Family Ties/Where is Timmy?

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You join your mother out side with Heather shortly behind to find her still yelling for Timmy.

"Mom...,I'll go down to the lake and get him. You know that's probably where he is at." Heather assures as you follow her down to the lake in search off your twin. After about 10 minutes of looking up and down the beach neither one of you manage to spot him.

"Maybe he's back at the camp." You suggest. Heather nods her head and the two of you return to find your mom and dad standing just inside your area talking to a security guard and holding Tim's swim trunks in your mom's hand. "Well, he's not swimming..."

As you approach your mom hands over a recent photo to the guard and he radios into dispatch that they may have a missing child. With in an hour the entire park has been searched with no sign of Timmy any where. At this point management of the park suggests that calling the police is the next best option. They arrive shortly there after and begin interviewing your family.

"Is he in trouble, is he being punished for some reason, any thing at all that could have upset him to the point of maybe running away?" The detectives ask as your parents shake there heads. You glance at Heather and Jake to see they are thinking the same thing you are. That Timmy got tired of listening to his sisters cumming like sluts at the hands of his big brother and took off.

"When was the last time that you all saw him?" It hadn't even occurred to you that after stopping at the rest area and heading back in the back bedroom with Heather and Jake you actually hadn't laid eyes on him.

Eventually the entire family concludes that the last time any one saw him was at the rest area. This lead the detective to call there and request surveillance footage.

After 30 minute, by which time your mother, allow with you and your sister, are terribly worried that something may have happened at the rest area that you were to busy to notice, the detective announce that they may have found Timmy but they don't look at all relieved. The man sets up a lap top and opens a video file showing Timmy standing under a tree, all by himself. "NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!" You, your mom and sister yell out at once as you all begin to sob at the sight of a nondescript van pulling up next to Timmy. Once in position the side door opens up and a hooded man gets out, grabs Timmy and jumps back in the van and with in seconds drives off. Some body just stole your twin.

Your mother falls to her knees, crying as your dad attempt to consul her. The only thing stopping you from falling over is Heather's arms around you as she sobs. Even Jake, who would rather shoot himself then actually cry in front of people, can't hold back the tears. It takes quite a while for every one to calm down and the decision is made for the family to return home, figuring that if Timmy can find a away to call that is likely where he will start.

The following three weeks are the hardest of your life. With Timmy gone it's as if he had taken all the joy with him. The 5 of you walked aimlessly through your daily lives trying not cry or think about how much you missed the families youngest member. Occasionally you found comfort in each other, allowing you to admit how scared you were that Timmy would never make it home. Your mother, who had barely spoke a word since her son had been taken, seemed to be taking it the toughest off all, through you were all seriously feeling it. She had taken up sleeping in his bed like it was the only way to feel close to him and if she hadn't, you'd likely be doing that yourself.

The circumstances of Jake basically blackmailing you and Heather into sex was replaced by a sense of guilt over how much you ended up enjoying it. Though Heather never came out and said the same, you're sure she is in the exact same boat. Jake for his part has been very supportive, even loving, especially with you and Heather, baring just as much responsibility, if not more, for the reason Timmy likely took off in the first place. It has actually made you and Heather migrate even closer to him then you were when this all started. Heather, you know, has spent at least 4 nights in his bed, not wanting to be alone, which culminated in them making love. You found yourself in the same situation and though you never had sex the two of you did end up naked and getting each other off. If, for no other reason, than to forget, even if just for a little while.

Finally after about 2 weeks police started making some head way on Timmy's abduction, managing to track the van back to a child labor ring that was involved in drug production and distribution. This led to a sting where the ring was located and raided. The police got most every one who was involved and freed over twenty children, however Timmy wasn't among them. One of the leading suspect was then interrogated and eventually admitted that just two hours before the raid Timmy had been taken off site and dumped, left for dead.

Using the information that the perp provided, only after securing a sweet deal for himself, detectives managed to find where Timmy had been discarded, badly beat up but alive. He was rushed to the nearest hospital and your family was called in.

After an hour drive your family arrives at the hospital being met at the front door and escorted to the floor Timmy was being operated on.

"He's in rough shape, but he's a real fighter..." The doctor began, a look of regret on her face.

"You have no idea...," Your dad affirmed.

"Well Timmy has all the injuries you would expect to see in some one who got tossed out of a moving vehicle. Broken leg, a dislocated shoulder, several bruised and cracked ribs, one rib perforated his kidney, which has been repaired and some how his bladder was also punctured. So instead of categorizing him we installed a tube in his lower abdomen so it'll stay empty, which will allow him to heal quicker."

The doctor takes a deep breath allowing all of you to take in the seriousness of his condition before continuing with the rest of her assessment. "Unfortunately he also sustained a head injury and is currently in a coma." Your mom starts to break down along with your sister and your not far behind when the doctor holds up her hands. "Now I know this sounds bad but I need you to understand that there is still solid brain activity and he is breathing on his own, so it's our guess that he's still in there, he's just recovering. To be honest we're not sure if the coma is being caused by the head injury or the mix of drugs in his system."

"What drugs?!" Your mother practically screams.

"Labor rings like the one that had your son pump the kids full of stimulants to force them to stay awake longer, so they can be more productive. But we're in the process of cleansing his system now and we're hoping as those drugs wear off that he'll be able to wake up."

Your dad nods his head as he rubs your mom's back. "Thank you doctor, when can we see him?"

"I can walk you all back now, but only two of you can stay with him in his room over night." She leads you through a few corridors and down to the room farthest from the nurses station on the east wing of the hospital, an I.C.U. set up specifically for children needing long term care.

For everything he had been through Timmy actually looks pretty good. His leg is in a cast and his shoulder has been braced. There are a couple of tubes coming from his chest and his eyes are sunken in, dark blue in color. It easy to tell he has lost some weight over the three weeks he was captured. Your mom takes a seat beside him and takes his hand in hers, kissing it gently. "Hi baby....." She sobs quietly. Heather take the chair on the other side, kissing his cheek before settling down next to him.

"Is there anything we can do..." Your dad asks in a whisper.

"Talk to him, interact with him as if there is nothing wrong. Treat him no differently than you would under any other circumstances. Lots of affection, lots of love... it's all you can do really."

Jake has remained in the corner of the room, unwilling to move any closer to his little brother. You, on the other hand walk up the side your mom is sitting to lean down and give him several kisses on his cheek. "Timmy please wake up....." You cry into his ear before your mom pulls you into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry but like I said two of you can stay but the rest will have to head home for the night. You can come back in the morning and rotate from here and the waiting area." The doctor says as gently as possible.

"Sweetie you stay with him OK." You dad says, looking at you mom who nods. "Heather..."

"I'm not leaving his side..." She says, clutching his hand to her chest in a tone you're all to familiar with. A tone that states with out the need for words: Don't even argue with me cause I've made up my mind, deal with it.

"OK baby, you watch over your brother and your mom... Come on Jake. Jessie, let's go, we'll be back first thing in the morning." He says softly.

Go home with your dad and Jake.

Beg your dad to stay with Timmy.

Change perspective:




Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Jessica (Jessie) Heather 10
Timmy 10
Jake 8
You played a pretty steamy game of spin the bottle with Heather, Timmy and a few of your friends at your 9th birthday sleepover.
You and Heather have fooled around a few times after everyone is asleep
Heather took Timmy's virginity.
You gave Timmy your virginity.
You, Jake, and Heather shared a rough threesome.
You have fucked Jake with Heather so he'll keep his mouth shut.
Timmy ran away and was kidnapped.
He was recently recovered, injured and in a coma.
Age 9
Gender Female
Experience Novice
Tits A cup
Pubic hair None
Fertile Yes
Horniness 4 Scared