Hungry Little Mouths/Epilogue

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Hungry Little Mouths

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It was a shame when Olivia and Jocelyn returned that afternoon because I wasn’t able to accept my payment for minding the girls and accepted the promise of a future settlement. However, she did bare her boobs for me but willy didn’t have enough strength left to twitch in my pants.

My relationship with Olivia and Ruby took on a new dimension. They decided to move in with me and we made plans to marry in the spring. We even got a bigger bed so we could all sleep together and reserved the guest bed, for sleepovers with Ruby’s friends and looked forward to the holidays when Jocelyn and her girls would spend a week with us. That should prove interesting because she knew what had transpired while they stayed with me.

All said, I believed we had a good arrangement and Jocelyn mentioned that she wanted to take Olivia’s place when she moved and that meant she would be much closer to us and we could get together more often. I viewed it as a delightful challenge because there was only one of me, but five of them. Hopefully, I will survive anything they might throw at me.

The End

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