Format Rules/Polls

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The simplest way to make a poll is to use <poll></poll>. For example:

Have you been to this page?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't . . . I also lie.

Creates this poll:

Have you been to this page?
You are not entitled to vote.
You are not entitled to view the results of this poll.
There were 28 votes since the poll was created on 17:35, 5 October 2015.
poll-id 3FD9C551A33BDA12FEA5C4CAB16BFA9A

You can also let the reader see the results before their vote. Here is another poll to demonstrate:

<poll show-results-before-voting>
Did you vote in the previous poll?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.
I don't vote in polls . . . I also lie.

Which creates the following poll:

Did you vote in the previous poll?
You are not entitled to vote.
You are not entitled to view the results of this poll.
There were 22 votes since the poll was created on 17:46, 5 October 2015.
poll-id 115838FDB824ECC1FF6EE2FE00D0F51C

That's it. Unfortunately we cannot support polls that allow multiple votes at this time.