Hot Masala/Chapter One

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Hot Masala

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Chapter One

I padded my way to my daughter’s bedroom, crawled under the covers with her and drew them over us. Her body felt like a little oven and I relished the scent of lavender in her hair. At ten years old, the onset of puberty was well underway and her natural scents had developed in an extraordinary fashion. So much so, when she was randy, the scent of her dribbling pussy permeated the air around her to such an extent I could feel it in my pants.

Sadly, her red aunt began her visits about three months ago, and although she knew what to expect, it was a startling development that took us both by surprise. From time to time we still worked on that tough and troublesome maidenhead of hers, but the fact now was that I dared not squirt inside her pussy. Clearly, the anal sex we had enjoyed for years was the safest avenue at this point. She understood how easily she could become pregnant if we pursued vaginal sex, but she had her own feelings on the matter and made it known to me that she wanted to have my baby. However, I was not ready to go that far, at least not in the near future.

I gently kissed her eyelids, then ran my tongue over her upper lip. Her eyes fluttered open, sparkling with the glint of the devil in them and she unleashed herself on me like a tightly coiled spring. Before I could respond, she had me pinned to the bed with my cock pressed deep in the gusset of her knickers while she humped away and tried to remove my tonsils with her tongue. I dearly loved her unrestrained energy when she woke up like that.

My response was to suck on her tongue while I ground my cock into her split. She pulled away for a moment and told me, “This is not working.”

“Oh, and just what does my beautiful daughter want me to do?” I needled her.

“Hmmm, my bottom feels so empty.” she informed me.

“Perhaps I should get you ready first. Maybe a little kissing and licking would be in order, yes?” I suggested while she peeled her knickers off. “No?”

“You know what I need, daddy, and it’s not that,” she responded while she climbed to her knees, pulled her cheeks apart and wiggled her bottom at me.

As many times as I’ve admired those deep, dark little wrinkles, I’ve never tired of the sight and it was always like the very first time again. I could feel a surge in my balls and the pre-ejaculate climbed up my shaft and pushed its way out of the tip.

She had a marvelous ability that allowed her to relax her sphincter muscle and her arse hole blossomed open like a flower and invited me inside. If the room was bright enough, I could see the glistening red walls of her rectum which would soon be milky white as they dripped with my spend.

We had engaged in buggery for years now, and knew the value of a lubricant. At first, we used a petroleum oil, but after awhile, her rectum manufactured its own lubricant which only added to my own. It was a viscous, slippery secretion that was not unlike her cunny juice. Now, with the onset of puberty, she quickly produced an abundant amount of sex juice which was loaded with pheromones. So much so, thick rivulets flowed from her pussy slot which was more than enough to coat my cock.

I ran my cock through her split and nudged the tip into the vestibule of her pussy so I could once again, however symbolically, test her cherry, before I prodded the blossoming rosebud. It parted so sweetly, half of my length effortlessly glided into her bum. She held her hips in check until she felt me enter her and then jammed them into gear and slammed her rear into me so hard my bag bounced with a wet slap off of her juicy clam.

Then, buried to the hilt she twisted her hips and sighed, “Much better now.”

The excruciating sensations imparted to my cock when she slammed herself into me brought me to the narrow edge of tipping over and blasting my goo into her. I gritted my teeth to keep my balls in check and had no choice but to slam myself back into that slick hole of hers. The smack of our flesh and the squish of her fingers, as they sloshed through her slit, filled the room. Her digits flew over the little bean so hard they jiggled my balls. There was nothing slow, unhurried or gentle about our fuck. It was raw flesh pounding into flesh.

“I’m going...,” I shouted and she breathlessly answered, “Do it,” and of course I did.

Her words always released a torrent of pent up sperm into her seething bowels. When the first gout struck the walls of her rectum, she flew over the edge and, without fail, that marvelous milking machine inside her arse sucked the last dregs of come from my balls.

Then she raced me to the bog and bagged the seat first. When she heard the first obscene plop of my sperm in the bowl, she commented, “You were filled to the top this morning.”

“It’s all your fault. That sexy bum of yours sucks out more out than they can make,” I informed her.

“Carrie’s coming over later. Can she have dinner with us?” My daughter inquired.

“Of course she can, sweetheart. She’s always welcome and there’s no need to ask.”

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Carrie tipped up about eleven and I let the girls entertain themselves until dinner was ready. Their friendship always puzzled me because my daughter was loud and rambunctious and once her mouth went into gear, hydraulic brakes couldn’t slow it. Whereas Mary was always so quiet, shy and detached. Maybe it was the law of opposite attraction or just the fact they were close neighbours and enjoyed the other’s company.

While I prepared lunch, my daughter popped in and asked, “Daddy, can I ask you to do something for me?”

“Of course you can. It doesn’t mean I’ll do it, but you can ask. What would my wonderful daughter like for me to do?”

“You’ll like it. Say you will and then I’ll ask.”

“I don’t like the way that sounds. It’s probably something I would never do. Cough it up.”

“Carrie wants to watch you wank. Please, please, you know how much I like to watch you.”

“I know you won’t talk, but I’m not sure about your friend. What if word gets out?”

“It never will. We share lots of secrets together. Please, please will ya?”

“You could always wank me. I’m sure she would enjoy that as much.”

“Daddy, you know I don’t like to get your stuff on me.”

“You don’t mind it in your bum.”

“That’s different. I like the way it feels in there. It’s... it’s not so yukky.”

Over the years some of Mary’s friends have watched me wank and I enjoyed it. I was still worked up from the wonderful shag we had earlier, but the more I thought about it, the thicker my bulge became. What would it hurt if it was kept quiet? My daughter noticed the twitching tent, smoothed her hand over it and smiled.

Then, she squeezed me through my trousers and said, “I can see that you like the idea. Is that a yes?”

I quickly accepted with, “After dinner.”

She patted my cock and her squeal rang through the house, “Mary, you can watch,” and she ran from the room.

After our lunch was prepared, I went to my daughter’s room so I could invite them to the table, but froze in my tracks in the doorway. She was sprawled across her bed, total starkers, with her knees up and splayed as wide as physically possible. She whisked her clit to a foam while Carrie sat between her legs and watched her bring herself off. My daughter was well into her plight when she caught sight of me and gave me one of her weak ‘my face is melting’ before she went into orgasm.

Carrie looked around when she saw her looking at me and quickly turned. Then, her eyes went fearfully wide when she saw me.

So, I quickly stepped in and with a soft, gentle voice explained, “There’s nothing to fear. I enjoy watching Mary get her feeling.” However, my cock wanted to join in on the fun and had already propped quite a tent in my pants. So, rather than wait until after dinner, I asked Carrie, “Would you mind if I wanked while I watch my daughter? She said you wanted to.”

She froze for an instant before she quickly shook her head, and barely managed to croak, “It’s… it’s… I don’t mind.”

I shuffled to the bed, unfastened my trousers and let them drop along with my pants. Then sat close enough to my daughter that I could caress her budding titties while I wanked. I tenderly squeezed and tweaked the firm little breast nubbins until she arched her back, lifted her bum and squealed through an orgasm.

Carrie budged closer to me so she could have a closer look and then glanced up at me with a question in her eyes. I knew she wanted to get even closer, so I nodded my head and told her, “Don’t be shy. You can get as close as you want.”

She looked at me with relief on her face and my daughter stepped in with, “It won’t hurt you. Put your face in there.”

Slowly, she leaned in until I could feel her breath on my cock as she put me under a microscope and closely examined every little detail. My strokes were even more pleasurable with her watching and my balls churned in their sack.

However, my daughter was still hot and continued to frig herself while she watched. When she got like that, she could pop off an orgasm every minute and wasn’t satisfied until she reached an even dozen. I continued to twist her nipples while she worked herself up to an even bigger one this time. I was so close I hunched my bum up from the bed and managed to whisper, “It’s coming...”

The first spurt flew out with such force it hit the back wall. Then things became blurry after that as the room exploded in brilliant white light. Carrie was so close a gob hit her nose but the last ropes flung themselves across my daughter’s body. Even with her fond disdain of my semen, she didn’t notice until she opened her eyes and made it known, “Daddy, your goo is all over me.”

Carrie quickly fetched a flannel and mopped things up so I tucked myself in and announced, “Lunch is served.”

Mary was considerate enough to put her knickers on before they both followed me to the kitchen for lunch. It didn’t take them long to tuck everything in sight into their tummies and it went down their necks so fast I wondered if they had a chance to taste it.

After we ate, the girls sipped their colas while I had a drink of tea. That last orgasm really yanked my cord. However, Mary’s orgasms energized her and she thrived on them; some were quite intense.

Carrie was quiet and looked troubled and I was worried that I had shocked her. So I inquired, “Mary, are you alright? You look like something is bothering you.”

“Oh, umh, yes, I’m fine.” Then looked at my crotch to see if another lump had formed before she continued, “Don’t think me rude… it… it… it was well… you were huge. I didn’t think they were so big. Nothing like my cousin’s little dinky.”

“Well, I’m sort of average. Your cousin’s will grow just like your titties will one day. I’m glad it didn’t bother you. I dearly love to wank while I watch my daughter rub herself, and thought it a good time since you wanted to watch.”

“I did! I did like it and don’t want to be impolite, but… but… can I watch you again sometime?”

“Of course you can. Just don’t let it get out or everyone in the neighbourhood will want to see for themselves.”

“Oh, I promise. We have some friends who live in India that are staying with us for a few days, can I bring them over to meet you and Mary? They are quite well mannered and speak good English.”

“Yes, it’s alright by me and I’m sure we will enjoy their company.”

It was just a friendly statement at the time and I didn’t realize how much we would enjoy their company. I never had the privilege of meeting any Indian children, only knew a few adults and had no idea of what to expect.

As soon as Carrie had left, Mary flew into my arms and ravaged me with a very sloppy, wet snoggy. She was hot, but I hoped she didn’t expect too much from me for awhile. I think my last little bit of strength knocked a hole in the plaster of her bedroom wall. That was one very intense orgasm I had experienced. So intense in fact, I needed a little kip so I could recoup.

While I held my daughter and kissed her, I squeezed her bum and asked, “What has you going?”

“That was just too wicked, daddy. I knew Carrie was going to like it. You would not believe the feeling I got when you squirted on me.”

“Does that mean you won’t mind getting some more of my icky goo on you now?”

“It’s better inside, but I got the feeling so strong I thought I would die. You can do it again if you want.”

“I’m glad you like it now. I just might squirt on you again if it does that to you. Right now, I need some rest so I can ravage your tender body later.”

I was in the land of Nod, having a chat with my old friend the Sandman before my head touched the pillow.

End Chapter One

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