Fun with Naomi/Part 32

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Chapter 32

After the party that weekend, things pretty much turned to normal for me. But for Hannah, sucking so much cock made another one of her front teeth come loose and it came out a few days later.

I Facetimed with her and she told me that her daddy kept wanting her to suck his cock because she doesn’t have any front teeth. One day, he even picked her up early from kindergarden and dropped her off at Larry’s house again. But this time she was all alone and there were five other guys there, too.

She had to spend the night but told me that she barely slept because the guys kept passing her around Larry’s living room. Larry made her make videos, too. And he took lots of pictures again. But even worse, she told me that Larry sent our pictures to a lot of guys who all wanted to pay for more videos and pictures of both of us. Some of them even offered to pay to have sex with us.

I wasn’t looking forward to that—and I hoped it wouldn’t actually happen. But I was looking forward to Jim picking me up again. Daddy said I was supposed to pack for a few weeks, so I knew we were going to go somewhere fun.

That Friday after school, my mommy helped me pick out the clothes to bring and helped me make sure I had everything I needed. We mostly packed a bunch of clothes that Jim bought me before, but I chose a few other things, too.

“Alright, now I think it’s time you got dressed,” my mom said as she zipped up my suitcase “I’ll take your suitcase downstairs for you.”

“Okay,” I answered. Of course I was still naked. I grabbed a pair of panties from my dresser and put them on just as my mom left. Then I looked in my closet to decide what I should wear on the plane. Before I could decide, though, my oldest brother walked into my room.

“Hey, Dad said you’re going to be gone for a while…”

“Uh, yeah,” I answered. Then I saw my younger brother walk in behind him.

“I want a blow job before you go!” Sean started to undo his pants.

“Yeah, me too!” Andy started to undo his pants, too. I sighed, annoyed they were bothering me. I hoped I wouldn’t have to do anything like that before I left. Besides, they had already passed me around last night when we were all watching a movie together.

Andy had already dropped his pants when Sean leaned over and whispered something in Andy’s ear. I couldn’t hear what he was saying…

“Ew no!” Andy protested. “They’ll touch each other!!!”

“Yeah but it will be hot,” Sean looked at me and I felt nervous as he pushed his pants down.

“Nah, I don’t feel like it,” Andy said.

“Just take your fucking pants off!” Sean insisted and seemed to get a little angry. Neither Andy or I ever messed with Sean when he was like that. So Andy pouted, but kept undoing his pants.

I got on my knees and started with Sean. I put his cock in my mouth and moved my head like usual. Then I felt Andy’s poke my cheek, so I pulled away and started to suck his, too.

“Now put them both in your mouth!” Sean poked my other cheek this time with his cock. I frowned. Now I understood why Andy didn’t want to do it.

He whined when I opened my mouth wider and Sean moved in. I saw Sean holding Andy’s shoulder so he couldn’t pull away. With Andy still in my mouth, I felt the tip of Sean’s cock touch my lips and then he pushed it into my mouth.

Andy made a noise when their cocks touched. I don’t know what he was complaining about, though. It’s not like he was the one that had to suck two cocks at the same time. Either way, I just started moving my tongue around both of them. Sean laughed and I did a little, too. I think Andy started to relax, so maybe I was doing a good job? All I know is it was weird to have them both in my mouth.

“Awe, fuck yeah,” Sean moaned. I held one boy in each hand and flicked my tongue over both of their cocks. I tried to move back and forth, but it didn’t work as well with two cocks. It was weird to feel them both in between my lips.

Eventually, Sean pushed his cock forward which made me cough. I kept sucking both of them, though. Andy’s eventually fell out of my mouth, though and I just saw him jerking off instead. Sean just kept wanting me to suck him, so I did.

After a minute or so more, I felt something on my chest and realized it must be Andy’s goo. He was squirting it all over my nipples and I think I felt some land on my cheek, too. I was glad I didn’t have to taste it, but I wasn’t so lucky with Sean’s.

My oldest brother started squirting right into my mouth and even pushed his thing further inside. I tried to pull back and least a little, but he grabbed my head so I couldn’t go anywhere. I think I coughed, a little, but mostly just because his goo tasted gross. He thought it was funny, though and told me I had to swallow it. I did like usual and he slapped my face with his cock as it was getting softer.

Then both of my brothers pulled their pants back on and I was left cleaning myself up now that they were finished.

“Why aren’t you ready to go?” My mother came to my room.

I was still on the floor, wiping my chest “I’m sorry, Sean an…”

“Jim will be here any minute, I can’t believe you’re not even dressed!” My mom didn’t even let me finish explaining. “Come here right this instant!” She grabbed my arm yanked me up. Then she took me into my parent’s bedroom. I hadn’t even finished wiping Andy’s goo off my chest when she came to mt room, so I thought it was pretty obvious what had happened. But when I tried to explain again, she wouldn’t listen. Hadn’t she seen my brothers leave my room!?

Instead, she sat down on the bed, bent me over her lap and spanked me. I was so mad, but I just cried. After a few spankings, I saw my dad walk into the room…

“Honey, your daughter has been playing in her room instead of getting ready to go,” my mom said.

“No, I had to suuuah…” she smacked me again when I tried to explain.

“Enough of your excuses. I think she deserved a nice dry cock up her ass!” She told my dad.

“No, please I’m sorry,” I cried, but my mom just spanked me again.

“You lazy bitch!” My dad started undoing his belt. He walked behind me and the I heard him pull his pants down.

I felt my mom pull my panties down and they fell down my legs. I kept crying when my dad’s cock touched my ass. I could deel my mom help him get his cock in place, then she held me down in her lap while he pushed inside me. I gasped when I felt it.

“I hope next time you’ll learn to quit fooling around and actually do what you’re told!” My dad moaned behind me. I kept crying as he move in and out, but mostly just because I was mad that nobody was listening to me. It wasn’t even my fault!

But I just had to lay there on my mom’s lap and let Daddy put his thingy up my bottom. My mommy even spanked me a few more times while Daddy was still fucking my ass. That made me cry more. After she did that a few times, the doorbell rang.

“Oh, sounds like Jim’s here,” my dad teased. “It’s too bad you’re not ready, I know Jim doesn’t like to be kept waiting, especially on little whores like you.”

“Hey Sean!” Daddy called out while he kept going. “Can you get the door?”

“Yeah sure,” I saw Sean run by our parent’s bedroom.

“Just let him in the living room and tell him we’ll be down in a minute,” our dad called after him, then he started going really fast.

“Fuck. Yes. You’re my little whore.” Daddy thrusted harder. His cock was moving in and out of me faster. Then finally, he started squirting inside me. He moaned some more and then I relaxed when he pulled his cock out of me. But I felt him shoot goo on my back. I was glad my hair was out of the way at least. More of his stuff shot up on my back and on my bottom. I felt it drip down my leg, too.

Finally, my mom pushed me off her lap and I ran out of the room, still crying. I didn’t even bother to get my panties. I ran to the bathroom to wash up and made sure to use Sean’s towel to wipe all the cum off. Then I was able to clean myself off a little more with the sink. I wasn’t crying anymore when I left the bathroom, but I was still mad.

“I hate all of you!” I yelled, walking toward my room.

“Honey, that’s not a nice thing to say to your family!” I turned around and saw my mom had walked out of her bedroom.

“Fuck you, you’re a bitch!” I yelled back. I had never spoken like that before, but she deserved it.

“My brothers made me suck their cocks and you get me in trouble for being late!” I couldn’t stand it anymore. “I hate all of you and I never want to see any of you again!” I ran into my room. I wished I had a door to slam behind me—but they had taken that away a long time ago.

I ripped open my drawer and put on a clean pair of panties. Then I grabbed a t-shirt and black leggings to wear. Then I put on my tennis shoes. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my backpack. I ran down the stairs dragging it behind me so it made noise on every stair. My parents looked mad, but I didn’t care.

“Let’s go,” I said to Jim who was sitting on the living room sofa.

“Hey, little lady!” He looked happy to see me. I was glad to see him, too. But I was just mad in general, so I probably didn’t look very happy. Still, I couldn’t stop myself from dropping my bag and running to hug him.

“Hey, you missed me, did you?” He hugged me back.

“Yeah,” I buried my head in his shoulder and almost started crying. He smelled so good like always. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed him. It felt good to have his arms around me.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun this trip!” He promised. He looked down at me and brushed hair out of my face.

“You’re such a cutie,” he said.

“Can we go now?” I asked.

“Of course,” he laughed. I looked back and saw my parents had come down the stairs. I just looked at them and waved before picking my backpack up again. Jim grabbed my suitcase for me and held my hand as we walked out my front door.

Continue to Chapter 33