Family Ties/Head up to your own room for the night.

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You head up stairs to your room. Like your little sister's it is infested with stuffed animals including the teddy bear that you still sleep with to this day, that was given to you by your youngest brother almost 2 years ago. The entire room is pink and white, with a rather large walk in closet in one corner and a full length vanity mirror right across from the bed. Against the wall in front of your bed is your desk with your computer on it. You spend a fair amount of time on-line, though not near as much as Jacob. During your time on line you have got close with a 19 year old collage student that you chat often with, depending on the mood your in it has led to some heavy flirting on more then one occasion.

About two weeks ago the two of you exchanged pictures. Yours was in a tight, skimpy bikini and his was a completely naked shot from shoulders down. He has an impressive cock and a muscular frame. Since receiving the pic you have spend more then a few nights 'jilling off' to images of that cock pounding your tight pussy though it's usually attached to some one else.

Once in your room you lock the door, standard operating procedure, and remove your cheer leading uniform and panties. As your panties hit the floor you look at the girl in the mirror slipping one hand slowly up your body and cupping your left breast and ideally toying with your pussy lips with the other. For some reason you are very horny and have been all day. Your nipples, crowning your D cupped tits are hard, begging to be sucked and your pussy feels incredibly hot despite not having anything hard in it. The question is, what to do about it.