Disciplinary Action/Characters/Hubert/Neil

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Neil Hubert

Neil Hubert


Wife - 20
Ashley Hubert
Daughter - 17
Melinda Hubert
Daughter - 15
Natalie Hubert
Daughter - 12
Makenzie Hubert
Son - 11
Damian Hubert
Daughter - 9
Abigail Hubert
Daughter - 6
Aubrey Hubert
Daughter - 5
Audrey Hubert



Neil Hubert is the owner of the local telecommunications company that operates out of and serves Mahogany Hills, which has been in his family for several generations. As they are so far out in the sticks, that means that this is the only area his company serves, but his company is also the only telecommunications company in town. This effective monopoly means that his family has managed to accumulate a great deal of wealth and become among the most prominent families in town.

He was raised to follow the traditional values of the town, and is usually quite cooperative with the rest of the town's government in upholding the common decency, safety, and image of Mahogany Hills. This means an enforcement of proper messaging in the town, making certain unfavorable information does not create issues in the wider world among people who do not understand their values, and living to uphold those values himself as well.

As such, he would have normally been in support of the new program, but due to the matter of his wife, he has become a fair bit more hesitant in regards to the severe and later the extreme class punishments. His primary objection is that it would overburden the already stretched thin orphanage and he does not share his wife's particular opinion on the premarital sex aspect being an issue. However, his primary concern on this grounds is the orphanage's funding.

(He is unaware that the orphanage receives a support funding from the government for each child in the orphanage, and his opinion on the program is likely to change should he find this out. However, he will still outwardly pretend to be opposed in order to keep things stable at home as he does not want his wife who he cherishes to become upset.)

His wife is a child he had originally planned to adopt from the orphanage as his daughter due to her outstanding academic performance. However, this process was put on hold when his previous wife died in childbirth and the orphan he was planning to adopt turned up pregnant by an unknown man.

During the child's pregnancy, he talked to her and discovered she was raped. This changed his opinion of the situation a little. She may no longer be pure enough for him to take in as his daughter, but with his wife just dead of childbirth and his children needing a mother, she would be seen as an acceptable second wife even if she was not a virgin anymore.

He decided to claim it was him who had impregnated her, but that he would not claim the child since it would be born out of wed-lock. He would wait until after the rapist's child was born and given to the orphanage, and then he would give her some time to recover before he had her become his wife.

They were married in a small private ceremony that mostly just included the other orphanage girls and his own children when his wife was 13, and she has since born him two beautiful daughters shortly after their marriage.