Incubus/Abilities/Increase sexual desire

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Increase sexual desire: Incubus ability

This ability increases a partner's or potential partner's desire to have sex, and focuses that desire on the Incubus in particular.

This ability has a number of variations and degrees of power.

  • Premature desire - works on prepubescent children
  • Budding desire - works on peri-pubescent children (hasn't become reproductively pubescent yet, but early puberty is starting)
  • Youthful desire - works on pubescent teens or precociously pubescent children
  • Mature desire - works on mature adults
  • Primal desire - stimulates their base reproductive instincts: effective on pubescents and more effective the younger they are
  • Reproductive desire - raises their desire to create a child: more effective on females, more effective the closer they are to menopause
  • Conceptual desire to action - turns a child's ignorant and playful reproductive desire toward putting it into action, works only on children younger than 15 who want a baby
  • Playful desire - raises their desire to play games related to their genitals that could lead to or include sex: most effective on sexually ignorant children
  • Naughtiness desire - raises desire to do something that they know their parents will get upset about: more effective on children
  • Taboo desire - raises desire to break social taboos: more effective on adults, taboo and naughtiness desire have a combined X 1.5 effect.
  • Physical desire - raises desire to feel the physical sensations of sex: not effective on true virgins (those who have not even experienced sexual touching)
  • Gross desire - raises desire to engage in gross bodily functions: only effective on children age 12 and under, and those with WS kinks.
("Gross desire" could presumably work on farting or scat as well, but I don't plan to write such material.)

This ability also comes in a variety of degrees of power, ranging from miniscule to complete.

  • faint - Will plant the inkling of the idea in their mind, or imperceptibly increase an existing desire, but not enough to perceptibly alter their actions
  • slight - Will plant the idea in their mind or slightly increase an existing desire enough to nudge them a little more toward sex
  • (standard) - Will perceptibly increase their sexual desire
  • greater - Will cause thoughts of sex to dominate their mind and make them "horny as hell"
  • overpowering - Will feel a need to have sex with the Incubus that overrules all rational thought


  • Incubus
  • minimum number of partners = square of power Lv. (faint = 1, slight = 4, standard = 9, greater = 16, complete = 25)
    • app partners must be conscious and willing, and aware of the physical acts being done
    • for age limited variations, all partners must be in the specified age category in order to count
  • have virgin sex with a number of partners equal to minimum for power Lv while stimulating their desire for sex with words or incubus mind powers
    • In the case of upgrading the power Lv., requires already having the lower Lv. version
  • Power requirements vary according to scope and power Lv. (note, these are recycled numbers and are subject to change, likely in an upward direction)
    • faintly = 5,000
    • slightly = 20,000
    • (standard) = 50,000
    • greatly = 100,000
    • completely= 200,000

(author note, exact numbers may be subject to change depending on how quickly power is gained)

Limited scope will also limit the cost.

  • 20% of power requirement for a single age variation
  • 20% of power requirement for a single condition variation
  • 10% of power requirement if an age and condition variation are combined
  • requires an additional 20% per condition added to a non-age limited variation
  • requires an additional 2% per condition added to an age limited variation
  • can have only a single variation at a higher power Lv.
    • higher level variation will have a power requirement as though it's the only one possessed
  • can only have 4 condition variations max, gaining the 5th must be in the form of it becoming a non-limited version.

Power gained = 10% of requirement.