Hot Summer Job/Ask about the games they played

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"What kind of games were you guys playing?" you ask warily.

Bree shrugs, almost bored by the question. "I dunno. There was a bunch of stuff."


"Well Rissa and I had tried to play Uno. Kylie said she'd play too but I don't think she wanted to. And so there we were, right in the middle of our game, when Kylie started playing with her phone then just took all her clothes off."

That's a weird direction for Uno to go. "Okay. Why's that?"

Your sis rolls her eyes and shakes her head, as if exasperated by some troublesome little scamp. "She was being so silly! She said her and her friends were doing this thing where they shared weird pictures. Like they had to gross each other out? I can't remember exactly. Something like that. Anyway, she was taking a picture of her privates with her phone when she as-"

"Sorry, she was what?" You have to interrupt. She said it so casually you thought you might've misheard. Bree just giggles.

"Yeah! She had her phone way out in front of her and she was pushing her privates open, like this."

Bree holds a hand up in front of you, two fingers pointing down. Her fingers separate into an inverted V over and over, demonstrating the motion for your benefit.

"Isn't that weird!" she shares with another giggle.

"Yeah. Uh, kinda. So she just dropped her shorts and started snapping?"

"No, no, I told you, she got naked. Like all' the way! But she said her... that her pussy was real wet," she shares more quietly, pussy being much more dirty than even vagina, "and she thought it might gross her friends out."

"Huh. I guess so," you nod.

"Really? Larissa didn't think so. Like, vaginas aren't gross," she explains to you. "All girls have them."

"Oh, yeah. But they are 'private', right? Just going for the shock value I suppose."

"Yeah, that's sorta what Kylie said. She asked us what we thought would be better than getting a close up picture of her spread open vagina, but then she answered with someone else spreading her vagina!"

"Oh. Umm... You didn't do it for her, did you?" you ask, incredulously.

"Welllll... she wasn't asking me. Larissa wasn't our slave yet, but... she kinda was. Maybe she just didn't know it yet! Kylie ordered her to do it, but Rissa didn't wanna."

"Not a very good slave," you mumble.

"Kylie was kinda mad when her sister said no but she tried to convince her. She insisted it wasn't a big deal. Like, Larissa had just said that vaginas weren't gross, but then she wasn't willing to touch her sister's, so she called her a hypocrite and some other things. And then Kylie tried to force her into it; drink vodka or spread, she had to pick. But then Rissa said that she would do it if I did it too. And I wanted to help her, so..."

"So you both fingered Kylie?"

"Only a little! Like, not really," Bree insists, once again in an unconvincing tone. "Like, Kylie bent over and held her phone between her legs to take a video and Larissa and I spread her butt and pulled at her vayjay."

"Just a little," you repeat. Bree nods affirmatively.

"Only she said that it might not count if her friends couldn't see that it was her. So she propped up her phone against a chair leg and backed up a little, this time sitting on her butt, and asked us to do it again. We just leaned in over her legs and... y'know..." Bree holds up a solitary finger before making it wiggle and flex, now clearly downplaying what she did.

"So Kylie sent her friends a video of you and Rissa playing with her pussy."

Bree rolls her eyes at you now. "Noooo! She wouldn't do that! She said she'd crop the vid so they couldn't see us! Duh! I was also naked cuz of my dare, so obviously she had to crop me out. She only put it in landscape because it was easier to prop up her phone like that. Yeah, you could see us, but it wasn't on purpose! She couldn't help it!"

"Uh huh. That's why."

That last comment really drives home Kylie's dishonesty. Not that you'd trust her either way, but either the girls had questioned her on that questionable decision or Kylie herself felt the need to explain why her phone wasn't in portrait.

"It wasn't a big deal," your sibling adds, picking at strands of your hair.

"Sorry sis, but that sure doesn't sound like a game. Games have rules and things. It sounds like she just convinced you and Rissa to finger her pussy. How long did you do that for?"

"Not that long..." Bree assures you timidly before getting her back up. "But... we played real games too!"

"Like what?"

"Like who could do the best splits, and who knew the most curse words, and who could hold... um, yeah..."

"Hold what?" you prod when Bree doesn't continue.

"Nothing. It wasn't a big deal," she once again claims. "Like... Kylie was playing with a vibrating pink dildo thingy. A vibe she called it. She was just messing around, but she said we should try it, and... well, Kylie wanted to know how much of it we could fit."

"Fit?" you ask stupidly.

"Well... you know. Like, 'inside'?" She shifts in your arms and makes a ring with one finger and her thumb, then pokes another finger through the hole demonstratively. "That was the real reason I got that sharpie. We needed to mark off how deep it went into Kylie, so we drew a black line on it so we all knew. But... then it was my turn."

"And did you... 'beat' Kylie?"

Bree slowly shakes her head, looking saddened by her loss. "When I put it in I couldn't get it half as far as she did before I wanted to stop. I had to stop. But Kylie got in close and marked it just the same. It was Larissa's turn next and I thought maybe I would beat her - I am a whole year older - but Larissa got it way deeper which made me think I was doing something wrong! So I... asked to try again once her turn was over."


You can feel your sister hump against you a little, chewing her lip as she relives the events in her head. "Well... I put it in, but... I couldn't get it much deeper. It just... I dunno, it felt so... big! Like it was stretching me. It was really strange. But then Kylie said she could help me. So I leaned back a little and split my legs open to give her some room.

"She got down and pushed on it. I was about to tell her to stop, that it couldn't go more, but then she took it out a little bit. And then she pushed it in again. And she kept doing that over and over and over! I told her it wasn't going any deeper but she said it could take a minute before it worked. Then as she kept doing it I started feeling really weird, but I trusted her so I laid down. And then I felt weirder and hotter and dizzier and finally I couldn't go any further. I told her to stop."

"So I guess you lost, huh?"

Bree's face suddenly lights up. "No! That's the thing! When I sat up she showed me how deep it was and she had gotten, like, the whole thing inside me! As deep as she did! I could do it, just like she said!"

You guiltily feel your dick flex painfully in your shorts as you picture your thick member in place of that vibrator. "So that was... sorta like a competition?"

"I guess. It was a game though! Kylie said it was way more fun than Uno anyway. But it wasn't over. Kylie wanted to see who could hold it in the longest. Like, while it was on. Like... vibrating."

"Oh. Like round too."

Bree nods. "Uh-huh! She said that we'd start with 2 minutes each. And then we'd make it harder if we could all do it!"

"Did you?"

"Oh my gosh, just!" she sighs, as if describing a track and field race. "It was super tough having it buzz like that inside me! I just had to take deep breaths over and over while it kept going and going. Those two minutes took forever!

"Kylie was next and she did it pretty easily but she kept lifting her butt off the ground and kind of wiggling the end of the vibe in the air. I think she was showing off or something. An then she said that Larissa didn't make it after her turn, that she had failed somehow. But Rissa totally had it in for the full 2 minutes, same as me. She just had her eyes closed and sort of twitched a little lot and made noises while it was going."

Was Kylie trying to disqualify her sister for... cumming? "Uhh... so there was another round after that?"

"Yeah! Kylie said that we'd do another 2 minutes, but this time it had to be moving more."

"More? Like a different setting?"

"No. More like, in and out... like before, when she helped make it fit for me. I had to go first again and I was kinda nervous but she said she'd help me like the first time. But that... that was when... I called for you..." she notes, finally explaining at length how she came to scream your name.

"Oh. So I guess you didn't make it huh?"

"N-no. It was just too much. It really was scary how... good it felt."

"Did the others keep going after you failed?"

"Yeah, Kylie wanted to prove how easy it was. But it didn't look so easy. She was moaning and biting her lip by the time she finished. Rissa and I forgot to count though, so I don't know how long her turn was, but she... she definitely did it for long enough."

"Well... good for her."

"Larissa really wanted her turn too. But she asked her sister to move it in and out for her, like she did for me. But Kylie told her she could do it herself, that she needed a break or something? So Larissa asked me to help her instead."

"You used the vibrator on Larissa?"

"Yeah. It wasn't hard," she assures you, as if you were questioning her competency. "But she did squirm a lot so it was tricky to keep it inside her! She kept giggling and shouting! But she couldn't make it for 2 minutes either, which made me feel a little better."

"What happened after that? After Kylie was the winner?"

"Umm... I think we painted our nails then." She holds up her hand to remind you. "I almost went with purple. I wanted to do, like, rainbow nails, since Kylie's are blue, but we didn't have blue or green here, so oh well. This was just easier."

The ease with which your sister jumps between describing everyday activities and overt sexual depravity has your balls aching and churning. You can't figure out if she's truly so innocent or perhaps trying to brag or sound older to her big brother. You really would love to figure her out though...