Family Ties/Go back to Heather and Timmy.

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You slowly back out of the room and gingerly move down the hallway towards your son’s hospital room, trying to make sense of what just happened. You can’t ignore the feel of your pussy like it had just went through an all-night fuck-a-thon but it’s also not lost on you that not a drop of the mountain of seed he pumped into your womb has escaped, making you wonder if it was all in your head.

All those thoughts are tossed right out of your mind when you crack open the door to your son’s room to see Heather bouncing up and down on Timmy’s waist. Her blouse is completely open along with her front latching bra and her jeans and panties have been discarded on the floor. Your son’s gown has been removed as he lays naked under Heather bouncing in unison with her movements as she fucks your comatose son.

“Oh God Timmy…, Fuck… Wake up please… Wake up and fuck your big sister… Oh God… I can’t lose you… I can’t lose this ahhhhhhhhh…” Heather starts to cum forcefully, tossing her head back and thrusting her tits out, grabbing them and squeezing them as her whole body rocks from a powerful climax. Just as it hits its peak every alarm in the room starts going off and Timmy's entire body jerk before he opens his eyes and take a labored breath in. Heather frantically dismount your dazed and confused son before starting to get dressed while you rush to the nurse’s station for help.

You and three nurses quickly return to the room to find Timmy full awake but still very disoriented. Heather, for her part managed to get redressed quick enough not to arouse suspicion but closer examination would reveal she got dressed in a considerable hurry since her jeans are snapped but not zipped and her blouse was buttoned out of alignment completely. You push that to the side and rush to your son’s bed side to help calm him down but only makes it worse.

The nurse push you and Heather out of the room as they start working on him and you call Steven while Heather collapses into a bawling heap in your arms. You hold Heather, whispering words of comfort to her till the rest of the family arrives when you are joined shortly after that by Timmy attending doctor. She explains that though Timmy is awake there is a 5 year gap in his memory which would explain why he was so confused when he looked at you. Heather took it the hardest and only you could understand why, understand just what she lost. Timmy is released two weeks later with most of his wounds healed but the 5 year gap in his memory still remained.

The next three months are spent just letting Tim get used to his place in the family and get reacquainted with the rest of the members. It’s been most difficult on Heather. You know that not only had she lost the bound she once had with her baby brother but the budding relationship with a lover as well. All you have to do is look at her when she is the same room as Timmy to know what she is thinking, reliving. The way she stares at him, the way her nipples harden and stick out when she’s close to him are feelings that are all too familiar to you.

Jessie has found comfort in Jacob, spending a great deal of time with him since bringing the shadow of her twin brother home from the hospital. In fact, the last few weeks she has even been spending the night in his room, sneaking in there after she thinks the rest of the house is asleep. Curiosity had gotten the best of you and you peeked in her diary, confirming that she had been going on in there to make love to her big brother. This led to the two of them finding other excuses to be alone together so they could get their hands on each other.

Steven has tossed himself into work and basically never looked back, making you feel lonelier than ever and miss your little angel from the hospital all the more. Not a day has gone by since that night in the hospital that you haven’t laid in bed thinking about him. Wondering if was real or all just in your head. You’ve even began considering the possibility that it was the spirit of your beloved baby brother Marcus who succumbed to cancer all those year ago.

You had even wondered if you weren’t suffering some sort of mental collapse due to all the stress, that was until you missed your next period. For the following weeks the tell-tale signs of pregnancy began to set in. Everything from all your bras no longer fitting due to your breast swelling near a cup size to the sharp increase in your hormones, making you even more desperate to fuck. Unfortunately, the confirmation of your pregnancy raised more question then it answered and left you even more desperate to find the little boy who gifted you this miracle.

It’s the start of the weekend. Jacob and Jessie have already disappeared and Steven is two days into a week long work trip leaving you, Heather and Timmy alone at the house. Timmy is up in his room playing video games, Heather is in her room on the phone with Nicole who has become a near daily visitor to the house since Timmy has come home. Not that you really mind, Timmy definitely enjoys the attention and from what the nurses told you at the hospital just about anything could trigger a full recall of his lost memories. With as close as he was to both Heather and Nicole, a weekend with the two of them may be just what he needs.

Go visit your parent’s house to spend some time with your dad.

Take care of your chores and lay down for a nap.

Call your friend Trisha from college.

Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Stacy Angel 10
Heather 8
Timmy 7
Steven 2
Had many partners
Participated in incest
Been with underaged boys
Explored bi-sexuality
Boy from the hospital (Angel)
You know Heather took Timmy's virginity and Timmy took Jessie's.
Timmy ran away and was kidnapped.
He was recently recovered, injured and in a coma.
Made love to a boy in the hospital who promptly disappeared afterwords.
Age 31
Gender Female
Experience Slut
Tits E cups
Pubic hair None
Fertile Pregnant
Horniness 10 Desperate