Disciplinary Action/Characters/Orphanage/Director

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Director of the Orphanage

January 10th
A former child of the orphanage who grew up to become the director. She has been raised in the teachings of the church, which include the town's extreme lessons on modesty.




Elain was raised in the church since an early age. Up until she was old enough to be assistant to the previous director, she was not even aware that boys and girls were different down there and was rather surprised to find out.

She has a calming atmosphere and comes off as very kind on a first impression and to people outside the orphanage, but she has learned to make herself rather intimidating to the children of the orphanage when she finds herself having to scold them.

Her only knowledge of anything sex related comes from the bible, which she has read many many times. She has read the euphemisms "know," which she doesn't understand at all and believes refers to getting married, and "lie with," which she thinks is meant quite literally. She is fairly lacking in awareness of actual sexual intercourse for a woman her age as, in this town, it is usually the case that a woman only even learns of such things when she is married and often as a result of being taught by her husband.

As the director of the orphanage, she effectively counts as the guardian for all of the children under her. As such, she was informed of the new disciplinary program by way of the letter sent out to parents inviting them to discuss the new program. However, she was unable to attend it due to her being busy with the orphanage.

She has heard a thing or two about what it actually entails from Father Isardo, however, understanding that it involves doing some of the exact things they are taught are impure and shameful acts, including being forced to take off their clothes. He spoke of the program positively, saying it was a good thing and that the children at the school should experience such things and it ought to be quite effective for their discipline. This has resulted in Elane believing the disciplinary program is quite a good idea as well, and has suggested that perhaps the school's director of discipline should help her in keeping the orphans in line.

Elain also has training as a mid-wife. She may not know about sexual intercourse and it's role in making babies, but she is very familiar with childbirth and teen pregnancy to the point of thinking it the norm as it is not at all uncommon for girls to come to the orphanage pregnant, as being pregnant while under-age is a primary reason in Mahogany Hills for girls to get abandoned at the orphanage. She has helped deliver a few babies to under-age girls during her time under the previous director, and is confident in her ability to do so now as the official director.

WIP Suggestions accepted.