
From All The Fallen Stories
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I walked up to my teacher and said, "Umm, teacher, can I have sex with you?"

He was completely shocked by what he was hearing, but he didn't miss a beat, "Uhh, sure, Natalie." He said and pulled my dress clean off, leaving me butt naked in the middle of the empty classroom.

He pushed his pants down and laid me down on his desk, for some reason, I guess because of the speed and force he was using, my instinct was to resist, so I did, I pushed against him as he held me still and shoved his dick in as hard as he could.

"Oh, did you not think I would accept your offer and now you are regretting asking me? Was this some kind of prank?" He asked and fucked me as hard as he could, and predicting that I would be screaming in pain soon, he put his hand tightly over my mouth as I was helpless to stop the pain.

My brother said that sex was supposed to feel good, why did it hurt so much, well, he also said it was only for adults, maybe I was too small. He kept fucking me, I felt his dick filling my entire pussy, and barely any of his dick fit as he pounded me.

Despite the pain, I was kind of enjoying being helpless and controlled by him. He cummed in me and pulled out, he looked satisfied, but I was sad for it to be over, and he could tell, so he punched me in the pussy, which was already in a lot of pain, and bleeding.

He still had his hand on my mouth, and I surprised myself by the enjoyment that I was receiving by being hurt like this. He punched me again, seeing my enjoyment, and punched again, and again.

He punched my pussy one last time, this time harder, and I definitely didn't enjoy it this time. He picked me up, put my dress back on, grabbed some scissors, and cut the dress to barely reach past my belly button, and he cut out holes where my tits were.

After he was done with me, he literally threw me to the ground and kicked me, before leaving, and locking the classroom door. I laid there for two hours, recovering from the pain, and crying, this was not how I expected sex to be.

I decided that I was never going to have sex again, and I stood up and walked towards the door and noticed that it was locked. I banged on the door, desperate to get home, but the school was deserted, nobody to help me.

I ended up sleeping in the floor of the classroom, and waking up, to my classmates kicking me to wake me up, that seemed a bit cruel. I curled into a ball to protect my head, but the nature of the ball, gave them full access to my pussy, and they kicked away.

After the teacher entered, they immediately stopped and sat down, I slowly got up, and he put on an act of confusion as to my state of undress, and "assuming" that the obvious pain and injury was from the bullying that had just happened.

He did what a normal person would have done, and called my parents to bring me home and take care of me. He called my parents and picked me up, taking me out of class, and once we were in the empty hallway, he started punching my pussy, which was already in so much pain, I just wanted it to be over.

He laid me on the ground and kicked as hard as he could on my pussy, and with the hardness of his shoes, it hurt like crazy, he picked me up and held my mouth until I stopped squirming and trying to make noise.

15 minutes later, my mom arrived and took me home, believing the story of bullies, and I was cared for and I didn't tell on him, because it was my fault for wanting sex, and if I didn't try to have sex, I wouldn't have been hurt, that was my logic.

The End