Generations/Run off into the woods

From All The Fallen Stories
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There is little forgiveness for murderers in the world. If the peasants don't kill you right where you stand, they will most likely drag you to town and have you executed as a public spectacle. You quickly push your parents off of you and dash away through the wheat, crossing the fields and plunging into the ominous, dark pine tree forest that rises oppressively.

Twigs snap under your feet as they dart across the mossy undergrowth. Now and then you see tiny tree houses which your host body and his siblings built when they were young, but you have little time to stop and inspect them. The deep echoes of unfamiliar voices rise threateningly behind you, accompanied by the barking of farm dogs. The militia must have assembled quicker than you expected, and have begun hounding your tracks relentlessly.

The chase continues, and day eventually turns into night. The shadows of the forest grow and engulf everything in black, leaving you fumbling through the darkness. Disoriented, you find yourself running into boulders and stumps, and quickly decide that it is impossible to travel any further in these conditions.

You find a river with a tree fallen over it, and hide under the trunk; knee-deep in muddy water. In the distance you see the burning red torchlight from the militia's patrols, and feel a mild sense of relief when they disappear back into darkness. The shouts and voices grow more and more distant, and eventually they die out, leaving you alone with the crickets and the cold night air.

Nothing to do now but:

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Jaedyn Farmer Divine Spark Sickle None None
Age 14y 3m 16d
Gender Male
Race Human
Social Class Serf
Body Superb (7)
Mind Average (5)
Spirit Average (5)