Incubus/Abilities/Repeat ejaculation

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Repeat ejaculation: Incubus ability

Magically duplicates the Incubus' sperm load so that they are instantly able to have another ejaculation of the same size immediately after the first at full strength.

This effect applies to the first time the Incubus ejaculates during the day and allows them to ejaculate the magically duplicated semen instead of the natural semen produced by their body. (Meaning the Incubus' sex drive and desire to ejaculate will not be decreased until they cum as many times as this power gives them extra ejaculations plus 1.)

This power recharges by 1 use for every 24 hours / power's current level. (Goes from zero to a full charge in the space of 24 hours, gaining 1 charge at regularly spaced intervals throughout the day. So, every 24 hours if the power only has 1 charge. Every 12 hours if the power has a capacity of 2 charges. Every 8 hours for 3, 6 hours for 4, 4 hours and 48 minutes for 5, 4 hours for 6, etcetera.)


  • Male
  • Incubus
  • (naturally) Ejaculate 4 times in a single day or have a wet dream due to failure to ejaculate enough.
(This power has the same requirement for upgrading it's level. Note, this power is designed to push an Incubus to have more sex as their powers mature by denying them the relief of emptying their balls even when they ejaculate once or twice, pushing them to go for more.)
  • Number of partners required - 1
  • Power requirements
    • 1 charge capacity = 1000
    • 2 charge capacity = 2000
    • 3 charge capacity = 5,000
    • 4 charge capacity = 10,000
    • 5 charge capacity = 20,000
    • 6 charge capacity = 50,000
    • 7 charge capacity = 100,000
(pattern continues for each 1 additional charge to the power)

Power gained: 10% of requirement