Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Doctor/Negotiate

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"Alright, I can probably do that for you." You comment. "BUT, I am going to want something for myself to compensate me for passing up an opportunity for a portion of how many times I'm going to get to enjoy that little girl. What are you going to do for me?"

"Well... maybe if you wait until next week, I can do a little bit to show my appreciation to you?" She says, that seductive smile returning to her face. You think for a moment, she had said before she wants to avoid having sex with you on dangerous days, so the fact she seems to be avoiding that right now has some interesting and suggestive implications.

"Hmm... I don't think so." You say. "How about this. Has the treatment you have been giving out shown any results in the students yet?"

"Well, there is a definite increase in the estrogen levels of the girls who were already pubescent, but it may be months before any of the pre-pubescent children show results... why?"

"That's perfect, how about ending the treatment for the boys then? I already told you I do not like the idea of the competition."

"What!? I can't do that! It will ruin my data!" She practically shrieked.

"Well, what data is more important for you? This, or getting the information on the Gurrera-Fuentes family? Or, perhaps you can just agree to ride my cock exclusively on your dangerous days as many times as I will be missing out on with Sonia."

Dr. Hartell lets out an angry almost growl at this, but then drops her eyes to the desk as she considers her options. Ultimately, she decides...