped if I knew it was hurting you that bad."

Tatiana just moans and cries, both of her hands going to her crotch which you notice is still trickling blood.

You sigh. Well, there goes that.

Your attention goes back to Sylvia. She'd said just earlier that you could use her pussy so it doesn't hurt for Tatiana.

"Sylvia..." before you can say much of anything, you notice she's gone bug-eyed and her gaze is focused straight on your cock. You follow her eyes and immediately see the problem. From the top down to about the half-way point, as far as you were thrust inside of Tatiana's impossibly tight little passage, everything that had been inside of the little 8 year old is smeared with blood.

This is Ok. It should be just her virgin blood. She was small, but she shouldn't have been so small that it would cause actual internal damage for her to have sex with you, primarily because you're a little small yourself at only 5 inches.

That's not going to change the fact that a little girl might panic at the sight of blood though. This means there's an entirely different kind of problem here.

"Is that... blood!?" Sylvia shrieks.

"It's Ok! It's Ok. It's not bad!" You tell her.

"You... you hurt Tatiana!" She shrieks.

"What!? No! I..."

"You bastard!" Sylvia screams and you see her rearing back her fist as she swings at your face. You already had your hands up to try to calm her, and her wind-up punch was so easy to see coming that you managed to catch it easily, but that doesn't change the fact that now you have a screaming and shrieking girl all over you.

"You... YOU!!!" She yells. And, despite the chaos and seriousness of the situation, you can't help noticing as your still very stiff cock presses against her still very naked pussy. That's right. She's still nude. For some reason, that makes things a little harder when it comes to taking this all seriously.

This is all about her misunderstanding her friend's virgin blood, and then there's also the fact that she really is such a little girl going all psychotic like this. It was just like a light-switch. She goes from calm to psychotic in seconds.

That said, this might actually be a problem if you were considering taking a wild girl like this into your house.