Family Ties/Put a stop to this and go get your mother.

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You pull your hands away from Heather and turn to grab the door handle. "Jessie, wait please..." Your sister cries. You take another deep breath, the sound of her pain ripping your heart in two. Her tears serve only to strengthen your resolve to put a stop to this even if it means revealing to your parents what you and your sister did with Timmy the night before. You open the door and head out into the hallway in search of your mom.

"Forget her and ride my cock whore..." You hear Jake say hatefully as you hear the door close behind you.

You find you mom in the passenger seat chatting with your dad happily. "Mommy I need you now." You frantically tell her, grabbing her hand, literally trying to pull her out of her seat."

"Okay baby, okay..," She says unbuckling her seat belt and standing up as you try pulling her back towards the rear bedroom where you sister is basically being raped. As the two of you hit the hall way the sound of another slap and muffled cry echos from the bedroom loud enough to be heard out in the hallway through the closed door, getting your mom's attention. "What the hell??" She says pushing passed you and bursting into the bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?" She screams.

You push passed her into the bedroom and the sight causes your heart to nearly pound right out of your chest. In the time it took for you to get your mom Jake had pushed Heather down on all fours and rammed his cock into her from behind using and handful of her luscious hair for leverage. Her ass looked like it had received some more abuse and her face was covered in tears coming from her blood shot eyes.

Your mom grabbed Jake by the throat and yanked him to a standing position before tossing him onto the bed. With him out of the way you dive for Heather grabbing her in your arms and helping her into a corner with your body between her and your mom. Heather tosses her arms around your lithe body and hugs you tightly, her whole body shaking as you glance back to see you mom has grabbed a hold of Jake's ear and was twisting it so hard you were sure just a little more pressure and she would have ripped it right off.

"You have precisely 3 seconds to tell me what the fuck is going on here before I throw you off this R.V. and never look back." You mom hisses in a tone you have never heard her use in the 9 years you have been on this planet.

"Heather and Jessie had sex with Timmy last night, I got it all on tape, I can prove it. So Heather and I made a deal that she would let me fuck her too so I would keep quiet." Jake says frantically as your mom finally let's his ear go allowing Jake to at least sit up on the bed.

"And that required you to treat her like a worthless whore.., cause what, you black mailed her for some pussy to keep you from telling me and your dad about it." Your mom spits as Jake nods his head with a look of terminal fear in his eyes. "I got news for you Jakey..., Your father and I know all about what the three of them were up to last night. They weren't exactly being quiet about it, especially once Timmy got his cock into one of them."

Jake's eyes widen in surprise as does yours and Heather's, having no idea that you had been caught last night. By this time Heather is for the most part dressed and back to hugging you and the two of you continue to watch this unfold. " Besides you little jerk, it's not like you're all innocent either. Hiding camera's in all the bedrooms in the house, hiding one in the bathroom and even faking a chat idea to try and get into Heather's panties."

Heather's body jerks in anger, "That was you..., you fucking ass hole!!' Heather screams as you tighten your grip around her knowing she could easily get free if she wanted to but hoping she'd just let mom handle it.

"I was planning on having a talk with you privately about all this when we got to the lake. Your dad was going to go fishing so you and I could have some one on one time to talk about how horny you've been. I was going to tell you that there was no need for you to go sneaking around any more and that you could fuck my pussy when ever you want. You could have spent the whole vacation buried between my thighs and let Jessie Heather and Timmy do wha....."

Your mom stops dead in the middle of her sentence, her eyes widening. "Where is Timmy? Where the hell is my baby??" She says frantically before bolting out of the bedroom.

"He's not out there??" Heather asks, the tears that had finally cleared from her eyes now returning again as you and your sister follow your mom to living section where Timmy is no where to be found.

"It was just a joke!" Jakey yells from the hallway, all of you looking back as him. "I sort of pushed him out of the R.V. right before we left the rest area." He finally admits.

"Oh my God! Steven!!!" Your mom heads straight for the driver with shortly behind. "Timmy's back at the rest area, turn this fucking thing around!"

"Holy shit!" Your dad says as he brakes hard and points the R.V. into a no u-turn section of the highway before pulling a 180 send a few cars skidding out his path to a choirs of sounding horns. He then plants his foot in the gas and sends the family back to the rest area as fast as the vehicle is capable of going.

It takes about 10 minutes to make up for the near 20 mile of distance there was between where every one hopped Timmy still was and the U-turn that your dad just pulled. Your mom is sitting on the edge of her seat, biting a fingernail and you had a hold of your dad's arm with Heather holding you tightly from behind. It was as if you could feel your twin's fear in the pit of your stomach, Timmy and you had always shared a special bond.

"There he is!" You practically scream as you bounce up and down, pointing towards a small boy standing underneath an oak tree. "Daddy there he is.., Daddy hurry..., he's so scared.." You whine.

"Dad, pull over to the side and I'll run across and grab him while you swing the R.V. around at the next exit." Heather says as she releases to head back to the side door.

"Good Idea.." You dad agrees pulling even with the rest area and stopping the vehicle. "Go baby!"

You hear the door open and close before Heather darts across the south bound lanes. Once across to the median she has to wait a few moments to allow some cars to pass. You can see her yelling in Timmy's direction. After a few moments he sees her and start jumping up and down wildly. By this time Heather as an opening and bolts across the north bound lanes to meet Timmy at the edge of the area. He leaps into her arms and Heather picks him up, hugging him tightly with one arm as she looks back at the R.V. and raises her other hand making a whirling motion with it.

"Oh thank God..." Your mom says, like she just finally took a breath since finding out Timmy was missing.

Your dad hits the next exit and returns to the rest area where Heather and Timmy are waiting. As soon as it's parked every one piles into the midsection as Heather walks in sets down Timmy who immediately goes after Jake. "You ass hole.., you mother fuc....." Timmy screams, hitting and punching for all he's worth at Jake who for the most part manages to deflect most of his attacks. Your parents actually let Timmy go after him for about 30 seconds before you mom finally grabs him by the arm causing Timmy to cease his assault in favor of being in your mom's arms. You're able to hold back for about 10 seconds before you force your way between your mom and brother so you can hug him yourself. You can feel his whole body shaking as you pepper his cheeks with kisses and your mom settles for hugging you both.

"You hit like a girl..." Jake sarcastically remarks in reference to the assault mounted by the kids two thirds his size.

"So do I!" Heather spits, turning around and punching Jake as hard as she can in the shoulder sending his ass, arms flailing to the ground.

Timmy by now has stopped shaking and your mom turns the two of you loose before standing next to your father. "What do you wanna do? Should we just head home?" Your dad shakes his head. "That's not fair to every one else. No reason to cancel Jessie, Heather and Timmy's fun just because Jake wants to be a prick."

"Tossing Timmy out of the R.V. wasn't the only thing the little prick did, he tried to....."

Heather cuts your mom off. "It's fine mom, I'm fine. Let's just get to lake. I want to spend to time with my brother and sister." She says evenly as she takes a seat on the couch behind you and Timmy, wrapping her arms around both of you.

Your dad cocks his head in agreement. "Cat's out of the bag, they know that we know what they have been up too. Tonight when we get settled we'll put all the cards out on the table. Really, Jake is the one who screwed himself and he'll have no one to blame but himself when all is said and done."

"Fine, OK. We'll start heading to the lake, mean time I'm taking Jake to the back bedroom and having a very long conversation that he's not going to like." You can hear your brother gulp. "Heather, you stay here with Timmy." Heather nods as your mom grabs Jake by the ear and drags him back to the bedroom." Your dad gives Timmy a manly slap on the shoulder and rubs Heather's cheek warmly.

"You wanna ride shot gun baby?" Your dad asks, turning his attention towards you.

Ride up front with your daddy.

Ask if you can stay here with Heather and Timmy.

Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Jessica (Jessie) Heather 10
Timmy 10
You played a pretty steamy game of spin the bottle with Heather, Timmy and a few of your friends at your 9th birthday sleepover.
You and Heather have fooled around a few times after everyone is asleep
Heather took Timmy's virginity.
You gave Timmy your virginity.
The whole family is angry at Jake for tossing Timmy off the R.V.
You're parents are aware of what you, Heather and Timmy did last night.
Age 9
Gender Female
Experience Novice
Tits A cup
Pubic hair None
Fertile Yes
Horniness 5 Feeling better.