Family Ties/How often do you think about Adam?

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"Ill take a truth sweetie." Cindy says softly.

Tyler looks at his mother for a few moments before asking his question, his eyes moving up and down her panty clad body. "Mommy, how often do you think about Adam?" He asks, there is almost a jealous tone to his voice and Cindy immediately picks up on it.

"Oh baby, I'm not going to lie to you. I loved Adam very much and it broke my heart when his family moved away and I could no longer see him. had they not moved away thing would have probably worked out a lot differently. After he moved away I would think about him constantly, I missed him so much. And inevitably when I would think about him I usually ended up playing with myself wishing he was there to take care of me and we could make love. Even after I met your dad and we started dating it didn't change how much I thought about Adam." Cindy lets out a chuckle. "I'll be honest with baby, any time daddy has gotten me to cum while fucking me was only cause I was pretending in my mind that is was Adam touching me. It was that way through the first few years of out marriage, including out wedding night."

Tyler lets out a rather disappointed sigh. "What changed?"

"You came along..., and I realized that there was some one I loved even more than Adam, and I never thought that was possible. But from the first time I held you I knew there was no one I would ever love more then you and over time I starting thinking about Adam less and less." Tyler nods silently. "Don't you see baby, as much as I loved fucking Adam it was more that I knew he loved me that I was missing so much. I know that you love me more than he ever did which is probably why when daddy fucks me and I end up coming I'm not thinking about Adam any more but some one else. Some one love more then any one in the world."

Cindy all but admitted that she had been thinking about Tyler while having sex with her husband but was unable to actually come out and say it. Tyler seemed to be content with her answer, unwilling to push the point any farther. Possibly not wanting to make his mother uncomfortable, but more likely because he is just anxious to continue the game. "Your turn mommy...,"





