Disciplinary Action/Before school/Practical interview/Both (Stripped and released)/(Negotiated happy sex Tatiana)/Begin/Questions/Foreplay/Sylvia pussy/Tatiana/Stimulate/Hide/Silence/Stop/Calm

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You've got to calm her down. She's just a scared little girl, and she's been through a lot at her house. Of course she gets a bit crazy sometimes. This needs a softer approach.

Softer while... she keeps grinding her pussy lips against your shaft... NO!


You catch Sylvia's flailing hands by the wrists as you look her over and try to decide what to do.


"No! No no no no no! Let me GO! Ahhhh!!!" She screeches.

"Sylvia!" You yell at her.

"No no no no no!" She shuts her eyes tight.

"Sylvia! Tatiana's fine!" You tell her.

But, right as you say that, Tatiana lets out a wail of her own, as though to protest the statement you just made. She hasn't stopped crying since you took your dick out of her, and she only seems to be getting louder.

You can't help the feeling that at least some of this might be purely performative, but at the moment, it doesn't matter. Her crying and wailing is only making Sylvia get more incensed.

"You... you hurt Tatiana with your... your thingy! Noooo...!!!" She yells, and starts trying to pull out of your grip so hard it's lifting her hips up your body, raising her higher on your shaft which is currently splitting her pussy. "No! No! No! Let GOOOOO!!!!" She screeches. Meanwhile, you feel her pussy lips beginning to envelop your glans.

It's really close right now. If she just wriggles the wrong way... if she were to sit her weight back down at the wrong time... she'd impale herself on your cock. You can't imagine her having a very good opinion on that, even if she really did to god's honest truth cause it entirely on her own in the middle of her struggles.