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Revision as of 22:12, 21 January 2024

This is all way too much. You need to get some time to think. You search your mind for something to delay this 'practical interview' for a little while that won't wind up loosing you what good will you've gained from going through that whole routine of questions.

Then, it hits you!

"Well... you talked about diapers or other options. I am not properly aware of all the supplies and options I have available to use for punishments. I think I should get a little bit of a tour and assessment of what I can make use of before I can consider what would be a properly humiliating punishment."

"Oh, yes, of course," Mr. Granville says and gets up from his desk. "I'll show you myself," he says, and then leads you out of his office into the office lobby. "Ms. Vanaro, I will be giving Mr. Gardner a tour of the disciplinary office. I might ask you to mind the girls for the moment."

"Yes sir," she said, and you noticed her reach a hand under her desk and push a button.

Mr. Garner turned to smile at you. "The door to your office has one of those new magnetic locks. It can be opened from the inside with a code, but there's a button for opening it from outside. This is so you will not have to deal with any children trying to escape during their punishment."

Holy fuck! This program already looked incredibly sick from what you'd read, but every little detail like this makes it even worse. It seems like they expect your standard interactions with the children to be non-consensual every time.

"Now then, shall we?" He said and lead you into the office. It was a rather nice looking office. It was rather large, likely large enough to have been a conference room at some point, but now it was filled up with all kinds of furniture and and one wall was filled up with what looked like supply cabinets that were newly installed. There was a couch on one side of the room, and two chairs facing a large desk. However, one thing that stood out as rather unusual in the room. Opposite the couch, there was a low knee-high plastic table with an indent in the middle. It took a second for you to make the mental connection to the fold-down plastic tables that you often saw in public bathrooms, but it did finally click. This was a baby changing table. Except, it looked like it was far larger and had the structural supports to easily fit and hold a fully grown adult, or maybe even two.

However, right at this moment, there was something far more attention-getting in this room. Knelt down on the other side of that very changing table there were two young girls, looking to be around mid elementary school age, and it looked like they were playing with various objects they had pulled from somewhere. They were strewn all over the floor, and while you couldn't identify any of the objects specifically at a glance, your mind did register that they were the kinds of things you'd be more likely to see in the bathroom. There were diapers that did look a fair bit larger than those that you'd put on a baby, but there were also tubes and bottles of the sort that could contain things like shampoo, and... it looked like tampons were also in the mix?

You didn't have much time to really parse out what you were seeing before the girls jumped up, having noticed your entrance.

"Hi Daddy!" One of the girls said as she ran over to meet the two of you with a large smile on her face.

Mr. Granville was not smiling back at her though.

"Tatiana!" he barked angrily at her, causing the girl to flinch visibly. "What did I tell you? I said for you to sit there quietly and wait! This is supposed to be part of you being punished today! You've made a complete mess!" He growled at her.

"I... I'm sorry daddy, it was boooring!" She whined.

"That shouldn't matter! When adults give you instructions, you are supposed to follow them!"

Suddenly, a small cardboard object came flying across the room and struck Mr. Granville in the head. Was that a tampon applicator tube? Mr. Granville looked up, absolutely aghast that someone had just done such a thing, and saw the culprit behind the attack. It was the other little girl in the room. The girl you've only heard referred to by her last name, Owen, up until now. That would be the friend who'd gotten in trouble together with the principal's daughter. She had an absolute vicious look of hatred on her face that looked near murderous, and you were struck by the thought that she'd have likely thrown anything that might have been in her hand at the time. Mr. Grandville was probably lucky it was only a tampon applicator tube.

"Hey! Don't throw things at my daddy!" Tatiana suddenly yells, causing the girl to jump and cringe.

"I... I... I'm sorry... it's just... he was being mean to you, and... I thought..." the girl stammered. That vicious look had evaporated instantly with Tatiana's criticism, and she suddenly looked very confused and afraid.

"It doesn't matter what you thought!" Mr. Granville yelled, his face filled with fury. "You don't throw things at people! Especially not adults! It isn't enough you dragged my daughter down into a life of such sin! I thought you were a girl who knew how to be quiet and respectful around adults, but now I see you are nothing but a miscreant and a bad influence!"

He was absolutely blowing his stack at these girls. You can't imagine this being his typical behavior around them considering the way he was talking earlier, the fact they think they can get away with behaving this way in the first place, and most importantly because they are children of this town which are taught to be respectful of adults.

You imagine a lot of his anger is more from embarrassment at having this behavior being seen by others, you and his secretary in this case. As for the behavior of the girls, that's a little bit harder to figure out.

At any rate, this is distracting from your purpose in coming in here.