Field Trip/Christi and Angela

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I will choose Christi and Angela. You guys walk into a portal that Minn has created for you. You guys end up in the Kingdom of the gods and goddesses. You have an idea for what you would do. Ok guys I have an idea, why don’t we have sex infront of them. Angela, laughs at the fact she hears this from a six year old. Trust me guys I think it will work. They both agree and you guys get started. Sitting in the ancient auditorium the gods and goddesses of Egypt themselves. The stage has a bed starting with Angela laying on it. Christi walks up and starts licking her pussy while You watch from a distance. You are completely naked with a really hard boner. You are hoping that this works. Christi fingers Angela’s pussy while you walk on to stage. You get on the bed and Angela starts sucking your cock harder than ever. Christi reaches your face pulling you in for a kiss. After that you kiss Angela and then they both start sucking your cock at the same time. You moan in pleasure. You look over at the gods and goddesses, they all look impressed. You buck your hips and then you slip your cock into Angela while Christi suck Angela’s breast. You then get up and jerk yourself off Shooting more cum than you ever have in your life. It gets all over the both of them. Angela grabs ahold of you laying you down on her kissing you while Christi puts her face into your ass. The gods and goddesses applauded heavily. You smiled as they enjoyed the most sexiest show you put on. Minn than snaps his fingers sending you three back home. You get home and your mom asks about it. All you say is that your favorite thing was the new Egyptian exhibit. It was the best Field Trip you ever went to and probably the best you ever will have.

The end