Hang Her High/HandsFront

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"Place your hands in front of you, palms together and interlace your fingers."

The young woman smiles at your choice and does as you ask. With deft fingers you quickly wrap a rope around her wrists. She watches your hands as you work. Once you've finished several wraps around her wrist you start to pull some of the slack from the rope, but not quite all of it.

"Now open your hands." Again she does as she's told, and you finish off the knot, wrapping the loose end between her arms, around the rope drawing the rope together and then tie it off.

"That's a very nice binding. I can't get out of it, but it certainly gives my arms some movement options." She smiles up at you. "Oh yes, and I almost forgot. You may touch my body anyway you like. Both my wholes are available to you if you want to fuck my pussy or ass. You can fuck me as hard or soft as you want, but only while I am on the rope."

You stand there and admire this woman bound in front of you. A woman you bound and you know you aren't done, or at least she's told you there is more. She's looking at you expectantly and then looks at the noose hanging more or less behind you.

You're supposed to hang her, in that noose... can you do it?