Disciplinary Action/Before school/Practical interview/Both (Stripped and released)/(Negotiated happy sex Tatiana)/Begin/Questions/Foreplay/Sylvia pussy/Tatiana/Stimulate/Hide/Silence/Stop/Rape

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Is it wrong that this is a massive turn-on? She's acting like she's ready to kill you, but her pussy is grinding against your dick.

A dark part of you wonders... she'd said something before about punishing her in place of Tatiana. Would she calm down if you gave her her wish?

No, that's probably a bad idea, but still... another part of you actually seems to like the idea of getting this psycho girl on your cock while she's blown her stack like this.

You are brought out of these sick fantasies when you receive a little-girl punch to the face, followed immediately by another and another and another.

"Ow! Alright! None of that! You know I'm going to have to punish you for that now young lady!" You say in a commanding voice as you grab her wrist.

"Eep!" Sylvia's back goes rigid and she immediately freezes up, and as her screams die, suddenly Tatiana's quiet sobbing is the only sound in the room. Then, Sylvia's face contorts in a rage of warring emotions.

"Alright, FINE THEN! GO AHEAD AND PUNISH ME!" She yells.

Well, that seems to make things a bit awkward. With the 'punishment' in question being something as ethically fraught as child rape, and the obvious victim poise that Sylvia was taking as soon as it was threatened, it suddenly feels a lot less... well... everything that would make it easier for you to just lift her up and put her on your dick.