Greatest Game/Young Maxwell/Porch sex/Sneak

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Well, the only issue with having a premature ejaculation is the fact that a guy usually has to stop after it happens, and then the fun is over. Well, you have literal god-like sexual stamina now, don't you? So, maybe it's not a big deal if you shoot off early.

With that thought, you wish that you had never reduced your urge to cum in the first place. It is immediately effective, and you instantly feel you are right on the edge of firing off your load again.

While... wait, what's her name? You realize you never even exchanged names with this girl. Well, anyway, while she's nervously looking over your shoulder toward the edge of the stony beech off to the side of your cabin covered by trees, (you got a cabin right at the edge of the area, so you're the closest to the forest) you are thrusting into her for the final few strokes that will bring you over the edge.

"Ahhh..." You groan and then bottom out inside her as you feel the thick baby-making cum slide like hot silk down your penis and into her 10-year-old vagina. The regret briefly flashes through your mind. If the rest of your god-like powers are working just this easily, then that also means she's ovulating right now. That means the only way she doesn't get pregnant from this is if you either immediately make either her or yourself infertile in the next few minutes. But, there's something about BOTH those options that just feels agonizingly wrong. Crippling the tails of your sperm cells would feel like breaking someone's legs, and wiping her egg from existence would feel like you're killing something.

As a matter of fact, as you mentally struggled with this, your mind rebelled and instead wished for the opposite before some other part of yourself could sabotage it. You wanted your sperm to meet her egg right now so she could just be pregnant and the more hesitant parts of your psyche would have nothing more to say about it. And, as soon as you had that thought, you felt you could be almost certain it had already happened. From what you've seen so far, it doesn't take much more than a strong wish or desire for your god-like powers to activate.

The girl twitches as she looks down at her pelvis. "I feel like I have-ta pee!" She says, looking down in concern. "Can... can we just stop now? I don't want anyone to see!"

She clearly has absolutely no idea that she's now carrying your baby inside her, or that you even came inside her at all. But, it is rather clear she doesn't want to be doing this, mostly out of fear of getting caught.