Generations/Lore/Realms/Garian Orclands

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Map based on the work of Demetrio. Permission given to use with credit.

Garian Orclands

The northern peninsula of the Garian island is orc territory. The Kingdom is constantly fighting off raids from the warbands, only occasionally trading with both them and the settlements on the border.

Warbands and Settlments

Here’s a list of major warbands and settlements.Bold entries represent settlements.

  • Or’Gratl Warband
  • Mor’Gelrat Warband
  • Kel’Kragor Warband
  • Mor’Bokin Warband
  • Hel’Gorar Warband
  • Hig’Gar Warband
  • Mor’Gorah Warband
  • Gresh’Lor
  • Grumsha’Vonk
  • Krhag’Gnell
  • Sarek’Tel


Population only accounts for civilized races, with exception to tribal orcs, and doesn't include things such as wild fey, intelligent monsters, and the like.

Climate and Ecology

  • The Garian Orclands have a subarctic climate.
  • Giant presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have an abundant presence of fomorians and trolls.
    • The Garian Orclands have an average presence of ogres and frost giants.
    • The Garian Orclands have a minimal presence of stone giants.
  • Fey presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have an abundant and diverse population of fey.
  • Goblinoid presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have an abundant and diverse population of goblinoids.
  • Undead presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have an average presence of spectral undead (ghosts, banshees, etc.).
    • The Garian Orclands have a sparse presence of corporeal undead (skeletons, zombies, ghouls, etc.).
    • The Garian Orclands have a minimal presence of higher undead (vampires, liches, etc.).
  • Monster presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have an above average but diverse presence of monsters.
  • Wild animal presence:
    • The Garian Orclands have a prolific deer population.
    • The Garian Orclands have a prolific rabbit and hare population.
    • The Garian Orclands have a prolific bird population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an prolific wolf population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an abundant fox population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an above average bear population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an average lynx population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an average aurochs population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an below average insect population.
    • The Garian Orclands have an below average arachnid population.
    • The Garian Orclands have a sparse goat population in the mountain ranges.
    • The Garian Orclands have a sparse sheep population in the mountain ranges.
    • The Garian Orclands have a minimal reptile population.
    • The Garian Orclands have a remote possibility of mountain lions.
  • Domestic animal presence:
    • Dogs are common in the Garian Orclands.
    • Cattle are relatively common in the Garian Orclands.
    • Horses are relatively common in the Garian Orclands.
    • Sheep are relatively uncommon in the Garian Orclands.
    • Cats are uncommon in the Garian Orclands.
    • Goats are relatively sparse in the Garian Orclands.
  • Horticulture:
    • The Garian Orclands have above average grain fields.
    • The Garian Orclands have average vegetable fields.
    • The Garian Orclands have minimal vineyards.
    • The Garian Orclands have a remote possibility of fruit orchards.


  • As there is no single, unifying power in the Garian Orclands, there is no laws, in the legal sense, as much as there is a mixture of cultural laws the local population generally abides by.

Trade and Wealth

  • Garain orcs don’t have much use for wealth and trade more often for materials, such as grain, vegetables, livestock, furs, small ships, and the occasional weapons/armor.
  • The most common exports are metal (iron, copper, rarely gold) and wild game(venison, rabbit, poultry, and bear).


  • Orcs are patriarcal and so most warriors are male. Females, Futanari, or Neuters who have gained male rights may also participate.
  • Garian orcs have slightly below average naval abilities, due to pressure from Garia and cultural diffusion with the Nortlunders.
  • Garian orcs are effectively a collection of small hordes:
    • Orcs are often actively at war, especially those in warbands. Orcs also have a natural understanding of tactics and strategy.