Ghost Intent

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, Including AI Art

This FanFic prequel to “Sccoby Doo” series focuses on Velma at a young age before Mystery Inc. was formed. It attempts to explain unique quirks, shine light on the “Gang”, and includes other characters from the series. Lore is included and researched from “Scoobypedia” but is NOT necessary for reading. My goal is for someone who’s never watched a show to fully enjoy this. Maybe later you can watch an old show with new perspective! What better way to time travel than take you back to Saturday morning cartoons!

This story is NOT for the faint of heart!
Tags include but are not limited to: Loli, Contest, FanFic, Velma, Mystery, TimeTravel, Horror, non-con, yuri, rape, bestiality, inflation, formicophilia, mindbreak, gX, grotesque
This story does NOT include scat or gore, but plot covers many horrific aspects. -You should be scared... GOOD LUCK!

Ghost Intent

The blank pages stared back thick as vanilla ice cream. This diary is special; the leather bindings reinforced with steel and lock to match. The key wasn’t flimsy or cheap imitation, it wasn’t priced to sell; it was made to hide. It IS possible for someone to raid my diary but like my memories, there’s no going back.

My name is Velma Dice Dinkly. I was in seventh grade that year. The school was festive and decorated for Halloween. Brunt orange and brown themes adorned hallways and doors. The days to come would forever define me. Summer’s heat dotted the calendar but nights were growing colder. It had been a year of rapid change for us all.

Marcie and I were best friends forever! Since school began that was changing too. Her actions and attitude toward me were often, cold, frustrated, and angry. I didn’t understand why. Looking back it was so obvious.

As I’ve grown, I’ve learned that understanding is pointless without acceptance. Perhaps that’s why I write, because I struggle to accept those events. She is still my friend and struggles day to day, as do I.

We didn’t share classes but both had Sex Education together. We couldn’t stop giggling during the presentations! Some things had to be experienced to learn and understand. They didn’t teach us that. Again, understanding was hallow and empty without acceptance.

I had a crush on a new student. He wasn’t in my class and I only knew his last name by the locker: Latterton. Marcie and I watched the moving vans across our street the week prior. I wanted to meet the young boy! Marcie hit me and called me disgusting. What she was afraid of? Cooties?

That ill fated day is when it all began. I was curious standing by his locker when they approached me; ‘together’ arm in arm.

“Oh Velma?” She feigned surprise. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Rung and I are gonna have some fun tonight! I know WE usually hang out but…” My jaw was halfway to the floor.

His chin was long and well defined. His attire was immaculate, from ascot adorned with royal crest to his mahogany wingtips. I tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come! A coy smile threatened his face.

He regarded me as a smirk grew, “That’s no trouble Marcie darling; we can take your friend with us.” His British accent oozed rich lineage.

Marcie reached out and slid a loving hand down my arm as I stammered, “Oh no, she’s far too… prudish, her parents would never-”

“Oh, don’t be rude! I love new people!” He extended his hand to shake, “Rung Latterton.”

I was frozen. I knew the importance of a good handshake. I had to be firm, but not forceful, I needed to look him in the eye and not his hand. Everything went wrong…

“It’ssss Velma wasn’t it? What exactly do you parent do?” He pulled away and shook blood back into his fingertips.

I thought Marcie was going to help but she threw me under the bus AGAIN, “Oh, her parents own the little house at the end of the street, but their farm is just outside town.”

“Say-Marcie-darling? Isn’t your house beside hers?”

“Yes, but!-”

“Wonderful! We can all meet! 9pm?”

I nodded my head at his suggestion and finally managed my first words, “To where?”

Marcie attempted to foil me again, but her motivations eluded me, “Oh Rung! She doesn’t need to come.” Marcie waved me off.

“You dreadful girl! You’re trying to scare me more!” His warm smile caused my stomach to flutter. He spoke directly to me, “She’s- this idea to show me the biggest scare of my life.” Marcie tried to tug him away again, but her eyes were locked on ME as if searching for something. “I told her it’s only the 8th, and that Halloween wasn’t for a few weeks yet, but she insists!”

“Actually it’s the 7th.” The words spoke themselves. I was powerless to stop them. How could I correct him?

His smirk widened into full grin as he pointed at me, “Aren’t you a sharp one! Well for me, after work and school are over, I say so’s-the-day!”

My unstoppable sense of duty forced words out again, “I’ve got a lot of homework.” I wanted to hit myself over the head, “But I should be done by 9, I hope!” Truth was I usually studied well past my bed time. My Agricultural Science class came with an automatic enrollment into the FFA (Future Farmers of America); my parents were SO proud! The FFA had a competition this weekend. “I know all the grease points on a Hay Bailer! I just need to work on my animal breeding.” My words crushed me again.

Latterton turned away, “Riiight, don’t work too hard.”

Marcie echoed as she tried to take his arm again, “Good one Rung! Don’t work too hard Velma!”

Latterton pulled away from her, “Sorry darling, Daddy insists on picking me up in the back; he doesn’t like me… mingling.”

She was finally stung! Her long eye lashes fluttered he left. She and I were alone in the crowded hallway.

She looked at me with a mocking tone, “Actually it’s the 7th because you’re and idiot, and I’m Velma Dinkly, and I’m always right!” She rolled her eyes.

“What are you doing Marcie? You know I wanted to meet him and you acted disgusted the other day! Now you’re hanging on his arm?”

“What are YOU doing? That was a great way to screw up your first meeting!”

“Thanks to YOU! Are you with him?” My voice lowered, “Like boyfriend girlfriend?”

“No, but I will be tonight. I guess you’re invited too.” I couldn’t read her; she had been so guarded lately. Was my joining her plan all along?

“What, exactly is happening?” We turned to the bus line, “You know I can’t be out that late!”

“Rung’s gonna borrow his Dad’s car and I’m showing him the old insane asylum.”

“Pinehurst Sanitarium?”

“Yeah, that place is guarded close to Halloween, too many kids looking for a cheap scare.” We walked like old friends again. “I’ve heard stories about that place, but what’s the big deal?”

“The Sanitarium was cutting edge in the 1920’s but plagued with a dozens of suicides. It was finally closed down for illegal lobotomy treatments.”

She was back good ol’ Marcie again. She took ME by the arm as we neared exit. “You’re such a geek, what’s a lobotomy anyway?”

I gripped her arm tightly; maybe I could scare her, “They take a drill to your skull and drill the demons out! Don’t forget shock therapy where they electrocute you until you’re not crazy anymore!”

“Jeez-Louise that’s terrible…” Her face was shocked realizing the true evil of Pinehurst.

The bus ride was giggling and laughing like usual. I skipped my afternoon snack and rushed to finish my homework. I really wanted to plan for the upcoming Science Fair. I needed to get a jump on Marcie, but the FFA Contest was this weekend.

I spent the afternoon and evening copying diagrams and passages from the textbook. It was dumb, but somehow copying word-for-word and hand drawing figures and pictures imprinted the knowledge. Marcie called me; it was time to meet. I blinked trying to get the grotesque images of animal genitals out of my head; but they were in there to stay!

I ran down to kiss my parents goodnight; it had been another long day at the farm for them. My outfit was laid out and waiting. I second guessed it. I wanted to look nice; nicer than Marcie. The fall colors of burnt orange and brown matched my eyes and hair. Was the pleated skirt was too risqué? It was shorter than anything I normally wore. The School had a policy about knee length. It had been years since I wore this skirt, and back then it WAS knee length.

I didn’t have time for indecision. It was a point in my personal development growth log. I took too long when presented with decisions. I dressed and escaped down the trumpet vine lattice outside my window. Jeepers! Anyone could see up my skirt!

It was a clear night. The Moon shined a lazy reddish-yellow color. I saw Marcie and rushed over to her. The wool skirt felt great on my bare thighs as the pleats bounced. I hoped it wouldn’t be cold later. She wore a purple pencil skirt that hugged her thin hips; I had clearly won the dress contest. She huffed but soon we were giggling climbing in the backseat of his car.

The brown leather was rich and supple and unlike cheap imitations it smelled like leather. He smiled at us through the mirror as Marcie gave directions. Pinehurst wasn’t far. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. My heart thrummed with excitement. Whether it was the sense of adventure, fear, or finally making my own decisions! I felt so alive!

The old Hospital sat atop a rolling hill by the river. The drive up was blocked by invasive saplings and briars. He parked at the cemetery below. An unholy sense of dread filled each of us as we exited the car.

I looked at the Hospital on the hill. It was a crumbling edifice of a decadent and nightmarish chapter of human history. Silhouetted by the harvest moon we all felt it. I wasn’t nervous about the boy or journey anymore, but filled with awe and wonder at the sight. My words didn’t fail me this time, “That place had so many deaths they created this cemetery for the unknown; the lives that ended without family.” I walked out into the soft hallowed ground to crouch at a tombstone. Wiping at the aged moss and gritty stone I tried to make out the letters. “These people died without mourning or sadness, alone and tortured, they were finally laid to rest forever in the shadow of their agony.”

I looked up to the old hospital; as we all did. The open air caressed my white cotton panties in the suggestive crouch. We all focused on the evil building a hundred yards away. I continued, “The church-like architecture was renowned for its unique artistry that defined a time. Look at the glass enclosed spiral staircases at each corner and perched gargoyles. That place could hold a thousand patients.”

“Jeez Velma!” Marcie pulled her gaze away from the haunt and noticed my lewd posture. “Think you could uh… not do that anymore?”

I jumped up, “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you; History is amazing to me!”

Latterton lingered on the building. His family could be traced back to land Barons in Medieval England. Old castles were nothing new to him, but this place was different. He felt his father’s dislike of lower class people. That hospital was a testament to his newfound fear. “Umm… yes, I think we should stay by the car a little longer.” He cleared his throat with an audible gulp.

“I’ve got an idea; let’s play a game! Before Miss Encyclopedia starts going on about laboto-mites.” Latterton was creeped out by that, but before I could correct she pushed on. “Rung, you mentioned bringing something?”

“Refreshments, yes! I asked Alfred to pack a ‘party-four.’” He laughed and popped the trunk of his car. The comical vehicle was three quarters engine and interior. The tiny rounded trunk was a mere bubble at the back. He pulled out a blanket, wicker picnic basket, and a propane lantern.

He insisted on being a ‘Gentleman’ and set things for us. The propane hissed as he popped the spark lighter. The tombstones were bathed in warm light as he adjusted the brightness.

I leaned into Marcie quietly, “What game are you talking about?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Marcie, I don’t think we should be here. We’re just off the road and he doesn’t have a license!” I whined.

She spoke up for Rung to hear, “Saint Velma! Worried she might break a little rule. Chill-Out for once in your life!”

Rung called back over his shoulder, “What’s that Darling?” He worked a cork screw into a bottle of wine.

Each turn squeaked as my eyes grew huge to whisper-scream at my friend, “Is that alcohol!!!”

She ignored me and went on, “Oh nothing, we’ll be right there!” I was flabbergasted. “Say- Rung, have you ever played Truth or Dare?”

She pulled me over to sit on the blanket. He prepared a cutting board with cheese and crackers. His voice was high and filled with genuine interest, “No… I can’t say that I have.”

Marcie and I had been strictly forbidden from playing truth or dare after her parents caught us naked in a closet. It had been her idea. I didn’t think anything of it until we got in trouble. “Well, Velma here is a pro. I’ll let her start…”

Still in disbelief I watched him pull out crystal glasses. I played along, “Mr. Latterton!” I tried to gain a parental tone which only fed Marcie’s ‘pro’ comment. “Truth or Dare, which do you choose.”

“I admit I don’t feel very ‘daring’ in a graveyard… Truth I- s’pose.”

“Are you planning to drink alcohol and drive?”

He smiled and shot a sideways glance at Marcie who matched, “You did warn me she was a bit of a prude, but yes. It’s simple math really, I think you’d appreciate that.” He checked his watch, “It’s 9:18 if I have one standard drink it will be out of my system in an hour.”

“And until that time we’re stuck here?” I was not pleased!

Marcie looked me in the eye as he poured the first glass. “Kid-napp’td!”

“Maaar-cie! Don’t be like that to your friend. If you get scared,” He motioned to the Hospital, “I’ll call Alfred to give you a ride.” The lantern was bright and filled the area with light pollution so the distant horror felt less real. “He won’t say a thing, I promise. So you’ve nothing to fret.” His smile was warm as savings bonds in the bank. “Anyways, I think I understand this game, Marcie; Truth or Dare?”

Marcie took the glass and looked into his eyes with a sultry glare, “Dare.”

“I dare you to give your friend a hug, and be nice to her!”

“That’s a two part dare which is against the rules. I’ll only do the first!” She worked up onto her knees. The design of her pencil skirt was clear now. Standing it held to her sides tightly, but sitting it wanted to ride up. I was thankful for my heavy wool skirt. Rung pretended not to notice. I saw her red panties as she crawled over to me on all fours like a cat. Gripping me tightly with an arm her butt waved for all to see. She hissed into my ear, “You better choose dare, we don’t want anyone to find out our secrets…” The quiet breathy words tickled my neck as goosebumps tensed my skin.

She sat back smoothing her skirt down. Latterton was flushed. He didn’t understand, and neither did I. I was vexed. I didn’t have any secrets, and chose Truth.

“Do you have a crush on anyone at school?”

My heart sank and face grew serious. Latterton seemed uninterested in the question and took a sip of wine. We might be here for a bit, her comment had teeth. I wanted to know her interest as well. “Yessss,” I hissed.

“You girls seem so tense, have a bite and relax.”

Marcie took a glass and followed his suggestion. I used my turn to change the subject, and Rung dared me to have sip of wine.

“Yes, it DOES contain alcohol, but not much! It’s unlike anything you’ve tasted, I promise!” The smoked Gouda had a sweet nutty flavor and warmth of a campfire. “Now follow that with a bit of sauvignon; it cleanses the pallet so the next taste is clean and fresh as the first.”

I winced in fear of the fermented fruit juice, but it was unique. Then the alcohol hit the back of my throat and gave me a shiver. “I admit, I know nothing about wine berries.”

He giggled, “Wine-Berries! It’s not berries M’dear!”

Marcie butted in before he could continue, “She has to choose: Truth or Dare?”

I chose and much to my surprise Marcie let me off easy. The game continued on for the better part of an hour as we laughed. Latterton was true to his word only drinking a single glass. I couldn’t hold out on truth forever. Soon it was known that I had a crush on someone here tonight; but so did Marcie!

She had two full glasses while I matched Latterton sip for sip; I had only one. He poured the last of the bottle for me and dared that I drink the half-glass in one go. I did, and he excused himself to use the restroom. She and I giggled together, “there is no restroom!”

We stared at each other over the lantern; we both had to pee too. Maybe it was the warmth in our bellies, or being alone again. Our eyes saw through each others disguise to the hidden jealousy and animosity. The game was back on for real, and it was my turn.

Rung called out as he returned, “There’s a bottle of Gewürztraminer too; it’s a fruity white which I don’t care for. He sat noticing the heated stare-down. “Uh-oh! what’d I miss?”

“Velma here, just dared me to go pee in the middle of the road!” His eyes went wide.

“It’s like you said earlier Marcie… there’s not much traffic!”

To my surprise she snatched a napkin, “When I get back, I dare you to say truth!” She walked straight past his car into the road. After a brief eternity she flicked the napkin into the bushes and returned. I was having second guesses as usual; maybe I was too harsh. She looked really mad.

It must have been the wine. I felt so terrible now. All the past angst and anger from HER hateful attitude came out! He asked a truth question about opening the second bottle, but Marcie had the floor in a moment’s time: “Truth or Dare?”

I couldn’t say truth, she would surely ask if I liked him, and I did! This night had been so much fun I didn’t want it to end! But what kind of punishment would she have otherwise? Maybe I wanted him to know? The terrible fear and hesitation froze me until finally I squeaked, “Dare…”

“Give me your panties!” My face went pale and I jerked to look at Rung who was surprised too. He wiggled uncomfortably. She was just as serious as ever. “Come-on hand ‘em over. I did my dare, so you can’t back out!”

She waved her empty hand waiting. My anger rose, next either would I dare her to give my undergarments back, or ask her the truth about her crush! If I wasn’t so angry I might have been embarrassed. I stood up and stepped out one leg at a time as she watched. He was a gentleman and looked away.

I placed them, still warm, in her hand. Promptly she stuffed them into her back pocket making the tight skirt pocket bulge. “So we’ve had our wine, and the game started with you, so it ends on me!”

“You can’t do that!”

“Yes, I came here to show him the sights and I think it’s time we went up to the ol’ place!” She stood to pull him up by the arm.

He was awash with embarrassment and didn’t dare argue against her. They took the lantern and started up the pathway to the hill. “JEEPERS!” I cried, “You can’t take the light too!”

She called back, “You better pee and catch up, unless you’re waiting in the car.”

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I couldn’t believe her! I grabbed a napkin and ran behind the biggest tombstone. Clouds covered the moon as I crouched in darkness and silence.

Feeling the air so intimately in such a strange and dangerous place puckered me tight. It took a moment before I was able to release. I imagined the crazy and insane bodies buried below me. What if they weren’t crazy? What if the intellectual minds of the time couldn’t understand their insane genius? What if they figured out the secrets of life and death but were tortured for their inability to communicate it. What if their souls persisted and grabbed my ankle from the dirt below?

I finished and ran fast as I could to catch up. They stood outside a locked gate to the inner courtyard. The facility was huge with looping drives that circled the compound. Latterton suggested an alternate route. A weak spot in the fence had been repaired, but not well. He set the lantern down and went to work.

Marcie stood by me in the moonlight and leaned in. I was used to her in my personal space; we’d grown up together! I figured it was another scathing remark or threat, but her tone froze me.

“I knew what you were going to ask me.” She looked into my moonlit brown eyes as I into hers. “You were going to ask if I had a crush on him.” She glanced back to see he was occupied. Her hands were on my arms, but one gently slid to the small of my back as she leaned in for a hug. I didn’t understand her lately, but a lifetime of trust was between us. I felt another hand on my neck gentle and loving as ever. She just wanted to be sure I didn’t look away. She wanted to see into my eyes, into my heart. “It’s not him…” Her breath was warm on my tender lips. My eyes were wide with astonishment, confusion, and revelation. “It’s you.”

Everything started to make sense. Her lips touched mine. The moment was electric, but I didn’t know how to react. It was too much too fast for me to understand or accept. My mind replayed the strange attitudes and scenes over and over; she was jealous! Her lips pushed stronger as I remained motionless. Her lower hand gripped my back while the upper turned my head for a French kiss.

I loved her as a friend; we had been the best of friends sharing every moment of our lives, feelings, and even development together. I felt her tongue. This was something different. I forced my head away trying to speak, but her nuzzling inhaled my scent, breath, and words. I wore perfume, but not for her! She dotted kisses down my neck. How could I tell her? I felt weak in my infernal indecision as she found my collarbone. I had no idea skin was so sensitive! She melted me into her arms. I didn’t want this… not from her, or even Latterton! I tried to pull back but she yanked me closer and took my ear lobe in her warm suckling mouth. Her tongue was so hot and wet it threatened to envelope my will as it circled my ear.

I grabbed her arms to force her back. The wet kisses cooling in the night air. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” Her eyes were hurt. We both breathed heavy in silence for a moment. “I love you, but not like that! I don’t even know what THAT is!”

“Just let me show you!” She tried to push in again as I retreated, “Don’t you trust me?”

“Neither of us are ready for that.”

“So you’d rather be with him?”

“No, not-at-all! I just wanted to say hello when you got all bent outta shape.”

“Because I want you all to myself!” I saw a hungry desire more than love in her eyes.

“No, Marcie! I’m a person too. I’m not a thing you can have!”

A tear rolled down her cheek. That’s not what she meant and we both knew it. Dejected she sniffled and wiped it away. “Then choose your own way! And maybe when you get hurt you’ll realize that what we have is special!”

“What are you talking about? Is everything ok Marcie?”

Latterton called out, “Hey girls! It’s a tight fit but, I’ve got it open!

“Just hunky-freakin-dori!”

The wire was sharp but we fit one by one. I was last knowing as I bent I mooned anyone or anything that followed. I was more worried about Marcie; and my panties she carried. How was I supposed to deal with her lately?

An entrance to the loading docks and kitchens looked open. A few signs were still legible but everything crumbled into dangerous piles of rubbish. Latterton didn’t trust the integrity of the roof. We took a smaller side door. The small rooms held up better. We steered clear of the large main dining room. Old carts and a wall of pulley elevators proved that most patients ate in their rooms or on the upper floors. I imagined the main room was reserved for the healthy staff and functions. A sign pointed to offices and a stairs.

The stairwell was solid poured concrete, but debris littered the steps from a hundred years of looters, joy seekers and squatters. I couldn’t imagine why someone would drop things unless they were running. I followed last but it was easy to tell that Latterton’s steps were slow and cautious. Marcie was equally trying to save face and be brave in the trembling light.

The third floor was blocked so we poked into the second. The entrance was a security zone with wire mesh over broken windows. Beyond we could see a large area that was mostly collapsed. A heavy barred jail door led down a dark hallway. Latterton set the lantern on an administration counter and pulled at the rusted door. The hinges popped and creaked. Shrill metal screams shrieked though the darkness.

“Stop that! What are you doing?” Mercies poker face faltered into full fledged fear at the sound.

I couldn’t help a friendly jab, though I felt it too. “What are you afraid of? That we’re gonna wake up a ghost?” I didn’t believe in such things. Sure I got the jeepers-creepers, but ghosts weren’t possible!

The gate was fully open. The wide hall was a gaping maw of darkness that ate the dim lanterns light. As he held it just inside only a few doors were visible. “Don’t you want to know what it was like to be a resident?” His smile was an attempt to hide his own fear.

Marcie didn’t want any part of that and hid behind him. “No… Freaking… Way…”

“Why not? You should be safe.” I patted her bulging back pocket.

She gave me a quirky smirk, “So you’ll go then?”

“I’ll step in, but what’s the point? There’s nothing lasting inside” I couldn’t help the double entendre.

“You’re not afraid to go alone in the dark?”

“You didn’t say anything about the dark, or alone!” I blinked wildly. “I’m not afraid of ghosts if that’s what you mean! It’s not empirically possible.”

Latterton spoke up with interest, “You don’t think this place is haunted?” Marcie and I met eyes. This could be a deciding moment for future relationships. She brought him here to scare him and I was messing it up!

I had to drive my advantage home, “Look, if Hauntings were real they would leave real evidence or be repeatable.”

“There’s pictures all over the place!”

“A case of the creepers, plus a smudgy photograph is worthy of true fear?” I shook my head and stepped inside the doorway looking back. “There are real things to be scared of, like spiders, and wild animals or even bums and vagrants who might call this home.”

Marcie shoved past the boy to take the door. “Prove it!” She had to push all her weight before it budged. “I don’t see any rabid raccoons! And they say that bears are more scared of you, than you are of them.” The door gained momentum. “Or is that snakes?”

“Bears, w-why’d you say bears?” I didn’t like this idea, Latterton’s affection be damned! The door was impossible to stop now. It was heavy and with and Marcie’s weight behind it slammed with a ringing BANG.

The echo caused dust on the fifth floor to settle. The darkness was upset. Even louder Rung snapped his attention to the door lock as gave a delayed “click”.

I stepped back in real fear, “No!” I shoved on the door which was solid as a mountain boulder. “MARCIE! What have you done?”

“You said you wanted to figure it out on your own; maybe this is your chance!”

“Marcie, this isn’t funny! Talk some sense into her!”

Latterton was surprised, “I’m sure there’s a key!”

Marcie’s smug smile stated the obvious, “You two can find it, I’m going home!” She grabbed the lantern to jerk it away.

I was hitting the bars with no effect as Latterton chased after her. “We have to have the light! She can’t find anything in the dark! Besides she’s YOUR friend; you can’t leave her!” He grabbed at the lantern as she descended the stairs. He worried she might drop it in a struggle. A fire would be a real problem.

“Nope she’s your friend now, best of luck! And anyways, she can do it herself!”

“What are you talking about? She’s on the wrong side of the door to find a key!”

“That’s not my problem, or yours. Your problem is that if you don’t take me home right now! I’m going to spin a tale to the sheriff that you can’t buy your way out of!”

I watched the light bounce and grow distant as they continued to argue, “Marcie please!” More and more the sounds were eaten by the darkness as their fight grew quiet and dark.

The whole world was quiet. Words can’t describe what happened next. I know I had a bit of alcohol in my system but the sobering events were staggering. I stepped into the first room staining my eyes to see in the dark. I saw a person, but it didn’t scare me; it was a mirror. I walked over looking at myself in this situation.

I felt warm, hot and flushed with anger. My blood pressure throbbed. The air was thick and humid like warm breath. The building held the day’s heat, but the night would cool it soon. I experienced a moment of full darkness. Clouds must have covered the moon. The silence was deafening. As if my brain couldn’t comprehend such a lack of stimulus my ears rang. I felt my pounding heart. It was steady and true but the more I listened the faster it beat. I smoothed my skirt down, I felt watched. It was silly.

I was lightheaded and without direction in the thick still air. I closed my eyes trying to grip reality. I felt a-drift. Like a baby in its mothers womb, air, sight, sound, feeling everything was gone from me. Only by the knowledge of my very real corporeal body did I exist. My fingernails bit into my palms as I clenched my fists.

I felt something beyond the senses. Maybe I had to be blind to see it. It was a feeling; desire. Hunger unknown to the belly quickened my pulse. I felt her kiss. Not actually on my body, but the wanton need behind it.

This wasn’t fear; I felt no fear even though I should! I focused on the stale air in my lungs. My mouth felt buzzing like mild electricity or hyperventilation. That made sense; my blood was oversaturated with oxygen! I wanted to lie down and hold my breath, to curl into a fetal ball and ride this storm. There wasn’t fear for survival only my heavy breathing in epiphany of how she wanted to hold me.

My nipples hardened as my knees pressed together at the tangible realization of lust and love. I felt fingers of desire working between my toes and up my calves. My nipples sensed open air in the darkness. I didn’t wear a brassier but the thick fabric of my sweater was gone. I felt their budding loneliness. Biologically I knew their purpose but this was more! I wished for her warm wet lips. How could I deny such indulgence? My hands gripped my breasts not to cover my nudity but to comfort them in absence of adoration. Hands below worked up to my boney knees massaging my pits and tendons threatening my lower thighs. How many and whose? It didn’t matter my knees were weak and being pulled down. I was giving in I wanted to feel her worship, to know it for myself.

Lips and kisses caressed my neck. I let my chest go so that my arms may join the deluge of loving massage. My breasts felt her lips in a moment of rapture. My obloquies, my back, and hips, the loving horde swam and crested over my girlish hips. I had so much more figure than Marcie. My body was a bomb waiting to explode in this sea of lust. The one place; the trigger that would give knowledge was untouched. I threw myself back pulling my legs up and wide begging for attention, for absolution.

A distant scream tugged my consciousness. It didn’t make sense; that scream was real. It was my scream but across time. The fingers turned angry and biting in they gripped my hip bones. The scream grew louder. The hands forced my legs and butt open exposing what I…THEY… wanted.

The scream was in my skull and on wavelengths of vibrational strength more powerful than anything I could imagine. The hands retreated in my awakening. It was my own voice. I looked at my reflection in a full length mirror. My face contorted in fearful realization of the haunting power. Everything stopped as I took a trembling breath. My skin tingled, but was untouched. The tarnished and decaying mirror became real; clearer and brighter reflecting my soul and bare nudity.

Soon I winced at the light as the world rushed in. A forceful hateful light, cheap and blinding; I blinked trying to understand. It was florescent light. Someone turned the lights on! The light was clean; the tile wall was clean, and the mirror too!

I stood drinking in this impossibly sterile reality before me. The room was new. A large tub sat beside the mirror. It was filled with water and I was wet. My mind struggled; it was impossible yet before me.

A clean white towel hung on the rack. I took it to cover my breasts and dry. Next I dressed from pile of clothing laid for me. It was all old style, but new. As if I had dipped back into this hospitals heyday and prime. One jarring thought dominated my growing fear. The clothes I donned were not staff, but patient issue.

I looked into the mirror again to be sure I was still myself! My glasses, my hair, even my body proportion and age were correct. I giggled at the silly outfit. It was like a baby onesie or a pilot’s flight suit. The little buttons on the butt flap hinted to the era of design. Nothing like this had been made or worn for many years, but this felt crisp new!

On the wall was a caged analogue clock: 10:42. I was admiring my cute bottom in the mirror when a key hit the door lock. It opened to reveal three men. The center man spoke, “Miss Delaqua, you seem in good spirits!”

I shrank in fear. Seeing them, other people, other humans! That was more than I could bear. “Who are you! Why am I here? What is this place?”

“I’m Doctor Jenkins. You’ve known me for quite some time” He frowned comically. The male Nurses laughed, but I didn’t. “I thought you were doing well today!”

My eyes were wide as I spoke to myself, “I’m a patient… I’m crazy here aren’t I?”

“Acceptance is important.” The two men stepped in and began strapping my arms and legs into some sort of harness. I couldn’t focus. “Today’s a special day in your treatment! Try to do well… and please don’t fight it.”

My eyes came alight with fire, “Don’t FIGHT IT?” The men held me with strong arms. “FIGHT WHAT?” They covered my mouth with a ball strap. I could only mumble and drool after that.

They placed me to a gurney and wheeled me to a large pulley powered elevator. We went down. I tried my best to notice and capture every detail I could. They rolled me further into the bowels of Pinehurst until we reached large garage style doors. I was totally incapacitated and at their mercy. They would strap me in a position, only to undo another strap and repeat. I felt like a doll being manipulated. Step by step my body was turned folded and held into a near fetal curl and placed on my knees in the center of a dirt arena.

My legs were tucked under me with my hands bound to my ankles. The dirt smelled of animals as my face rested in it blowing puffs of dirt. A large casing was lowered over me, and then a padded wedge placed between my folded legs forcing my bottom up and unable to move. I screamed and pleaded against the ball until the dirt was muddy with saliva. I was angry but not really scared until they took my glasses and unbuttoned the flap at my bottom.

My butt was naked and I didn’t know to who or what! I couldn’t see anything but blurry blobs without my glasses. I heard the large doors being roll open and truck back in. Next the grating of old metal hedges and latches. The acrid exhaust curled my nose in disgust.

I felt the ground tremble as it stepped out, and heard its heavy breathing. I screamed, begged, and squirmed. I had no idea what it was until a snotty flat nose bumped my bare butt. It was a pig or a boar. Why were they doing this? None of it made sense. If they would just listen to me!

The protective cover shook above me as it mounted. That very day I had drawn and copied over information about boars. The statistics and information raced through my mind. But Why? I screamed the question over and over as I felt the thin corkscrew penis prod and smear slimy trails across my pale untouched cheeks. I was a virgin!

Its sensitive glands felt the soft wet of my weakness and went wild. Its aim wasn’t the best. It missed and squirmed on my lower and middle back giving me an idea of just how deep it would try to go. My mind was blank with white hot fear, revulsion, and anger. The animal slowed to feel my bottom again. As it softened it slid down into the V of my cheeks. I don’t know how it felt my anus, but stabbed forward in an instant. I was clenched but the corkscrew had no trouble penetrating me.

My eyes were wild with insane fear; I bit the ballgag and hissed spittle through my bared teeth. My mind redrew it’s testicles over and over again. They were almost as large as its back legs and could hold a gallon of semen. It drove deep instantly traversing my colon to the bend and beyond.

The men kept a safe distance, but I heard Jenkins, “Damn… it’s got her in the ass; you brought more animals right?”

“Yeah, we’ve got six just in case. I’ve also got my veterinarian who can help aim next time if needed. He may pull out and go in again; this is only the first stage.”

“Let’s see what happens. The treatment is about her reaction and anal isn’t what we need.” He called out to someone in the distance, “Hey’ you guys changed her diet for this right?”

“Right doc, vanilla paste for three days now.”

My mind reeled. MY diet wasn’t changed! My clothes changed but I didn’t know about my insides! Somehow having an ‘accident’ was a worse indignity than this. I clenched even harder as I felt the first ‘stage’ unloading inside me. It stabbed deeply like an angry medical instrument. Its first ejaculate was a wash to insure the female was clean.

The animal huffed, growled, and groaned above me but pulled back to thrust again when I felt the corkscrew exit my sphincter. I clenched with all my might to hold.

I wiggled and tried to overcome the restrains to hoist my vagina better for him. Rational thought was out of the question. Later I would hate myself for it… I didn’t want him in my butt again.

The spinning spiral head pierced my hymen without fully breaking it. The animal knew this new orifice was different and greedily thrust forward. It violently stabbed inside my tiny canal. Thanks to my homework I knew it wanted the tiny pillowy entrance of my cervix. It spewed volumes of semen prematurely. Soon my thighs were drowned inside the suit. It didn’t take long; with blind luck it raided my deepest and inmost sanctuary. It hurt as his aim landed true. Feeling the pinch the animal pressed deep and grew still. I wondered at the sensitivity of his penis.

He fully unloaded now. I felt the blasts of pressure pushing me to my limits. The animal was in bliss. His breathing slowed; I could hear how much he enjoyed my body. His penis slid out a bit, the odd pain of it passing though my os was hard to miss. He wasn’t done and came alive feeling the change too. My body was flooded. The seal of my virginity held tight against the overflow. His strong ejaculations leaked out some but his pumping flow was a firehose. Mixed with the semen was gel like fluid; a glue meant to seal his semen inside me flowed too. I was being plugged and soon it didn’t leak at all.

The pain of inflation and filling in my womb and belly was real. I don’t know how long it lasted, but I was in real pain and exhausted when the creature finally stepped back. His thin softening penis retracted into his piggish body. I didn’t spill a drop.

I assume Jenkins was happy with the performance; though I knew not why. The other five animals would go without tonight. I was wiped with a towel and felt a medical tape placed over my crotch from lower back to belly as if the plug wasn’t enough.

Every movement hurt inside, but the men they were gentle. My eyes were blank overwhelmed with the experience. I was brought back to the same washroom. A man drew me a steaming bath while the other released my bonds. I was too weak to ask questions and knew they wouldn’t answer. They laid me on the floor and locked the door as they left.

The legs of the onesie were soaked with pig semen and the knees were muddy. I tore at the buttons on the chest to see. My thin legs were weak as I stood looking into the mirror again. Finally free of the ball gag and in control of my faculties I screamed the loudest scream I have ever screamed. It was a scream of injustice, of a terrible past crying with a pure heart to get back home. I clenched my eyes holding my swollen stomach that looked 6-8 weeks pregnant.

I heard the cracking of glass, had I broken the mirror? I took a breath it was the same heady mental breath that nearly overwhelmed me last time. I begged for eyes to see and ear to hear. I saw shards of broken mirror and blood. My blood. It took my breath away. Closing my eyes in prayer, I begged God to forgive me of my sins as the dream of falling stopped.

“Save me…” were they my words, or hers? Who was ‘she’? There was someone on the other side of the mirror.

I opened my eyes to the darkness again. I fell forward on weak knees. My kneehighs protected my shins from the fallen plaster. My hands gripped the edges of the broken mirror.

I swallowed a gulp and breathed in the stale air again. I was home. Then I tried to stand. My belly felt full. I crouched defeated and felt below. My hand confirmed what my body reported. The animal’s semen was still inside my bloated belly; I had my clothes back and the tape was gone. It was silly to think about a cross species pregnancy, but its sperm flooded my womb and ovaries like no other creature on earth could do.

I forced myself up. The idea was persistent. An unknown animal’s semen filled my system that was a hundred years old. If I was in ovulation the sperm would invade my ova, but the embryo wouldn’t stick. It would be flushed out on my next period.

Standing was hell. I held my ‘by definition’ and appearance pregnant belly. It was a terrible thing that happened. I would never forget being helpless, tied down, and gagged. Somehow being back made it alright. That poor girl, if she ever existed, had no escape. I left the room leaving hand prints on the peeling walls as I steadied myself with each painful step. Surely there was a real person back then, but who? The doctor said a name, “Delaqua.”

The clouds had receded. Moonlight flooded in from unseen windows and collapsed walls. I pushed the rusted steel bars. The metal was cold; it must be growing late. The clogging cum plug bulged against my weak hymen in the strain, but the door moved. It was unlocked! A trickle of semen drained down my inner thigh. Each step, each roll of my hips, I felt the blockage inside.

I could be mad at Marcie later, but I had to admit she was right; I did have a ghost encounter. “I guess I’ve got your evidence…” but there was no reply. My mind reeled trying to understand. Had I met a ghost? The scream was singular, but the feeling of being groped and held certainly was something too. The words ‘save me’ replayed over and over in my head.

How long had I been gone? What happened to my friends? Questions rolled like the trailing streams of pig cum as I descended the stairwell. The steps were terrible, but breathing clean air I rested outside the kitchen for a moment. The full moon was a bright and beautiful. The divots and asteroid hits were vivid. “Is it made of cheese, or a pig’s semen?” I didn’t know if I could get the plug out, the gel was a real problem. I didn’t know about after sex only that it bobbed in my depths like an iceberg rounding my stomach.

The pain was from bloating and being overfull. The tiny thin penis did almost nothing. Every part of my sex was strained and stretching like a balloon. I guessed at the time. Time could have passed in an instant or minute by minute, but not much more than that. I figured I had been gone an hour or two. It was possible to get home before my parents awoke.

If Latterton kept his word it was possible that he had returned after taking Marcie home. It was logical to think he found a key and unlocked the cell door. At the road the dark puddle proved me right. He would have pulled straight when he took her home, but tracks led from town back to park in the same spot.

I continued my pregnant wobbling bow-legged walk forward. What choice did I have? He wouldn’t be back again. The road by the river was beautiful but rarely used. How I wished for a passing car! A few miles then I could cut cross a neighbor’s yard and return home. My stomach cramps were growing stronger.

Well, it wasn’t my stomach that was cramping. Constant walking made it feel like things were loosening inside. I tried to imagine what exactly was inside me. The rims of my tall socks were crusty dried now. Nothing escaped since the stairs. Was it one large blob, or thousands of tiny sticky masses that held together?

The road by the river was straight and narrow near a campground. Once upon a time it had been popular. Like everything on this side of town it was abandoned. I spotted a grey panel van. Every part of me said to avoid it. It looked like creeper-ville on wheels!

I stepped off the road into the ditch that bordered the campground and mystery van. My cramps were growing stronger and stronger. My body rejected the insemination trying to force the foreign substance out. How was I supposed to do this? I only knew that insemination was inescapable for the sow. How many of my ova would be affected?

That fact didn’t make me feel any better as I approached the van a stones throw away. My socks and shoes were nasty from drainage. I couldn’t be seen like this; but I needed to get home. I side tracked to an aluminum trash can and hugged it as an especially violent cramp crested. My body was GOING to push the plug out, but to do so would break the last vestige of my virginity. I was willing, but it HURT. I was being raped from the inside out birthing to this thing! I doubt many people in history lost their virginity like this.

I bent over holding the rattling the lid. I spread my legs wide with a groan. It was now or never! My body wouldn’t make it home. The metal lid felt cool against my flushed cheek. I didn’t have my panties as both hands roamed and pulled my tight sticky labia wide. Holding my breath I pushed, but it refused to come. I probed the hard lump with my finger feeling the thin veil. I would have to change; change my body forever to get it out. My breath held and face flushed for another failed push.

Blood in my veins froze when I heard plodding footsteps. A distant street lamp gave a hazy halogen glow to the foggy area near the van, but it didn’t show any more than the moonlit river nearby. I stood up at the sound pressing my knees together savoring the iceberg inside against closed gates. Not pushing was a reward. Behind it all was a sexual feeling of awakening. I forced it away clenching in fear.

“Whose there?” My heart was a knot in my throat. “I need some help please!” I hated myself admitting weakness; not that I had any other cards to play. The steps paused then continued out the darkness. “Show yourself!”

I saw it first as a small pony, very skinny. Then I thought it was a malnourished brown bear that plodded forward. I wasn’t ready to die by a mangy animal, but then I saw its collar. The blue diamond caught the lights reflection. Its legs were sooo long it was almost as tall as me! It continued foreword into the light to show its boney haunches and long face of a dog; a Great Dane.

He wasn’t scared of me or even curious; he just continued plodding foreword. I could see that he was a boy, his brown sheathed penis bobbed below him like a dangerous torpedo. His balls dangled behind like chestnuts in a loose sack. “Look grapenuts I’m not in the mood so… Urmmmmhmm…” Another cramped threatened to force my legs apart. I had held it, but my body didn’t agree. I doubled over on weak knees holding the can. My butt and hips rolled open and out in birthing reflex.

He sat carefully regarding me with blank black eyes. “Just GO HOME.. boy… I’m not…” I saw his red rocket poking though his short haired sheath. My mind and FFA homework knew his tool well, but I was in no mood! I gripped the trash can; I couldn’t wait on this mangy dog to go away. I stepped my legs wide and attempted another push.

He circled around my struggling body. His nose had smelled me long before I crossed the ditch, but he didn’t know what to make of me. He was passive as I groaned. If I was going to die by a stay dog then my life was already over. His nosed bumped under my skirt. I straightened, my hands covered my privates until another cramp forced me open.

His massive tongue lapped out without warning over my mons-pubis from behind. The rough thing pulled back over my tiny clitoris and split my labia open digging into my distress.

His tongue was strong but gentle. It was better than my dumb fingers. He lapped again and again at my weakness. Each time his tongue felt rough as a cats, but dexterous and powerful. It hurt like peeling a scab. The stinging pain was present with each lick and red faced push. I was giving birth; but this felt far more pleasurable with his help. I found myself closer and closer to that intangible feeling the hungry hands threatened, but here I was safe. If safe was possible.

Wave after wave of lapping tongue and painful pressure finally crested in a surprise moment. The boar’s semen plug destroyed the last of my virginity as it plopped down to the gravel below. I fell to the ground with it. The evil thing was followed by a torrent of cum and smaller beads of glue. My body cramped in jubilation of emptying the vile substance. More and more flowed out in variable streams. I felt defeated and exhausted. I didn’t have the will to press anymore. Slowly the streams faded into light dribbles with my breathing.

I stared at the evidence on the ground. The ugly thing was as I feared; a thousand sticky blobs glued together. The thinner semen was equally mixed with thicker globs of varying viscosity. How could my body fight that? Semen; a males desire to impregnate was by nature adversarial to the female body. The vaginas hostile PH, acidity, combined with the natural flow out and innate immune system attacked any invader.

I thought of sex, natural sex, loving sex as it should to be. Would my body ever feel any different than this? Even if I allowed and desired it, it would rape my system and seek to overcome my body. Was that nature’s way? Was I as a female destined to be overcome by this… this stuff…? I felt sick to my stomach as the introspective moment faded.

The dog was still licking my swollen and puffy pussy. It helped get the invaders out. My eyes rolled back into my head at the rapture of his kindness, “good boy.” I had to get up and rolled onto my hands and knees to stand.

His heavy paws landed on my shoulders forcing my chest and face back to the ground with a thud. It was a fact of life; I knew it and so did he. He saw me and my position and was helpless to stop himself. Was this my place an object of sex, a thing to be used, and raped? I thought of the incredibly intuitive and sensitive boar penis. That power of evolution had been designed to rape. His unique method of insemination didn’t ask for permission.

Marcie had stolen my panties. They were a joke as a protective guard over my vulnerable body. Why did women’s fashion and clothing evolve to glorify and display our weakness? Animals have an image, a shape, a thing in mind and once seen they are powerless to stop. Much like the breeding cover they placed over me for the pig. It resembled another animal. This action was the same as chasing a rabbit for him and I held no anger at him. He was an animal to me; and I a bitch to him.

Ghost Intent 2.jpg

I was a bent over asking for breeding in his mind. His paws wrapped my hips and dew claws caught in my wool skirt. I tried to stand and protest, but my body was too weak and small. His blind prodding member was same as the boar, but I was much more free this time! My mind screamed to roll away, but indecision and curiosity held me in place. I wouldn’t be entering this hesitation into my development journal!

The hungry hands did not lie. This was a force of nature I previously ignored. He had no evil intent or harm. It was a biological imperative for him, like eating or sleeping. I wondered at my biological imperative, was I to fight or give in? Was I a bitch? Nothing but a breeding sow? Jenkins was a Doctor; a Psychologist was that his lesson?

His hard thing stabbed at my bare skin painfully, he was too large for me. Not only was his penis guided by a bone, but the knot behind it would likely send me to the (very real and present day) hospital. My body was too small and he didn’t know or care. My heart thrummed but not in fear rather in excitement. His knot was another tool of inescapable rape and impregnation. I had control this time, not only in knowledge but I felt confident that I could get away. For a moment I enjoyed the feeling of teasing submission.

The dumb beast continued to stab and landed a lucky jab on the button of my pink butt. I jumped forward and he followed with renewed interest. He knew how close he was to his prize and so did I! I rolled sitting under him. I sacrificed my skirt to his dew claws in the process. He towered above me humping. His red penis was half engorged and extended. I took it in my hand. It was so hard and sprayed my sweater with precum. I aimed it down to my bottomless legs and naked clam. I didn’t plan to have sex with him, but couldn’t wear a cum soaked sweater home. I was already such a mess! His knot began to engorge immediately in my hand as I gripped the base. The knot went from a golf ball to an orange in a matter of seconds as it sprayed my thighs and rocks with milky semen. It was thicker than his precum, but watery. He grew still in pleasure much like the boar.

His penis felt the clench of my thumb and finger behind his swollen and exposed knot which told him he was buried to the hilt in something. I was in aw of the massive thing. It was beautiful in a terrible way. It looked ready to burst. The grotesque member was white with splotches of angry red spider veins and thick purple ones. I could only imagine his desire. Lust alone turned this bodily organ of urination into a horrifying tool of rape. Yes, I had enjoyed a moment of submission, but looking at this thing now who could ever willingly give themselves to such a monster?

“Sorry boy.” I looked up at his high and proud face. He had helped me where my friends failed. I hugged his thick neck with my free arm, the other held his spurting penis. I whispered sweet cooes to him as the massive thing bobbed in the night air. “That’s a gooood boy; just let it out. It’s oookay. Gooood boy…”

I was empty and so was he. I pressed my stomach and only felt a hard knot below my belly button. I figured that was my tortured and inflamed womb. Likewise I massaged his sagging testicles until his swelling subsided and knot returned to normal.

My lower half was drenched in cum!

I used my long socks wipe myself dry and tossed them in the trash. I beat and brushed my shoes off with a combination of dry dirt and dewy grass and opted to carry them. My skin was taunt with dried semen; my underskirt was wet and sticky as I re-buttoned it. I needed to get home! The far horizon was growing blue with morning light.

I took his collar in hand, “S… hrmmm”. I turned it over and read the inscription on the back, “Never Lost - Always Found”. The words made me smile. “Ok S-dog, I guess I found you. Or maybe you found me, but where’s home?” He gave a low bark that sounded eerily human and trotted to the van.

JINKIES, THE VAN! What if someone saw? The name caught in my throat. I had just blurted it out. I would normally said Jeez, or Jeepers, but my mind was filled with Doctor Jenkins.

S-dog sat proud as ever on the far side of the van. The passenger door was open and his happy tail kicked up dust waiting for me. Walking felt… different not bloated but rather empty. I felt where previously there was no feeling at all. My vaginal opening was sore, but slick lips sliding against each other made my heart flutter. “Ok boy what is it?”


“Did you just talk?” He cocked his head as if confused.

I stepped away from the strange dog to bang on the side of the van. Soon I met ‘Shaggy’ S-dogs owner. The famous S-dog was actually Scoob, or Scooby, sometimes Th’Scoobster or his proper name “Scooby-Doo”.

We spoke briefly about who I was and where I had came from. The van was pretty cool in side! It had a bench seat in the back that let down into a full sized bed. I learned that Shaggy was basically a vagrant roaming from town to town. I didn’t feel confident that he even owned this van! That didn’t matter now though. After a squirt of starter fluid in the carburetor, the mystery creeper van was in motion. I sat in the back with my new friend Scooby.

Scoob nosed at a bag on the floor. I unzipped it to found a box of dog treats and a bag of brownies! Shaggy caught us snacking, and proceeded to explain his personal recipe for pot brownies. I should have asked first! That night was a day of many firsts! He parked away from my house, but I ran in to get some munchies for us.

We laughed and pigged out on Cheesypoofs, Little Devil cakes, dry cereal, and soda! He explained more about his life and introduced me to all kinds of new music. I was very guarded about the specific events of the night but told him all about my life. When the sun came up I knew I had to go. I felt terrible because I could tell it had been weeks since the pair had a proper bath. My parents would die if they caught me with a 23year old bum who lived in a van down by the river! I told him to wait for me until after school. My parents would be out and I wanted to repay the favor.

I climbed in my window just as my parent’s alarm went off. A shower had never felt so great! Mom dropped me off at school with a comment about how tired I looked. I wished I could tell her more. That day was a blur. Emotional and physical exhaustion needed time to heal. The teachers cut me some slack for sleeping in class. Being ‘Velma’ came with a few perks. Latterton was glad to see me. He had returned and unlocked the gate as I thought, but didn’t see me anywhere and figured I’d escaped another way. Marcie gave me the cold shoulder at lunch as we both ate alone at separate tables. I wanted to fix things with her but I needed to find out who ‘Miss Delaqua’ was first.

I was true to my word and met Shaggy after school and snuck him into the house. We made plans for the library so I could research. Before he finished the shower I was passed out on my bed. I was still sleeping when Mom and Dad arrived. They yelled up the stairs to scold me for cleaning out the fridge and snacks! I heard them but I was lying in a pool of cum! I started to curse Shaggy for pouring my hair conditioner on me, but the semen was thick with globules. It must have been sealed in my womb.

The next week Shaggy and Scoob helped taxi me around town. Gas was cheap as Cheesypoofs and my parents never suspected a thing. It was normal for me to spend hours at the library, courthouse, or Hall of Records.

I couldn’t find much under Delaqua. I started to type my name, v… e... auto completed ‘Venice’ Delaqua. Her birth year fit, but she was the daughter of a rich railroad tycoon. Her parents had been tragically killed after a certificate arranged marriage surfaced which wed her to an A. Nelson. Nelson was considered very prominent at that time, but several years later he was proven a fraud that lost millions on empty gold mining claims in Alaska. The trail went cold so I turned back to Venice.

It was a tragic story indeed, but didn’t explain how she became a resident at Pinehurst or the peculiar treatment at the hands of Jenkins. Her death certificate brought me to tears; she committed suicide on October 22nd 1929. It must have been the broken mirror and blood from my vision. At least she didn’t have to suffer the Great Depression.

I turned my focus to Pinehurst facility. There was no mention of Jenkins but the lead Doctor was a man named H. Dahmer. Dahmer specialized in Lobotomies and headed other often fatal programs. Pinehurst had a vast staff of psychologists and doctors ranging in levels one to four. Most numerous were the entry level ‘L1’ docs. Dahmer was the only ‘L4’. I found a mention of ‘L3’ with hints to secret programs. That had to be Jenkins!

Pinehurst was finally closed when a nearby farmer, Jackson Stone, found a group of “zombies” eating raw corn in his field; husks and all. They were escaped lobotomy patients long after the practice had been outlawed. Asylum orderlies quickly took the patients back, but Stone never gave up. A few years later he was able to shed light on the horrific practices at Pinehurst. That same year he was elected town Sheriff. His great-grandson Bronson Stone was the current Sheriff today.

I had to go back; back to the past to uncover more of the mystery. The idea of wearing that jumpsuit under Jenkins care was terrifying, but I kept hearing her soft voice. “Save me.”

The plan unfolded slowly. Every morning I would wake up filled with new resolve. I researched ever more. Architectural schematics and old door lock designs chief among topics. I returned to Pinehurst to search and learn first hand the facilities layout. I memorized as much as I crawl under or climb over. The breakthrough happened when I found the key ring Latterton had used.

Everything was ready to go. I dropped out of the FFA competition to stay home that weekend. My parents didn’t like it, but I was no longer interested in ‘animal husbandry.’ I selected a few keys. I had to choose which were important and how to get them there.

I cleaned up the keys with steel wool and used a plastic test tube with a screwtop lid. The cell bloc key was the largest. I dropped the keys inside the tube and screwed the lid on tight.

The plan was simple. Shaggy would take me to the Asylum. He and Scoob would wait outside no matter how long it took. I would enter and go to the mirror. There I had to insert the test-tube of keys in my vagina. The pig semen had survived the travel, they should too right? Then I had to go back in time and avoid the hands of hell! I would escape the bathroom and cell bloc to gain access to Jenkins office, where I hoped to find files regarding Venice. I didn’t know if I would be able to save her, but at least I would be one step closer. The trick was to make it back to the mirror and hope I could get home leaving the keys of escape for her.

There were a thousand things that could go wrong. I had stated the biggest problem to Marcie the first night; hauntings weren’t repeatable. If they were, there would be hard evidence. There was nothing like my experience! If it had happened to others I imagine they kept the boar cum a secret! Not that I wanted to repeat that! Worst case scenario I could be caught and have to repeat it. I had to take every precaution to avoid that. There was no way to prepare for random chance even from future knowledge.

I could ponder theoretical physics and time ending paradoxes later! I had to go. I rushed down to say goodnight to my parents and climbed out the window to meet Shaggy. I chose to repeat the exact conditions by wearing the same outfit and time. It wasn’t a full moon and my skirt was navy, but I had to try.

Shaggy and Scoob were happy NOT to follow me in! Neither of them wanted to stay at all, but bags of potato chips helped! I took my messenger bag and walked in. I had become very familiar with the layout and made excellent time. I wanted to stand in front of the mirror at exactly the right moment. The traumatic events Venice endured that night caused her to commit suicide. That was likely the source of the haunting.

I stood in front of the broken mirror. The tub was half filled with unknown debris. I sat my bag in it and closed my electric lantern. It had been dark that night.

Knowing full well what might await me on the other side I stepped out of my panties. I placed them in the bag and took the vial. I had never put anything inside myself before, not even a finger. The vial was thicker than I wanted, but my usual hesitation and second-guessing were gone. All I could hear was her voice. ‘Save me.’

My ears began to ring in the darkness of the familiar stale air as I got started.

The vial bottom was rounded but dug at my dry puffy outer labia. I wet my hand and pulled my lips open. Revealing myself in this dirty place held a bit of excitement. It was me who made the comment about bums and wild animals. I knew how males wanted see, touch, and have me. Here I was in the most unlikely of places in near nude begging submission. The plastic became wet as I dipped it in further and further. I knew I was doing this for a reason but the feeling of surrender was special.

The other night Marcie’s affection had clearly played a role. I didn’t know if I was supposed to call out to the spirits. I imagined hands belonging to a thousand hungry ghosts. I couldn’t measure the lust of a man locked up in a jail for years, more-less tortured and denied proper human rights. The tube was almost fully inside; the unique press of it against my cervix was undeniable. I knew my body with cold medical certainty, but there was more.

That was a part of it, pain and suffering; submission and desire. I wanted to know. The new ideas of sex and pleasure weren’t something I could read about, draw a diagram, or memorize. This was something more, something spiritual. I pressed hard feeling my body close over screw lid and onto my finger. I came here subjecting myself to this, hurting myself submitting to the unknown but why? I had learned the rape of my protected ova was by nature’s design, so why do we allow it? For some greater good?

My breathing was heavy. I shoved the tube in further than needed. I wanted to know and understand sacrifice. A man didn’t know or feel that, all they felt was pleasure and lust. My face flushed; the sound of my slushy slick angry jabs matched my breath. I was pushing harder than I needed and it hurt. Why was I doing this?

I couldn’t stop the building curiosity of that probing pleasure. My pace increased; I felt out of control. My mewling whimpers echoed down the dark decaying hallway. The metaphysical understanding was on the tip of my grasp. The pain and pleasure; men who rape and women who give, were like puzzle pieces floating in black space. It was impossible to form a thought as my face clenched holding my breath pressing the tube against os opening. I didn’t need to do this; I felt a twinge of fear.

Theoretical physics of atoms positive and negatively charged followed mysterious laws of attraction. They held the world together though it was mostly empty space. Good and Evil were more than ideals. The string theory stated that every action split reality into alternate dimensions. It wasn’t dimensionality; it was TIME!

I stepped forward in orgasm holding the mirror as I breathed in heaving whimpering waves. Both my hands gripped the mirror, but the stabbing thing in my core never stopped. It hurt; I stretched my calves up onto my tip-toes trying to escape it. It was powered by some unseen force. My hands were empty! The keys rattled and vibrated tunes of pleasure at my core.

Humid breath bathed the mirror as my face rolled against it holding on for dear life. Fear was rising. There was no doubt whatever this spirit, this cosmic balance, this nightmarish force was evil. It wanted to fuck me bloody and seal my soul into the depths of torture with it. The time capsule of keys became a weapon. I moaned and growled against this evil as my hands reached back prying my cheeks and lips open to get it out. My fingers dove between my soaking wet labia inside but I couldn’t grasp it! It was impossibly slippery and powerful. My fear reached a fever pitch as knew this might be the end…I wanted it in a way, the pain the pleasure, the understanding of how it all fit together.

That’s when I heard the distant scream.

I was on the Hospital floor sucking in the sterile air as if I had been drowning. Everything was still.

The clock on the wall ticked seconds like bombs. As one fear calmed another rose. I opened my eyes wincing at the white light. I quickly pulled labia open to fish the tube out. It wasn’t bloody only slimy with my clear grool.

Time was short. I didn’t have time to rest. Time was everything! Three men would enter the room and take me away. I snatched the onesie up to dress. The bottom flap wasn’t buttoned… I couldn’t remember if it had been up or down before. The buttons were hard to reach as I chased by own tail.

I shook five keys into my hand. Of course this outfit didn’t have a pocket! I used the bath key and held the cell key and tube ready.

Outside my heart stopped hearing cold steps approaching the bloc hallway. Voices drifted from the Admin area, “Oh Jinkies!" I ran down the hall quick as I could. My bare feet wanted to slap so I jogged on the balls until I reached the far T intersection. I hid out of sight, listening.

Their key opened the iron door followed by the bath door. I cursed myself. For all my planning how didn’t I see this coming? They yelled to begin a search.

I held tight with my back to the wall sliding away from the commotion. The heart in my throat sank when my butt flap caught a hinge and popped a button. Cool air flooded in from the half open square. The door was to a patient’s room, I scanned the titles and important information from a file holder. “Patient name: Unknown responds to Billy, L4, Attending Physician: Dahmer, Next lobotomy 28th.”

My eyes were wide, “Next lobotomy!?!” But I heard the Orderlies yelling with approaching footsteps. I shook the keys out; a second floor skeleton would work on all patient doors. Quick as a flash I slid inside and locked the door behind me. It was dark; I hoped ‘Billy’ was asleep. The glass peep was too tall for me, but a horizontal opening was halfway for meals. I bent and looked out. The dim hallway light brightened to full strength as a rush of footsteps passed.

I was so focused on the hallway I didn’t realize what was behind me. Heavy lungs soaked up my scent though flared nostrils. His heavy exhale blew warmly against my bare skin at the torn flap.

I froze fearing monsters on both sides of the door. Voices continued outside:

“We found a button Sir!”
“Get the Janitor! Find out when this hall was last swept!”
“He’s up on 5 Sir.”
“Then get MOVING and find out who is missing keys! She’s got keys, how did she get keys!”
“This girl is a level 3 we can’t let her escape!”
“Close the Lobby!”
“The Governor’s inspection is tomorrow morning!”
“Get the Nurse who prepped her!”

A warm tongue swept up my exposed lower back between my dimples of Venus. I didn’t want to move or startle him. It was impossible to tell what part of his mind had been taken. He was more creature than human now. Why keep the poor nameless man alive? He was a living lab rat.

His tongue worked lower into the top of my buttcrack. He was reduced to a troglodyte zombie. His heavy lungs took in my scent again. Modern perfumes, lotions, and soaps were unknown to his time. He knew this was a delicious meal to be savored. His tong went wild, left, right, and in-between. I couldn’t stop him but my hands grabbed his scraggly hair anyway. The vial of keys hit the floor silhouetted by the hallway lights. His hair was greasy and curly unkempt. He found my sphincter which stole my breath away forcing me to stand. The second button popped in the strain. His animalistic hands gripped my hips with carnal desire jerking me back to his slobbering face.

I had never felt so vulnerable before. Even when Jenkins strapped me down to the animal I felt a level of safety. Someone outside flipped the room light on, they were about to check his room! If I was caught I may never see mirror again! The chart was retrieved followed by a snapping clipboard. I expect they were doing an extra check on every room. My body was reacting to his invasion with shivers and jerks when I heard the key.

He had reached his prize and softened his grip. I spun like a snakes strike to grab his suit. He was surprised, and so was I; he wasn’t a monster. He was just a boy not much older than Shaggy. His blue eyes and palled face were dumbstruck as I jerked him to the corner. I crouched and held him close to hide me like a shield. The door swung open. He thought my action was an invitation and worked buttons to free his penis.

The lady Nurse scribbled angry words and finished with a loud checkmark, “Masturbating… AAGAIN…” She turned a slammed the door. That was an interesting thought, who cleaned the cells?

Billy never faltered. I tried to plead with him, but he was zombie that didn’t speak my language, or any language. He pulled his dick out and my jaw dropped. “Jinkies! That things HUGE!” I had never seen a real human penis! It was massively larger than the test tube. “Nnnn-no-no-no you’ve got the wrong idea buddy!” I tried to grab his hair and push is face back down like before but he was a stone giant.

I looked at it again; oozing precum looking angry filled with throbbing veins of rape like the dog. He spun me around and pushed my head into the corner. If he wanted to kill me he could have cracked my skull like a melon. The ogre would probably rape my corpse afterwards. I wanted to scream when the rubbery foreskin pressed against my back. I had to think fast!

His mental abilities were gone, he just wanted the feeling. If I could give him that maybe he would be happy like the dog! He bent down and jabbed upward to smear my perineum with slimy lubrication. Anymore of that and he might get lucky like the dumb pig. I had to do something, but he wouldn’t allow me to turn. If I could get it in my hand like Scoob...

I straightened my back being sure not to expose my vulnerabilities to him and clenched with all my might. He pressed in again but his penis pushed between my thighs. I hated to admit how my body reacted. I was near dripping with grool. It was warm and slippery to him, and he went to work fucking my thighs!

He lifted my feet off the ground a time or two before he finished. My defenseless pussy rode his shaft like a bucking bronco until his moment of exaltation. Looking down the thing pushed several inches out past my mons tenting my suit. It jumped shooting ropes of semen that turned the fabric dark.

He wrapped his arm around me and gently pulled me to his cot. He was a gentle giant and I wouldn’t be able to venture into the hallway for a few more hours. His loving hand pushed me down onto the bed first as he lay down to spoon me. I was protected from sight and could only wait.

The room light flicked off. We lay in the dark cuddling. His breathing was that of a tired beast. Soon the hallway lights dimmed. The sticky semen on my stomach and thighs wasn’t like the boars, this was human sperm. It could actually get me pregnant. Just laying here in a pool of it put my body at risk. Millions of sperm were swimming and blindly searching to invade me.

I couldn’t help but rest assured their chances were low. Resting in his arms wasn’t all bad. I needed to plan my moves. I had the keys so I might escape during shift change. How would I return to the Bath? The high alert staff should be expanding their search away from me. I needed a bit of luck for sure! The mindless patient tightened his grip on me. Getting out of this situation would be hard enough.

It was late and I was trapped so I closed my eyes. I had to remain still until he was out cold, but in doing so I dozed in and out. My brain never fully shut off. I snuck out after a risky nap. His cock grew hard in the night to which fully woke me. I knew he was in deep sleep; he breathed like a horse.

The sticky glue on my belly and thighs had mostly dried. It made me want to avoid capture even more. I waited at the intersection trying to listen for the office nurse. The wing was dark and quiet. I had to wait and hope.

Soon the clacking of heels or hard bottomed women’s shoes exited to descend the stairs. I quietly approached the cell door slipped down the stairs myself. I knew the layout by heart. Gossip and chatter floated out from the kitchens about the days events.

I found Jenkins office. It was a dark night outside and his door locked. I used my key. Inside I would find my prize; many of them all at once. I copied farmer Stone’s phone number and address from and old phone book. The idea struck me; it wasn’t old but brand-new! I added the note to the vial. Next were the file cabinets. I flew through the Dewey Decimal system to find her Delaqua, Venice Dice. It had been updated with today’s date.

We shared initials and even a name and we were both still alive! We also looked alike. People couldn’t tell us apart, or by some ghostly powers my identity was hidden. She couldn’t be a distant relative because she had died! Reincarnation was a popular theory, or was it fate? Had the flow of time bent itself backwards to correct these horrible events? That didn’t do much for Marcie’s idea of haunting if only I experienced it. Did others encounter ghostly visages of their distant past? That graveyard was full!

I could ponder the future later and nosed into her file. The past weeks puzzle pieces all fell together. I knew her parents had been rich and her newly arranged marriage was to a fraud in the making. In the police report I learned the real truth. The police had only looked at the single crime scene and with a lack of forensics found nothing. Venice had made statements pleading for them to look at the big picture, but there was no hard evidence, no motive or probable cause. The case was dropped.

Her parents hadn’t met a tragic accident; they were killed! Venice had been sexually assaulted the day before but the police didn’t put the two events together. The man had forged arranged marriage papers, forced himself upon Venice by that justification. Her parents were involved the next day and were killed! They never connected HER as the motive!

Then I read Dr. Jenkins diagnosis and treatment:

“Venice suffers from schizophrenic alternate personalities and grand conspiracy plot against her husband, Arthur Nelson. She refuses to acknowledge that she is married or accept the last name. Mr. Nelson contacted us to break her of these delusions. He desires intimate relations and children as husband and wife. Her violent outbursts of rage and strong will are a challenge, but I believe my unique course of treatments can cure her. I recommend various levels of increasing sexual stimuli and through traumatic experience we can induce a sustained paralyzing stress reaction. My colleague Dr. Dahmer has some success in creating these sex dolls or ‘zombies’ but Mr. Nelson is wary of lobotomy death rates.”

It was all here! I placed a pen in the spine of the stolen folder and rushed to leave. I had to get back. The boar had only been a step in the process. Venice clearly wasn’t insane! I couldn’t imagine what she had endured up to this point or what else might await her. She had killed herself with no hope of escape. It really WAS that bad! I silently climbed the stairwell. I needed to get back to my time, back to the mirror. I would leave the file folder, keys, and note. When we swapped consciousness she would have her hope!

The Admittance room was silent and empty. I moved like a shadow. I giggled; I was a white shadow, white floors, white walls, and white clothes. I was the Ghost!

The cell block door clicked as I turned the key. “Who’s there?” The Nurse stood behind the wire window. “Doctor Jenkins is that you?” My heart rushed with her hurried clacking heels.

There was no time! The bath door was so close, but I couldn’t unlock and relock in time! I didn’t pull the cell door closed and raced down the hall as she called louder and louder. Billy’s room was my only hope! I slung the folder behind his medical chart in the door file holder. My hands were shaking as a nearby exit door opened. The janitor! He held a wide broom like a weapon and rushed me hearing the angry Nurse. I dropped the key hidden with the folder.

I was caught. I might be able to outrun the old man on a flat, but every door was locked! I covered my face and sank.

My worst fears came true as I was strapped nude to a table in an operation room. I clenched my eyes missing home, and missing my room and safe warm bed. A hundred years stretched between me and that distant comfort. This bed was cold and hard. I knew the chance of failure but never considered it possible. Fate had put me here and I had to trust that fate would get me out. The file and keys were still hidden.

“Miss Delaqua!” Jenkins voice was unmistakable. The long southern drawl of smooth confident words latent with terrible purpose and power curled my nerves. “You gave me quite a bit of trouble toniiight. We had a plan you know… a sche’dule-to keep.” He was a cat toying with a captured mouse. He really enjoyed this.

I stared up at the impossible white of the exam light. He stepped over to fill my vision and unbuttoned the ball gag. I gritted my teeth; angry words might make the situation worse. I knew the file, knew the diagnosis and feared the inevitable treatment.

He smiled at my silence and stepped away, “I had something special for you tonight, but we couldn’t wait fo’ever.” A male nurse in full scrubs and mask pushed a covered cart in. “Ah, they’ve arrived!” He swished the pale green sheet away, but I couldn’t see. Jenkins blocked my view. He read the chart. “I had this planned for later next week, but since you’ve turned the time-table upside down- We’ll have to make do wont we?”

He flipped though the pages unable to find the information he needed, “Has her diet been properly…”

He asked the Nurse but I answered. “Vanilla paste.” How could I forget my last treatment! In truth I had altered my diet. Scooby and Shaggy were literally eating me out of house and home! My parents were becoming suspicious, but in the back of my mind I always knew this was a possibility.

He spun on a dime, “VERY-Goood Miss Delaqua! His voice made me sick!

I could see the table now and began to shake. Words were impossible. Several modified funnel tipped quart sized glass jars were filled with maggots. Their tiny white bodies were unmistakable. I was frozen in disgust and fear and unable to look away from the horror.

The Nurse pulled a needle from my thigh which broke my gaze. “What was that? What are you doing?”

Jenkins nodded to the nurse, “That’ll be all; I can take it from here.” He turned back to me as I fiercely struggled against the restraints. “Juust somethin’ to ‘hep you relax.”

I forced myself quiet. The only hope was to be ‘cured’. Thoughts of ‘violent rage’ faded as the unknown shot did its job. It was powerful.

He was working my bed into position with the familiar hook and unhooking of my restraints. I tried to ask questions, but a moan was all I could manage. I was on my stomach, legs strapped to stirrups and spread wide, knees bent ready receive. My mouth remained free but it took all my strength and focus to turn my head.

Jenkins held a long glass syringe with similar rubber wide funnel tip. The muscle relaxer had numbed my speech while something else tried to rob my thoughts. The table was declined with my head low. I my face reddened. My heart had also been relaxed. The rush of the drug was fading from the first heady wave. My thoughts slowly filtered back in. The dosing had to be perfect at this high strength or it could stop my heart. I had never considered death a possibility.

Blinking I tried to focus on him and what he planned. The long plunger was out of the glass tube. He held a jar squirming larva and shook them in. My heart tried to race, but it couldn’t. My useless moan was more forceful this time. There were real concerns! I knew some medicine but modern common knowledge was unheard of in the past. History learned about bacteria after the middle ages, but this was unthinkable!

Struggling to speak my mind screamed one thought and finally my lips complied, “Toxic… Shock..”

Reinserting the plunger he pressed their writhing bodies tight. “I’m not from the Dark Ages, Honey.” His smile was revolting as the maggots. “These were grown in a controlled sterile envii-ro-ment with fruit.” The mass of lewd squirming bodies pressed the glass searching for an escape. He stepped closer to my prone body, out of my sight.

I wanted to scream but I couldn’t take a large breath. He pressed the warm tube against my limp sphincter. “The only thing you have to fear is your mind. Overcoming that fear and accepting your place in life is the only way to get back home Darlin.” The tube easily pressed in and sank deeper and deeper into my colon.

I was unable to clench, fight, or push against it. His slow constant pressure traversed and straightened my bowels over the instrument. My hazy mind hadn’t guessed the length or how much it could hold. Anywhere from 500 to 1000 milliliters maybe even five times that. Panic was hard to understand or even reach because of the drug. How deep was the syringe? I could barely feel it.

When he was satisfied he held the plunger steady and gripped the tube to pull it back. He didn’t smash their bodies only held the plunger steady so removing the tube left them inside. I was numb, but my mind knew. The drug was waning. I couldn’t feel sick though I wanted to. When the syringe was fully out as few creatures tumbled dryly to the floor. He placed a bit of medical taped over my limp anal gape sealing them inside.

The drug was a short burst and I could feel and sense more and more. My words were sluggish and begging. Jenkins replaced my ball gag and loaded another syringe. I tried to shake my head back and forth crying over the gag but I was defenseless. The tapered tip spilled a few white bodies as he worked it between my labia.

He was careful with the girthy glass in my thin body, but I felt a numbed sense of it. It was impossible to insert deep as the last. He didn’t pull back on the tube like before either; he pressed the plunger until worms began to bulge and squirm out of my pussy’s sealing grip. Then he pulled depositing the rest. He had a much larger strip of tape ready. Sealing in the boiling mass inside before they could escape he stepped back proud of his work.

A third and very large piece of tape was placed over my crotch from belly to back. It must be a standard practice for him. He leveled the table closing the leg stirrups so that I lay naturally. Straps were loosened and removed. The ball gag remained. My face was a mess of tears, snot, and drool.

With all my strength I rolled over. My perky breasts filled in faster than other girls; erect puffy nipples pointed to the ceiling. I didn’t care, nor did I wince. I stared at the lights. I could hear him taking notes scratching on the chart. He clicked a stopwatch, “Thirty minute mark! Goood Tiiime!” I remained motionless, “You know… the drug is gone now.” He looked down into my doll face one last time.

I struggled to hold my sanity. The creatures were strong rioting against millions of nerve endings in confines of my body.

Jenkins walked away to attend other patient on his schedule. I hard mummers as he passed the chart. “Use mittens, and release her into the general commons. Tell the nurse to watch for signs of seizure; nerve over-stimulation IS a possibility.” I could hear his smile, “I think we’ve cured her!”

I was limp but able to hold myself up as I was dressed. My mind fought to survive but existed somewhere outside my body. The mittens made my hands useless. I was pushed up to the second floor in a wheel chair. The commons was the large crumbled room we couldn’t access before... “You know, back in the future?” My mind was slipping, maybe I really was crazy.

I was by a window alone with a million new friends.

Other patients were drawing, playing games, and milling about. I didn’t have the gag, but words were useless. I was insane… anything I said would be ignored! Likewise violence or screaming would be dealt with swiftly. I stared out the barred window trying to equalize.

The window was open; a warm breeze blew across my frozen face and blank stare. I didn’t blink my dry and stinging dead eyes. It was day or early morning. My old life had never felt so distant. I was lost like a boat on a misty flat-calm lake. I was drifting without a rudder or a paddle. The countless creatures inside were just as hopeless, but they didn’t give up. My thoughts returned to them. I couldn’t think about the future; only them. They weren’t painful, actually comforting in a way. I wasn’t the only one struggling.

They had to breathe, they needed oxygen. Their metabolism and biology could last six hours or more without oxygen. But they struggled. I pressed the armrest to stand. Failing to find strength I fell back rocking my angry bloating cargo. I looked at the crippling mittens. His treatment was a planned course.

My chest heaved as I forced new resolve. I had to try! My heart pushed as well. I had to move! Fight or flight was a powerful automatic survival response. Warm and welcome blood and feeling returned to my extremities. Blood was pulled to the vital organs to survive. Even vision narrowed, close range was blurred, only distance of three feet or more could be seen. The body forces this emergency response to run, to survive. Running was an option. I had to focus.

My face flushed as a cramp rolled me forward. It wasn’t a painful cramp rather a pleasure wave. I didn’t want it to be possible! Parts of my sensitive body were awash with gentle constant stimulation. Blood returned everywhere increasing sensitivity. Unwanted, but accepted. The idea of acceptance had been done; I turned the page. I knew I couldn’t fight them, only this terrible situation.

I pushed to stand. My legs were unsteady as water-filled bags. The creatures robbed my focus but I managed to stand. I turned a bit too quick like a zombie learning a body’s capability. The Nurse noticed me. She was watching. I crumpled to the window as another contraction pressed me down. My forearms held the ledge. I couldn’t help but curl my legs and twist my hips in unwanted pleasure.

It was bad but not hopeless. I watched as a flock of a thousand black birds swoop and fly with a hive mind that modern science couldn’t explain. By the schematics the bakery was below on the 1st floor. I felt the start of a plan. It made sense that after a meal or a set time of day they might discard old bread. The birds were waiting and hungry; they might also enjoy juicy fly larva!

I had to get the tape off; the windows were open and a bird could easily fly though the bars. In the chaos I could escape to my hidden keys! I scanned for anyway to remove the tape. I could snag and pop the butt flap easy, but a Nurse was sure to catch me scratching the medial tape.

That’s when I saw my savior! Billy was walking in circles on the far side of the L shaped room. The waves threatened to crest, but I gritted teeth determined to try. Step by agonizing step I approached. Billy recognized me instantly. I showed him the mittens. He had endured the same devices before and took them off without hesitation or words.

Looking into his eyes I felt love and understanding. Perhaps his dummied mind and my mindless pleasure understood each other. It was only a moment but in his eyes I knew my plan would work. He grabbed my hips to spin me around. The buttons popped next. I’ll never be able to describe it; it wasn’t pleasure or force that bent me over the table. It was my choice.

He wasn’t a bad person. I was here to save Venice, but who would save him? I knew I couldn’t. Saving myself was proving hard enough! Had waves of pleasure warped my mind? The past weeks’ experience came together as I arched my back out for him. I ripped the front of my suit. Buttons skittered across the floor as other patients ignored or moved away. The suit was down over my arms and crumbled by my legs. I was naked for the world to see, but this wasn’t my world. My butt was arched up calling out to him.

His huge penis was ready to answer, veined and angry. He ripped the layers of tape loose in one pull. I clenched at the sudden pain.

I held tight against the writhing mass as the embarrassment of what he would see hit me! The squirming headstrong bodies forced their way out. I was powerless and in clamping force. I felt them stronger than ever. The submission, the humiliation, and feeling powerless fed the strongest orgasm of my life. I tried to fight it, to stay strong, but failure was bliss; it was a girls’ nature.

Strong spasms spilled and spat larva out of my pathetic taints onto the floor and down my thighs. They spread in their blind search as only insects can. Each tickled new nerve endings in my futile resistance and surrender. I lost all power over vaginal and anal capacities.

Billy didn’t mind; he didn’t care at all. He held the throbbing base of his manhood and pressed against my overwhelmed body and vulva. I was a warm wet hole for him. He pressed in. The pain pleasure split my mind open. A loud moan was forced from my chest in indulgent euphoria. Not that he needed encouragement he pressed further filling me with stretching pain. I wanted to give it to him. To give my body to his future that he might be saved. Jenkins had taken my pride away. I was nothing but a filthy flesh doll. I might still be able to save Venice if lucky but Billy was possible too. All I could do was give what nature demanded.

He rocked and bumped my body with violent thrusts. More larva spilled out and spread over his hips and body. The virulent eye of his penis kissed and pressed the center of my cervix with indignant bliss as maggots spread through his wiry pubic and body hair. They preferred the warmth of a body and covered his sweaty sagging testicles flooding to his legs and perineum. Anyone else would have been disgusted, ran from my body vomiting but he pulled me tighter than ever as he came. My body was filled with wriggling maggots, but I felt each blot of his strong ejaculation. The larva eagerly invaded his winking and moist anus as his male kegel muscles worked. His glands were seated with my womb half stretched over it. He pushed up and down grinding his hips into mine trying to penetrate me further but our bones wouldn’t allow it. Our spirits did, our souls, whatever one might call it. He and I were one, now and forever.

I wanted to get pregnant, to have him use and ruin body for his life that he might have it again. The world was motionless as I imagined his sperm. A million sperm forced into my womb spreading and searching like the maggots. His biological modus operandi wasn’t as potent as the boar, but sperm were compatible.

A bird perched on a bar at the window. It regarded the room scanning. Threats, sustenance, survival. It was alone however, but not for long. A great black tide of creatures blotted out the sun as they burst from a tree. I heard voices, loud and shouting.

Billy was pulled away and out of me with a pop. I rolled away to the cool floor. The birds; they were coming. Maggots and cum spilled form my body as Nurse gasped. Dry heaving she retreated to vomit crying for help.

I smiled. Fate was real. More staff ran in only to be met by a flood of birds. Once inside they couldn’t escape, but I made mine. I was helped away by someone in green as they opened the cell bloc door for me. With semen and larva still spurting on each step I ran slapping barefoot down the hallway to Billy’s room to grab my cache.

I laughed at the insane screams as I backtracked across my trail to the bathing room. I hoped this would be good for the Governors’ inspection! Billy sat in the middle of it all cool as a cucumber. His hard dick bobbed and spasmed covered in larva searching for a new home.

I squatted in the tub finally able to relax and push as hard as I could. Three fingers slid inside my pussy easily. It felt like hot stewed mashed peaches in heavy sauce with squirming maggots to match. I expelled most and wiped my body clean with a dry towel. I paused to write a quick note, “Venice, use the keys to escape, get to ‘Stone’ I’ve included the address, invest in Ford then Computers!”

In the chaos she would have no trouble, except to understand it! The keys included two that I had no need of, but she would. In front of the mirror naked, defiled, but mostly clean I looked at my reflection. Nothing happened. Time passed. I screamed and begged but nothing worked. There was time, but not long! Seconds ticked to minutes, which lead to an hour. Would I be able to escape?

The tears were true. I worried I might be stuck here… I looked at the clock again. She had killed herself in this very room they day before. Was I too late? I still had the means to escape myself, but I didn’t want to escape; I wanted to go home. Thoughts of my warm bed, my Mother and Father and Marcie drew sobbing tears. I had been mean to her; made her cry. My new friends Shaggy and his crazy dog were waiting on me too. I made him promise to wait forever; would he?

Fear and regret turned to anger as I sank down to the floor. Who said this had a happy ending? My vision had seen blood on the broken glass. Was it her blood or mine? The screams and phrase ‘save me’ were really they mine all along?

“Save me…” I begged, my eyes were filled with shame. The bight lights reflected in my glossy eyes. Was this all for nothing? “Save- me!” I cried out for something to hear me. I knew the hungry hands were ever present, but I couldn’t call them now. Was I one of them? Was this my destiny?

I couldn’t believe that. I was good; I came here to do Good! If evil existed than so did GOOD! I felt the anger rise. My sobbing cries continued as I lay before the mirror. This couldn’t be! I wasn’t supposed to be here. Billy’s eyes burned in my mind, “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!” I hit the mirror weakly.

Hauntings weren’t known to be loving I thought. Was this nothing more than a cosmic trap? I didn’t deserve this, “I SACRIFICED!” I pounded on it again and again.

Nothing heard me… “WHAT DID I DO WRONG?” Slowly the feeling built and rose like a burning pyre. I was angry at her, had she betrayed me? Had she chose to stay in my world?

The intense emotion to see my family and friends blazed, “WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?” weakness and fear were in my words.

I listened to the silence. “I’m listening.” Was that enough? My resolve broke out in chills across my skin. Hair on arms and neck stood up and flowed like waves across my body. I had to believe in myself again. Is that what Jenkins tried to take from me? Did he succeed? Venice died the day she gave up hope. I knew I was out there across space and time somewhere; my spirit was forever pure but alone and lost. I rose up to my knees clenched my eyes and screamed with every emotion in one.

“SAVE-ME!” I hit the mirror with both clenched hands and felt it shatter. Broken glass sliced into my palms as I hit it again and again felling forward in defiance.

There was only silence after the crash.

I opened my sobbing eyes to see the bloodied glass. I had cut myself deep for this much blood, but I didn’t feel it… something was wrong, the blood was dried and old. Slowly the details of the room filtered into my struggling and strained consciousness. Everything was old and the air was stale again. I looked at my hands and saw only scars. Had things been set right?

I stood on weak legs. I was in my clothes too! My skirt and fall sweater! A lone larva squirmed free from my butt and fell to the dusty ground. I stepped into my panties glad I chose the tight ones! My mind raced and I ran as fast as I could from the broken mirror into the daylight.

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I gave Shaggy a big hug and thanked him for waiting. He seemed confused; after a few brownies he was always confused! How much time had passed; How many brownies? I had missed my parents for breakfast. I could explain that. Shag drove me to the library after he made me eat a brownie with him and a few snacks to chill out. Food and munchies had never tasted so good!

I dove nose first researching what happened. Pinehurst had been shut down that following Monday instead of years later! How many lives had I saved? I searched for Billy and found nothing. Venice Dice Delaqua was freed from her false marriage! Farmer stone was voted in Sheriff that year. I kept digging into Venice’s history. Sheriff Stone acted in-loco-parentis for her. She gave birth to twins nine months later! She refused to say who the father was. I was on fire!

Those two girls started families of their own. Nan and Judy Delaqua were current town residents! They had married giving up maiden name. Nan and married Barty Blake and had a daughter, Daphne Blake. I double checked the birth records. Daphne was MY AGE! We went to the same school!

Judy Delaqua married a man named Brad Chiles and had a boy. The records were missing and all I could find was a name Fred, Fred Chiles. There was SOOO much more to the Delaqua family! Both lines were wildly rich and had many brothers and sisters. Delaqua family was prone to twins and triplets!

My, Dinkly family was well off too! We weren’t just farmers, but THE farmers in town after Stone stepped away. The strangest fact is when I searched Shaggy Rodgers. He was still the same bum living in a van by the river, when I left and when I returned! Not because he HAD TO this time! His family owned a mansion just outside of town. I searched and searched for any record of how! All I found were mysterious acquisitions of stock in, Ford, IBM, and Microsoft.

It was unbelievable. The world was the same as I left it but vastly different now! I had to get home to Mom and Dad. Shaggy was waiting for me outside as Scooby trotted across the Library lawn.

My smiled reached from ear to ear! “Did you go pee on the flowers?”


“I swear you’ve taught that dog to speak English!”

Shaggy was elbow deep in a bag of chips, “Naah th’ Scoob’s just smart; takes after me maaan!” He tossed a chip high and the big Dane snatched it with ease.

I shook my finger at him, “There’s just one thing I cant figure…” I held my chin quizzically.

“Like what? Velmster?”

“What exactly happened last night…?”

Shaggy gave his signature gulp and climbed into the van while Scoob’s ears laid back and joined his master. “Ya-know Scoob; I think we ate too many brownies to remember!”


“That’s what I thought!” I climbed in all too aware that as I bent I flashed my panty clad bottom to the world. That image should draw rape, but my panties were full of writhing critters. “You know that wasn’t me!”


“Quantum Mechanics and theoretical physics all say it’s possible! But don’t you tell ANYONE what you did!”

“Like sure Maann!” Shaggy watched the road but Scooby’s eyes were like saucers.

“I think you did a ghost… And don’t you two think for ONE SECOND that you will EVER do something like that again!”

I knew a genetics test on Fred and Daphne would prove my theory.

Dinner ready at home, the home cooked meal was proof of my salvation. Actually after that I started to enjoy food more and more. Maybe it was Shaggy’s brownies! I certainly didn’t care about boys anymore, especially after I caught Latterton comparing ascots with a new student the next day.

The new Student was Fred Jones. I looked him up and down and knew without a shadow of a doubt that Mayor Jones was not his real father. I didn’t say a word. Later I met Daphne in my class; she was everything a spoiled rich girl should be.

After realizing that we were rich and that I wasn’t destined to be a farmer, I convinced my parents to buy the old Pinehurst Asylum. It would be a museum! I found a mirror that saved a hundred of lives. Or maybe it found me. How many more were out there?

I couldn’t deny the connection between me and Billy and Venice n’ Shaggy. I might have experienced a moment of temporary insanity with Billy. I think Venice was happy to make her own choices after Jenkins’ torture. Why Shaggy? I’ll never know, but my love of Billy equally unlikely. Alas I didn’t get pregnant as she did. I paid attention to my next period and believed my previous fertile window fell on that first week. For years now I’ve searched Shaggy’s eyes for any hint of Billy. All I could find of Billy was a lone grave mostly empty save for a faded first name. I tried to convince Shaggy to search the museum with me. It was my mirror for me, but maybe his item could be a lost thimble in the rubbish. He was too scared. I can’t say I blame him.

Marcie and I had always been special friends. What happened during the game night was still true, I saw it in her eyes. I wished and wanted nothing more than to tell her she was right. I wanted to love and cherish her affection, but I belonged to another. I never learned what made her hate men; she never confided in me again. She was right; it hurt. It stole something away form you that would never return. In that hurt I learned something different… that by sacrifice and giving, the world could be made a better place.

We still spare over a good science fair. She knows I let her win sometimes. It’s cute so I try to help her. I love her, and secretly feel that between the two of us she’s the lucky one. She love’s me and I’m in her life while Billy is lost.

We spend time together. Last week she came to visit me as I walked the graveyard of our Museum. “Velma, don’t you think this is a bit creepy?”


“I mean I know your family is renovating this place and all, but you’re here all the time! What’s up with you?”

“I have to oversee the clean up and preserve any artifacts.” She rolled her eyes. I laughed remembering the full moon when I asked her the same question, “I asked you that once and you didn’t answer either.” She shied away. “I hope you understand when I don’t.”

We walked in silence. Most of my friends, Fred and Daphne, had siblings. Heck even Shaggy had Scoob. But I was alone. Marcie was the closest person I had to a sister, but her love was different. “I’m sorry I’m not trying to press… I just want to be friends again!”

She looked at me and placed loving hand on my arms just like that night, “I wish I could…” tears were welling in her eyes.

I forced a bight tone, “Then tell me! Ol’ hot-dog-water Marcie, am I gonna have to beat you again at the science fair?”

“Shut-UP, I hate it when people call me that!”

I cracked up glad to see her smile, “I’m sorry- but it was a TERRIBLE project idea and you know it!”

She smiled and took my hand. I was overjoyed both our spirits were lifted. “OK, so I’m thinking about doing something with genetics!”

“Sounds great, but how are you ever going to do that in the time span?”

“Hear me out!” She smiled and took both my hands to look be eye to eye. “Fruit Flies!” All joy and emotion drained from my face. “It’s gross I know, but it’s the only thing I can do. Their life cycles are so fast! So ya-know those great-big green ones?”

I swallowed hard knowing the genus all too well. “Yesss…”

“OK- if you take the smaller fruit flies and the big green ones and put them together, they will all become the big green guys!” She was so excited I didn’t know what to say. “It’s not because one is stronger, it’s genetics! They interbreed and the green ones have dominate genes!”

“That’s wonderful… but what’s the problem?” She thought my flat tone was due to her great idea being better than mine.

“I can’t get over the larval stage… I can’t bring rotting food to school!” She bobbed her head unaware of my distress. “I’d be hot-dog-water TIMES TWO! I don’t even know what they would call me after that!”

I licked my lips unsure of how I felt inside; my mind was filled with maggots. Excited or repulsed I answered, “Ya know… you can grow them in a sterile environment from fruit right?”

“VELMA, how do you… like… know EVERYTHING!?!”


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