Disciplinary Action/Characters/Orphans/Elisha

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Fourth Grade
A young girl with miss-matched green and blue eyes. Her heterochromia has lead to her being somewhat ostracized by the town.


Biological Father – 37
Amador Morandi
Biological Mother – 34
Shreya Morandi
Biological Sister - 14
Abandoned Daughter - 8


Elisha was brought to the orphanage by her parents as a toddler, before she entered school, because she was seen as a defective child due to her heterochromia.

Elisha is not treated well by the teachers or other kids at school. It is not particularly bad, but the teachers will generally be dismissive of her as they feel uncomfortable looking her in the eye and would subconsciously rather not deal with her. Other kids, meanwhile, will just come up to her and call her eyes "weird" to her face.

Her experience at the orphanage is not particularly bad though. The other kids who live with her every day are used to her miss-matched eyes and will play with her without prejudice. A lot of them can see what's going on and realize she gets treated differently outside the orphanage because of her eyes and, while they can't really do anything about it, they will be quick to mention it if they notice an outsider treating Elisha differently and attribute it to them not liking her because of her eyes.