Family Ties/Get on your computer and chat with your On-line boyfriend.

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You slip on your night shirt, which is so paper thin your mother has asked you on several occasions why you even bother wearing it since you can basically see right through it. She’s even trying to toss it out a few times but you managed to retrieve it every time. No one understand that you refuse to give away since it actually belongs to your grandfather on your mother’s side. You love the way it hugs your body, it reminds you of being wrapped in his arms in a totally non-sexual way.

It takes a couple of minutes for your computer to full come to life. It’s actually a hand me down from Jake after he built his own so for it’s age it still works pretty good. Once it finishes up it’s start up and you put in your password your messenger automatically pops up showing an off-line message waiting for you.

Bigstudlooking: Hey heather got your message this morning. Sorry I Missed it last night but you and I were up so late I ended up nodding off in front of my laptop. Ended up with one hell of a crick in my neck lol I’m on now if you get a chance to chat.

True, both of you were up extremely late last night, roleplaying and for you masturbating. So, you guess you can forgive him this time. His chat ID is indeed lit up as on-line so you shoot off a message.

Hottyheather: Hey honey, That’s OK, I was pretty zonked out myself. After you didn’t respond I just headed to bed and had a very nice dream…. *acts all innocent* I’m glad you’re here, I’ve been looking for you.

Bigstudlooking: I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, I just got back home from work.

Typically, you would berate him with questions about work to look for inconsistencies in his story but this evening you’re more interested in just enjoying is company.

Hottyheather: Oh, that’s ok, so what are you up to now.

Bigstudlooking: Nothing really other than chatting with you, how has your day been going so far?

Hottyheather: Not too bad, I caught my little brother peaking on me again this morning, and me and my mom went out shopping this afternoon. I picked up a really skimpy bikini and believe it or not Mom decided to get her and my little sister Jessie one to match, Dad’s going to have a fucking heart attack! lol I guess the family is getting ready to go on a R.V. trip, Oohh fun! lol

Timmy’s peaking is a bit of an exaggeration, well more an out right misrepresentation Since it was Tyler, Timmy’s best friend, hiding in your closet. He was playing hide and seek with Tim, Jessie and Julie and in his defense, you weren’t supposed to be home that early. You had just stopped by to change real fast and then head back out. You have barely dropped your skirt when you have notices behind some clothes hanging in the dresser.

Tyler’s a cutie that you’d grown very fond of over the last two years since they moved in and at the twin’s last birthday sleep over won the chance to see your bare breasts up close and since you had toyed with the idea of letting him see them again the next time you baby sat him you saw no harm in giving the lucky little guy a show.

You had only intended to swap your skirt with a comfortable pair of jeans but when you saw him hiding there you opted for an entire wardrobe chance that required you strip completely naked. It was seriously getting you hot so once the final piece of clothing hit the floor you decided to spend a few minutes playing with yourself in full view of the hidden voyeur. It ended up being the subject of your role play with BigStud last night, only it was your little brother peaking from the closet. You had already admitted to him having fantasized about one of your little brother’s but never mentioned which one. To his credit he’s never asked but you can tell it really gets him off.

Bigstudlooking: God! Go easy on the poor boy. No telling what seeing those big knockers of yours might do him in. :-P ( o Y o ) Besides, sounds like he’s going to get more then an eye full when he sees you in your skimpy bikini… lol and mommy too. Careful baby he might try something. 😉

Hottyheather: Well if he does I’ll make sure to tell you all about it… so you can jack off wishing it was you, naughty boy. :-D

Bigstudlooking: You’re always so mean to me… So, what did you want to do this evening baby? How long are you going to be on?

Hottyheather: I don’t plan on going to bed anytime soon… so I guess I’m yours as long as you’ll have me. I was thinking about…

Turning on my cam.

Maybe we can role play.

We just chat for a while.

Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Heather Timmy 7
Tyler 5
Jacob 5
Steven 2
You have lezzed out with Nicole on several occasions.
You have fooled around with Timmy, Jessie, Matty, Julie (Jessie's best friend) and Tyler (Timmy's best friend)
Unidentified Things with your on-line boy friend have been getting serious.
You have suspicions that Jake maybe be his true identity.
Age 16
Gender Female
Experience Bi-sexual
Breasts 34 D
Pubic hair Shaved
Fertile Yes (Taking the pill)
Horniness 8 Aroused