Disciplinary Action/Characters/Accardy/Amethyst

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Amethyst Accardi

Disciplinary Action Character Amethyst.png

Amethyst Accardi
Long, straight blond hair. A nice figure and a beautiful face only distorted after she’s drank a bit too much.


Husband – 34
Ralph Accardi
Daughter – 14
Perl Accardi
Son – 10
Alabaster Accardi


Church group

Barbara Granville
June Marlow
Shreya Morandi
Bridgette Loso
Julia Guerra


A normal church-going, stay-at-home mom. She’s always tried to achieve a greater status in the community, volunteering at church, donating and trying to organize events. So far her lack of insight and poor planning had resulted in only failures, and her becoming the laughing stock of several women groups.

Her one big success is her oldest daughter, who alone has elevated the family status and made the name Accardi known. She truly believes her daughter’s gifts belong to her and wastes no opportunity to take credit for her daughter’s achievements.

When Perl was little, Amethyst focus was elsewhere, trying to gain fame and fortune, and only took care of Perl as long as needed for her to be praised as a good mother. It wasn’t until Perl showed signs of being a gifted child that Amethyst started taking interest in her daughter’s education. Since then she’s forced Perl to spend a lot of her free time studying, and brags about her stellar study planning that’s what let her daughter to succeed.

She’s disappointed that Alabaster, her youngest son, has not followed in his sister’s steps. She tried to subject him to the same study schedule that Perl had, but the boy quickly found ways to get away from it.

WIP Suggestions accepted.