Futa Skyrim/Part 1.4

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The Keep

A short hallway through the considerably thick walls of the keep lead to a large, round room. Rolof ran in and looked around, then checked the body of a fallen Stormcloak.

"Come here." Her voice was thick. "I'll get those bindings off of you and then you can take what you need from Gunjar. She doesn't need it any longer." I eyed the large Nord on the ground. Glanced down at myself—and idly noted I could see my perky nipples down the now-loose tunic—before glancing at Rolof again. The difference in size between the fallen rebel and myself suddenly obvious.

"Take something at least," she said. "Gunjar's spirit would be pleased if some use were found from her belongings. Especially if you manage to use them against an Imperial." Her chuckle when she finished was dark and menacing, but not meant for me.

She turned away and started examining the doors leading out as I crouched down and checked Gunjar's body. An axe that I could barely lift, let alone use, boots and armor that wouldn't possibly fit, and in a satchel a—what the heck? It was a child-sized Stormcloak shirt. It would be tight, but should fit me. Mostly. At least it didn't have Gunjar's blood on it.

I grunted an acknowledgment of Rolof's discovery that the gate was locked. I shucked off my old tunic and used a section of Gunjar's cloak to wipe off the smears of cum coating my limbs. I stopped, peering closely. Some of the smears weren't moving. Rub rub. They glistened on my skin like fresh jizz, but there was no texture to them or sign of the markings being on my skin. They were underneath, like some kind of tattoo. I would have to look closer later.

I squirmed into the uniform, discovering it sheathed me like a glove. I wondered about the age of the girl it had been meant for. It left most of my ass uncovered and the blue tassel in front accented rather than covered my attributes.

"This can only be opened from the other side." Rolof announced at the other exit. She leaned against the thick bars, peering. "Some kind of lever over there. Imperials!" she hissed. "Take cover!"

I would like to say that I was of help to Rolof during the following fight. That I struck at an opportune time, disabled the enemy, and won our way to victory. None of that. The Captain and a soldier burst into the room as soon as the portcullis bars rose. The guard attacked Rolof while the Captain rushed me. She was ignoring Rolof to attack me? What was wrong with—oh, yeah.

"You little bitch!" Her voice echoed in the stone room. "I don't know what the fuck went up my ass, but you're going to die for it!"

I ran. There wasn't far to go, but I was fast and since the room was circular she couldn't trap me in a corner.

"I'm going to rip out your spine and use it to fish this thing out!" We ran in circles, passing Rolof and the other Legionnaire twice.

"I don't think that's practical!" My response was met by a snarl. Shit, she was mad.

"It lives on semen." I jumped over the little table. My new found ability was keeping me well out of her reach. "Lots of anal sex and it'll be happy!"

"Fuck you! I'm going to an—" she passed too close to Rolof who took the opportunity to slash her with a sword. The wound broke through her anger and the Captain turned to attack Rolof while I leaned against the wall and caught my breath.

The fight was surprisingly short. The enraged Captain was in a bad position and Rolof's two swords swirled about, deflecting her opponents' swings toward each other. The guard lurched back, narrowly avoiding being skewered by the Captain who was continuing forward. A side step and a sudden lunge and both were skewered while still off balance.

Holy crap.

"Check the bodies," Rolof told me, "I'm going to look for more Imperials."

I didn't take long to search them, they didn't have much. The Captain, not surprisingly, had some horse tack. The guard a few gold. And of course, both had plenty of weapons I had no ability to use. I was tempted to strip the guard of her uniform, that deep plunging neckline was really sexy. I didn't think Rolof would appreciate me dressed as a Legionnaire though. She was back just as I finished. "No more Imperials," she noted. "Did you find anything that would open that gate?"

I tossed her the key I found on the Captain. "Go on," I told her. "There's something I need to do."

She gave me a puzzled look, but started toward the gate. "Don't take too long, we won't wait up for you."

"I'll be quick," I replied as she opened the door. "Just need to ask the Captain here a couple things before she goes to the next world."

Rolof stopped a moment, momentarily wreathed in shadows. I couldn't see her expression. She shrugged and went on.

I smiled down at the Captain. She was panting, but there was a gray tinge to her skin and her eyes were half glassy. She wasn't going to last long. "If you had asked nice," I told her, "I would have taken it out… but since I'm so nice I'm going to help anyway." I stripped off the shirt and tossed it to one side, completely naked.

I showed her my horse phallus. While not as large as a horse's, it was still huge compared to my petite body. Even through her pain her eyes widened. "A present from those bandits," I said. "The same ones you ignored while chasing Stormcloaks. But don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you with it."

She looked confused as I moved over her. I kept my thighs spread so she could easily see the tentacles slithering out of my ass. Some circled her flaccid cock and balls, others dived for her pussy and feminine urethra. The rest searched for her asshole. She grunted as her holes were invaded. I shivered and moaned… I could feel everything the tentacles could. It was like I was penetrating her a dozen times. My cock jerked and spasmed as my nipples swelled erect from the pleasure.

"Oh," I gasped. "I think I will fuck you with it…" I forced away the arm that was holding her side shut then shoved my cock into her wound. The Captain lost her composure, her shrill scream echoing in the room. I hoped Gunjar's ghost would be pleased. The tentacles playing with her penis did their magic, forcing the thing erect. With a shuddering moan I lowered myself on it, its pressure adding to the tentacles in my suckling anus.

I fucked her with the same mercy she had shown me. Perhaps it was spiteful. But something inside me seemed to relax as I plowed into her. I had come close to raping a couple times in my life while mad with the lust of the swelling, but this was the first time it was a conscious decision. I discovered that while I enjoyed the sensations I didn't enjoy the act. Which caused something else to relax. It was a relief to know I preferred willing partners.

No. That wasn't quite it. I preferred partners I liked. What would that mean if someone I liked didn't like me? I would have to deal with that when the time came.

Her screams tapered off but her hips were jerking weakly. I was tearing her side apart with my dick and her blood was flowing out of her, but her cock stayed hard inside me. Finally she came, jets of her semen swallowed up by my ass as the tentacles crushed her balls, squeezing out every drop.

The tentacle which invaded her earlier returned to me. My eyes widened as I felt an ethereal substance flowing into my body along with its sinuous movements. It brought some part of her with it.

That was new.

I also noticed that the room was brighter. I stood up, looking at my arms, my breasts, and down my legs. The markings were glowing, casting a soft radiance in the room. This day was turning full of surprises.

Speaking of which, the Captain was still alive. Huh.

"You're one tough bitch." My compliment was genuine. I honestly thought about leaving and letting fate have her, but that part of her inside me told me if she survived she would stop at nothing to hunt me down.

Well, damn.

What to do? What to do—I didn't feel like fucking her ass or pussy. I just didn't like her that much. Then I remembered one of her belongings, a silver bit piece.

I took it and wedged it into the side of her mouth. She tried to resist but I used my weight to force her jaw, almost breaking it, before pushing the metal home. Then it was a matter of tilting her head back to aim my dick at her gaping mouth.

My horse cock slid in with less resistance than I thought—perhaps it was because she was so close to death. I watched her neck bulge with its thickness as I plowed into her. I slammed into her body, over and over again, drilling my way down her throat. I unclipped her shoulder guards, letting them fall to the floor, and released her tits from the metal bra cups of her 'armor'.

I always enjoyed watching boobs wobble and bounce and hers were exceptionally nice ones. I could feel her sucking hard at my horse phallus as she tried to draw in air, each time growing weaker as I continued filling her throat.

I felt tentacles sliding out my ass, then the additional penetrations as they invaded her ears and nose. A pair even slipped inside her eyes. My own eyes widened. I was fucking her brain while I fucked her throat. That hunger which burned deep within me dimmed as I pounded into her with an animal-like intensity. The tentacles were doing something more than their usual added sensation. They brought something from her to me which dramatically intensified the act. The sexual equivalent of walking from a dark cellar to bright sunlight.

Her arms and legs twitched but she was just too weak to resist as I burrowed deeply within her. Then she became an empty shell. It left me a little sad. There was a profound loss there. It briefly eclipsed the depraved pleasure long enough I consciously focused to continue. Perversely, it just didn't seem fair to stop. A waste.

I came in her throat, my body shuddering and jerking atop her with a new found degree of intensity. I eventually leaned back, shoulders scraping against the wall, slowly withdrawing as my dick jerked in her body. Despite my balls being normal sized again, I came like a horse and filled her throat. I finished just past her mouth. I didn't want to spray her face, it seemed disrespectful. Not that it mattered too much I realized when I stood. The entire top of her head was soaked with the juice my pussy squirted out when I climaxed. Mixed with the spermy juices from my ass.

As usual, the aftermath of ejaculation left me tingling with energy. This time I was beyond that. Euphoric. Almost like I was dreaming, but with less randomness. As I slipped back into the Stormcloak shirt—it was hard to call something that stopped at the top of my thighs a dress or even a tunic—I noticed the soft glow was rapidly fading. Huh. I glowed during sex.

I skipped through the archway and down the hall. My dick flopped merrily until it returned to its usual semi-hard state.

It seemed Skyrim was turning me into a very strange girl.

So much for less randomness. I took the wrong hallway and ended up in a barracks. The only way further was solidly locked. Hadvar's voice came to me through the door, giving orders to at least a dozen people. With the lack of swordplay or screams, I was pretty sure Rolof wasn't in there.

I was about to leave when there was a pounding at the door. "Captain! You have to unlock the door! We're stuck out here!"

Aww. Crap. "Hadvar!" I hissed through the door.

"Lass?" Her voice registered incredulity.

"Yeah, it's me. You better find another plan. The Captain is dead and there's no key on her body. I checked."

A couple half truths make a whole truth, right?

"Damn! Do you see one in there?"

I glanced around again, though I knew there were no keys already. I did spot a couple books. A few bottles of wine. Oh! Potions! I snagged them up quickly and shoved them all into my twist.

It was something the tentacles did. I could give them things and they'd put them somewhere. The items didn't go inside my body with the tentacles but their weight did. If I tried to put too much in my twist, it felt like my guts were dragging my body down. It made for an easy way to carry a lot of things around without anyone noticing, but I had to put my hands behind me to use it. Yes, I could literally pull things out of my ass.

If the guards had tied my hands behind me like the other prisoners, I could have twisted out a knife, cut my bonds free, and slunk off at the first opportunity. Then again, Hadvar had been pretty alert. Might not have been any good chances.

"No keys in here," I told the door. "There's a couple chests I've not looked in though."

"That's it! Old girl Herkle's chest. It'll be the one closest to the wall. See if there's a satchel with some lock picks."

"Be right back." It took longer than I liked but I found a leather folder with a bunch of weird metal bits. And a few other goodies.

"Old girl had some racy underwear," I noted.

"We just call her that because she had a crabby voice," Hadvar chuckled. "She wasn't much older than you."

Oh, the guard who came in with the Captain had looked young.

"Why don't you just go around to the main doors?" I asked as I started feeding the metal sticks under the edge of the door.

"The dragon is tearing the crap out of the front of the building," she explained. "It almost cut the General in half when it threw one of the doors across the courtyard."

That explained the tremors in the floor, I mused. "Wait! The dragon is coming in the main doors?"


"You mean it's behind me?" My voice got a little shrill. I'm young. I'm allowed to do that.

"Err. Not yet. It's why we have to get through here so we can—Lass? Hey? You there?"

At least, that's what I like to think she said at the end. I was already running.

Funny thing: I was in better shape now than before the dragon arrived. Sure, I was dinged around the edges and had some really freaking weird things happen. But I was no longer bloated with horse jizz or swollen up like a collection of wine bladders. Which meant I could do something I'd not been free to do in, well, over a week actually.

I could run. And when I wanted to, I could run really freaking fast.

The tentacles even helped, slipping and sliding in my guts, somehow improving my balance.

It only took me a few seconds to dash out of the room, down the hall, and literally run a few paces along a wall as I flashed through a corner. I barely had time to register the carpet in that main circular room was on fire when I launched myself through the smoky shadows to the other side, arrowing to the gate and other hallway beyond.

Only to discover the shadow was hard. Hot. And covered in scales.

What was with this fucking dragon?!

I slammed into the dragon, right behind its head. My desperate hands found purchase among the spines on the top of its neck while my legs swung violently below. It opened its eye, the pupil rolling back to find me. I glared at it as a spasm rippled through my body. Oh, now I could feel it again! The bastard had been hiding its presence from me.

"You're a dick[Tribute to wil wheton]!" I yelled at it.

It's lips parted, showing fangs as long as my leg. It drew in its breath. I realized that if it shouted out those fire words in here the room would be like the inside of a forge. There was no layer of fresh, magic cum—magicum?—to save me this time.

I did the only thing I could. As my legs swung back, I curled my body with all my strength and slammed both my knees into the underside of its neck. It made a dragonish gagging noise before twisting violently. I swung around again, one hand bleeding as it slipped off the spine. Good fortune on my part, as that in turn spun me around to face the direction of its spin. Upside down, my feet hit the ceiling and I ran, held up by the scaly bastard's neck, right through that gate and into the hallway.

I let out a burst of manic laughter as I dashed away from it. Then gravity remembered its job and yanked me to the floor. My new found air-born lightness wasn't quite enough to save me, but I managed not to smash my head into anything and even got a leg under me with some semblance of, well, I'm not sure what. Posture? Agility? Composure?

Really, though, I should have known better. That scaly bastard was fast. It whipped its head around and lunged towards me. Perhaps in its day, girls ran across ceilings all the time. The strength of the gate and the the spines along either side of the dragon's head saved me for the moment. With a crash that sent dust flying, it smashed into the metal, its mouth snapping shut just a few inches from my butt.

I hurriedly jerked my leg up, twisting a bit to start running again when it lolled its tongue out, snaking it between my legs to grab me. It burned with the intensity of hot metal, though at least without the actual blistering pain, as it slithered against my thigh. And that's when my tentacles moved. Pushing open my ass from the inside, they flowed out to grab that giant tongue, wrapping and binding it as they yanked it inside.

"Fuuuuufffhhh!" I yelped as my bottom was forced open by a girth bigger than those horses last week. It couldn't have gone in far when the tentacles realized that this was no ordinary tongue to play with. They weren't bright at the best of times, but even they knew something was off.

The dragon made probably the strangest noise I'd ever heard from a living thing. It sounded like the noise my mind supplied when when I saw a fish open its mouth. Kind of a surprised, bubbly, squeaky-gasp.

It yanked its tongue back. I lurched my butt in the opposite direction and took a couple stumbling steps. Hell, I threw my waist so far forward my elbows pushed off the end of the dragon's nose. My entire bottom felt hot and open, my skin and muscle quaking. I floated through the air while my arms and legs spasmed. A foot found purchase and hurled me down the hall. I took something from the dragon, I realized, some ancient and terrible secret curdling though my bone and sinew.

It took something from me as well, I noticed from the corner of my eye. There was a knife embedded deep in its tongue. The same knife I wanted earlier to aid my escape from the Imperials if circumstances were different. Somehow the tip of its tongue had managed to get inside the twist.

The dragon curled its neck, head shaking, as it tried to get that barb out of its tongue. I could feel its eye following me as I hurled myself down the hallway.

I ran as fast as my quivering legs and twitching butt would let me. I tried to hold onto the sense of its presence, the bearing of its location I had before, as long as I could. But it was soon muffled once more. By thick rock or its own choice, I wasn't sure.

It left a present before it faded completely. I felt a wave of words through the very rock as it uttered something that caused the stone to ripple, the air to tremble, and the rock to tumble. Devastation plunged through the keep. Dust filled the air as passages collapsed behind and to either side of me. Blind luck kept me from being crushed.

The big lizard was pissed.

This place was built on a series of snaking passages that led deep into the ground. They turned so often I had no sense of cardinal direction so I picked anything that looked like it sloped down.

I'm not sure why, but I somehow knew down was safer.

Fucking dragon.

Continue to Chapter 2: Discovery in Death