Incubus/Abilities/Increase semen recovery
< Incubus
Increase semen recovery: Incubus ability
Magically increases the rate at which an Incubus' testicles produce sperm and their prostate produces seminal fluid. Recharges the natural supply faster than is typical for a human male. (This power affects the base natural supply that is acted upon by the "increase ejaculation" and "repeat ejaculation" powers.)
- Male
- Incubus
- Incubus places a strain on their natural supply of semen, or Incubus hits an age threshold
- Age of puberty for X2 multiplier
- Age 16 for X4 multiplier
- (No further age-based assists)
- Power requirements
- X2 multiplier = 1,000
- X4 multiplier = 10,000
- X8 multiplier = 100,000
- X16 multiplier = 1,000,000
- X32 multiplier = 10,000,000
- (pattern continues for each additional doubling of the effect)
Power gained: 10% of requirement