Fun with Naomi/Part 31

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Chapter 31

“Hey, sweetie,” I heard my mom’s voice whisper. “It’s time to wake up and get a bath before dinner.”

I opened my eyes slowly and saw her standing over me. Hannah’s mom was right behind her. We had both been asleep on the sofa and Hannah was nearly on top of me. My mom picked her up and I felt some of Hannah’s hair stuck on my cheek when she pulled away. It came off easily, but I knew it must have been stuck because of all the cum the men had shot in her hair.

I noticed a lot more dried goo on her, too. And when I looked down, I saw that I still had a ton all over my body.

“You girls did such a great job today, so you both get to decide what we have for dinner,” Hannah’s mom told us. By then, all the men were gone and I didn’t even see my dad or brothers around…

“The boys went out golfing. They’ll be picking up dinner on the way back,” my mom explained. “So any idea what you girls want?”

Hannah, muttered something, but I couldn't understand her. Then she rubbed her eyes.

“Chinese food!” I suggested just as Hannah’s mom picked me up off the sofa. I didn’t resist, putting my arm around her neck.

“Yeah,” Hannah approved of my food suggestion.

“Sounds perfect, I can text Blake.” Our mom’s both carried us up to the master bathroom and my mom started the water while Hannah’s went to find her phone so we could get dinner.

Hannah and I were really messy. It felt gross to have so much dry man-goo all over us. I wished I hadn’t been too tired to clean up earlier. But the bath was going to feel really good.

Hannah and I didn’t say much as we waited for my mom to warm up the water. But I guess we were both pretty tired still. I was a little sore from having so much sex and she’s even smaller than me.

“Alright, they’ll be back with food in a little while,” Mrs. Cole came back into the room. “They’re barely on the back nine yet, so they’ll be a while.”

“What’s a back nine?” Hannah asked.

“It’s when you let nine guys fuck you in the ass,” she answered.

“Oh…” Hannah sounded uninterested.

“I’m kidding, the back nine is the last nine holes in golf,” Mrs. Cole laughed, but her joke wasn’t very funny.

When the bath was ready, I was surprised when I noticed Mrs. Cole taking her clothes off. But I looked over at my mom and saw that she was, too.

Hannah and I both got in the water and then our mom’s joined us. Hannah’s mom pulled me toward her and ran u bunch of water over my chest and in my hair. Then she got shampoo and massaged my hair until all the cum had washed out. My mom was taking care of Hannah abd making sure she got clean, too.

Our bath was really relaxing. It was perfect after the busy day we’d had. I just snuggled up to Mrs. Cole while she washed me. The warm water felt good on my tired body.

Mrs. Cole had just finished washing my hair when I looked over at Hannah and saw her with her eyes closed. It looked like she was asleep. But I realized that my mom’s hand was moving in between her legs. Then I felt Mrs. Cole touching the inside of my thigh.

“Here, just relax sweetie,” she pulled me into her left breast and I rested my head on it. She pushed my legs open and then I felt her touching my kitty and her finger slipped inside. I started to feel kind of tingly down there as I rested against Mrs. Cole’s chest.

“Do you think Hannah will have big boobs like yours when she’s older?” I asked, reaching up to play with her other breast. My mom’s were a lot smaller.

“Maybe, but who’s to say?” Mrs. Cole hugged me closer. I heard a sound and looked over and saw Hannah open her mouth a little. Her eyes were still closed, but she obviously wasn’t asleep. My mom still had her hand in between her legs and I saw Hannah twitch.

After a few minutes, My kitty started to feel good, too. I kept resting against Mrs. Cole’s chest and accidentally kicked my mom’s leg in the water. But she didn’t seem to mind. A few moments later, I closed my eyes when Mrs. Cole’s finger started moving faster.

“Mmmm,” I was still resting my head on her breast and I felt her touching my face. She was rubbing my chest and I started breathing faster. I moaned some more and grabbed Hannah’s mom when I felt myself orgasm. It felt good to relax after such a busy day…

“So, I never told you how I met Blake, did I?” Hannah’s mom said after we’d been sitting there a little longer. But she wasn’t talking to me.

“No, I don’t think you did,” my mom answered at the other end of the bath.

“Well, I was a little older than Naomi here,” she went on. “Jim was still getting his business going and Blake had just become his partner. I’m not sure when they found out about each others preference—for young girls, I mean. Though Jim seems to have a knack for it finding these things out. Blake told me they got drunk one night and it came out. But anyway, my father worked for them….” I felt Mrs. Cole playing with my hair while she spoke.

“He was an accountant worked closely with Blake,” She paused to take a deep breath. “But they found out after one of their first big deals that he was embezzling money from them.”

“Oh my goodness,” my mother piped up. “Did they go after him.”

“Well—they were going to,” Mrs. Cole went on. “Blake told me they were playing it straight back then. They had given the evidence to Jim’s lawyer and were about to press charges. But then Jim found out about me… You see, my mother was out of the picture so it was just my dad and me. The evidence Jim had would have put my father away for a long time. But he offered to drop the charges if Jim and Blake could have sex with me. So that’s what happened.”

“Oh, wow,” My mom was still hugging Hannah.

“Blake told me it was the first time either of them had considered doing anything like that for real. I remember my dad taking me to Jim’s place. I was only nine and didn’t know what was going on. But I walked in and saw Jim and Blake sitting on the sofa. I was horrified when Jim told me to take my clothes off. My dad just nodded at me and told me to do whatever they said.“ Her story reminded me of when I’d first met Jim when all those guys came to our house…

“I hardly even knew what sex was before that day. But Jim and Blake both fucked me one after the other. I was scared and hated it, but I did it. I didn’t even find out why I had to do this stuff until my dad told me later. After the guys l had their fun with me, my dad was about to take me home. But Jim stopped me and told me to kneel down in front of my dad and pull down his pants. My dad begged him not to, but Blake was a lot bigger and held my dad’s arms. They refused to let us leave until he got a video of me sucking off my dad’s cock.”

“Oh my goodness!” I couldn’t tell if my mother was disgusted or just surprised. And I guess I didn’t know how I felt either. I did kind if feel bad for Mrs. Cole, though.

“But My dad was the first person Jim ever blackmailed. He got him good, too. After that Jim would take me places, slowly started blackmailing more people and would use me to make his weird twisted business deals.” Her story sounded really familiar and I understood Jim was doing all the same stuff with me…

“Jim takes me to do stuff like that, too,” I looked up at Mrs. Cole.

“Yes, dear, he does… Anyway, Jim seemed to enjoy coming up with new crazy ways to use my body for his own advantage. But Blake always liked me better, so I got to move in with him after a few years and eventually turned me into his wife—waited until it was legal to make it official, of course.”

“That sounds awful,” my mom admitted.

“Well, it was rough for a while, but I’ve got a pretty nice life,” Mrs. Cole answered. “I really do love Blake now.” My mom gave me a weird look—like she suddenly felt bad for me or something. But it made me feel uncomfortable so I looked away.

“We spent the summer at a chateau in the south of France on a family vacation and I took Hannah shopping at all the fanciest stores in Milan,” Mrs. Cole added.

It did sound nice, but thinking about Jim taking her around to have sex with random guys just like me made me feel uncomfortable. I always felt special when Jim took me places, but he started doing the same stuff with Hannah and her mom had done it with him before either of us…

“I had Hannah here when I was sixteen. I already knew what it meant when we found out I was having a girl—but I doubt the gender would have made that much of a difference…” She sighed. “It really turns me on at the end of the day, so I don’t mind.” I felt her rub my shoulder while my head was still resting on her tit.

“Don’t worry girls,” Mrs. Cole looked at both of us. “It may be tough now, but it will all be worth it in the end.” Hearing that made me feel a little better, I guess.

The bath was starting to get cold, so we all got out and dried off. Hannah and I got to put on robes and even had some time to ourselves for a little while. So we played in my room and didn’t talk about anything that had happened that day. It felt better to be like normal kids for a while. But our dads came home too soon with the Chinese food I had asked for.

We were allowed to keep our robes on for dinner, even though we were both dry by then. Hannah’s hair was still a little wet, though. We ate in the dining room since there were enough chairs for both our parents and my brothers. The Chinese food was really good, but our dads kept talking about how hot it was to watch us with all those guys. They made comments about what positions we’d been fucked in or made sure to point out that the shape of our egg rolls were just like the cocks we’d sucked that afternoon.

“Hey, Naomi,” Hannah’s dad looked at me. “Do you think you’ve had more man cream today or soy sauce?”

“Uh, I dunno…” I was just putting soy sauce on my rice, but accidentally made it a little too salty. I do that a lot because I LOVE soy sauce.

“She’s had way more cum, no question,” My dad added. I think he was probably right.

“I bet you’ve both had enough to fill this bowl of wanton soup!” Hannah’s dad held up his soup bowl. I shuddered thinking about it.

“So what’s that count up to now, 20?” My dad asked. I shrugged, but he went on telling everyone what a great slut I am for fucking so many men. I realized my robe was opening when I reached to get more rice and quickly closed it—even though everyone in the room had seen me a lot of times before.

“Only a few more before it’s enough to fill a baseball team!” My dad added before dishing up some orange chicken. Hannah’s dad followed up by talking about how she’d gone with Jim and had been with 11 guys.

“I’ve been with three girls now!” Andy piped up.

“Three? Who’s the third supposed to be?” Sean teased.

“Michelle, from my class,” Andy answered.

“You did not have sex with Michelle,” Sean laughed.

“Did, too!” Andy insisted. I knew Sean was probably right. Andy always exaggerated everything. But I decided not to argue.

“Oh, did you hear about Dillon?” Hannah’s dad asked, ignoring my brothers who kept arguing.

“No, what about him?” My dad answered. I didn’t know who they were talking about.

“Idiot got arrested soliciting an underage prostitute.”

“Wait, someone Jim set him up with?” My dad looked concerned.

“Nah, the idiot found some guy online,” he answered.

“I always knew he was an idiot, but damn,” My dad took a bite of his food.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Blake added. The adults chatted some more and I stopped listening and just enjoyed my food for a while. But then I heard Blake say something that caught my attention again.

“Are you staring at my wife’s rack?” Blake was looking right at Andy.

“Uh—um, no,” Andy pretended to be interested in his food instead. But I knew he was probably looking at her breasts. They were always nearly popping out of her shirt all the time and I’d noticed both my brothers looking just a few minutes earlier.

“Ha, don’t deny it you little shit, I was 13 once,” Blake laughed and looked at his wife. “You know what, Tessa—we’re spending the night anyways, why don’t you give these horny teenagers the time of their lives?” Both Sean and Andy seemed to perk up.

“Oh no, I couldn’t,” Mrs. Cole looked at her husband. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Oh come on, you could do it,” Blake leaned over and put a finger on her cheek. “You’ll do it for me, won’t you? It makes me hard thinking about you being a good little slut again and opening your legs for some horny teens.”

“Oh—alright,” Mrs. Cole looked back and forth between my brothers and suddenly put down her chopsticks. “I’m already finished eating, you boys ready?” It seemed like Andy had barely eaten anything, but they both said they were full. So Mrs. Cole stood up and held out her hands to lead my brothers upstairs. So I guessed they were going to fuck her. What else would they be doing?

After we all finished eating, My parents took Hannah to their bedroom and that left me alone with Blake in the dining room. He had moved to the chair next to me while I was finishing my last few bites or teriyaki chicken, but was taking my time.

“So how many girls are there?” I asked Black, pretending to struggle picking up a piece of chicken with my chopsticks.

“What so you mean?”

“With Jim, how many girls like me and Hannah?”

“Oh, I guess my wife told you our little story?” Blake rubbed his chin. “I’m not even sure, at least a dozen.”

“Oh,” I replied.

“That’s right,” he played with my hair. “You’re just one of his little cunts.” I didn’t think that was true—Jim always made me feel special…

“I think you’ve had enough to eat,” Blake picked me up and pulled me to his lap. My robe fell open as he turned me to face him. Both my legs were on either side of him and he slid the robe off my shoulders. I heard it fall to the floor and then he pushed me back onto the table.

“You’re just another pre-teen piece of ass to Jim and me,” he said as he undid his pants. I was laying back on the dining room table in the middle of all the leftovers. It was just like the night I’d lost my virginity, except Blake was the only one there.

I gasped when he pushed his cock into me. I was already tired from being fucked so much that day. I could smell the leftover food around me and felt the man’s hands holding my waist. It was uncomfortable on the hard table, but it wasn’t as though I hadn’t been through it before. It was much easier than it had been my first time.

Blake paused for a moment to take his shirt off and then kept going. I just laid there and and felt the table shaking under me as he slid in and out of me. I listened to him moan and call me names as he kept thrusting into my kitty. After a while he pulled his cock out and looked down.

“I’m almost done, grab it and finish me off!” He panted. So I took his cock with both my hands and moved them up and down his shaft. I looked down to see what I was doing and then saw it squirting at me. Before I could react, his goo shot over my stomach and all the way up to my face. It hit me in the nose, so I turned my head away. Meanwhile, more shot out and landed on my chest.

“Fuck yes, Naomi!” I just held his cock while it finished spraying. It got all over my hands and my stomach before it was done.

“Ah, good stuff,” Blake said before wiping his cock off on my kitty. “When I’m hard again in a bit, I’ll show you how to sixty nine.” Blake picked a napkin off the table and started to clean me up.

I didn’t really want to learn what a sixty nine was, though. I was still more worried about Jim and all the other little girls he’d taken with him on fancy trips. Was I really just another kid he pretended to care about? I wanted to know. But I knew Blake couldn’t give me the answer I wanted.

Continue to Chapter 32