Family Ties/My little brother.

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Damn! He want’s t get right to the point doesn’t he. Well there is no reason to be specific but then again, he’s got you pretty well dead to rights.

Hottyheather: All right you got me. My little brother. Honestly, the idea really turns me on. No more peaking or beating around the bush. Just him and his cock and me and my pussy.

Bigstudlooking: Well considering everything... Maybe your brother being such a freak isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe you could even have some fun with it.

Hottyheather: What do you mean?

Bigstudlooking: As much as you have told me that he peaks on you he obviously wants a piece of your sweet ass. So go on into his room and mess around a bit. ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ kind of thing. See where it goes.

Hottyheather: That would be so fucking hot. Oh my God what if someone finds out?

Bigstudlooking: Well I am sure you can find a few ways to convince him to keep it to himself...

Hottyheather: I don’t know if this I such a good idea. I mean, I’ve seen his cock, not completely hard but it’s a good size for his age, perfect for me really. I have to admit the idea of him openly looking at me…, touching me… OMG FUCKING ME… is really turning me on.

Bigstudlooking: Come on babe, we both know if his peaking bothered you, you would have already put a stop to it. There is a part of you that secretly likes it, wants it, wants more. You know it! And from a guy’s point of view if my sister made me that kind of offer, no way I’d turn it down or tell anyone about it.

Hottyheather: God I am really wet, I can’t believe I am actually considering doing this. But that would mean I would be busy for the rest of the night sweetie and I thought you wanted to spend some time with me.

Bigstudlooking: True. But it also means you’ll have one hell of a story once we get to talk again. And if you went ahead and gave me your phone number then we could text tomorrow while you’re driving to the lake. Unless you’re busy spending time with your brother to talk…

Now you’re a lot less sure if it really is Jake on the other end of the computer, hoping it’s his room you come walking into or if it just some random 19 year old, who's as big a pervert as you are. Either way your pussy and nipples are screaming for some attention and the idea of it being your beloved baby brother crawling all over your naked body is making you wetter then you have been in a very long time. It would also be nice to fuck some one you know loves you as much as Timmy does.

Just do it.

Don’t do it.

Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Heather Timmy 9
Tyler 5
Jacob 5
Steven 2
You have lezzed out with Nicole on several occasions.
You have fooled around with Timmy, Jessie, Matty, Julie (Jessie's best friend) and Tyler (Timmy's best friend)
Unidentified Things with your on-line boy friend have been getting serious.
You have suspicions that Jake maybe be his true identity.
Age 16
Gender Female
Experience Bi-sexual
Breasts 34 D
Pubic hair Shaved
Fertile Yes (Taking the pill)
Horniness 8 Aroused