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It would probably be difficult to go back to sleep now, and you do kinda want to try this sex thing now that you know it's something you can do. The only question is, how would they react to waking up to feeling your penis inside of them?

Well, they would definitely be scared if they woke up to find you actively pistoning your hips in and out of them. They might also be a little scared if they wake up to the pain of you popping their cherries. But, if it's just you messing with their privates, they might just be a little confused. Maybe you could even talk your way through it.

There's also the question of who to choose. Emilia is a rather easy choice. Now that you've figured out the whole cough-syrup thing your mommy is doing, there's a good chance she may still be under the influence of it and not wake up. She's also going to be the easiest for you to convince what you are doing is Ok, and she will go along with it pretty easy once she knows it's you in her bed with her. But, on the other hand, she would also be the one most likely to get really scared. She might even scream and attract a lot of attention.

There's also the fact she might already be wet and would smell like pee while you're trying to do it with her. That could be a bit gross.

Megan is usually a little difficult to wake up. Mommy says she's the type who can sleep through a herd of elephants. Maybe she could even sleep through loosing her virginity and getting shot full of your seed? But, if she does wake up, she would be the one most likely to object to you doing things with her private parts. She would not like it at all.

Katie is the one most likely to wake up if you try to do anything with her. In fact, you are almost 100% sure she'd wake up. However, because you are twins and you normally sleep in the same room anyway, she's also the one who you would have the most excuses you can use to be in her bed with her anyway. From there, it's just a matter of whether or not you can convince her to let you stick your dick in her.

Another matter to consider is that it would look really suspicious if you were discovered in Megan or Emilia's bed in the morning. You doubt a 7 year old would be suspected of having sex with his sisters, but it would still look a little strange. It might get mommy, or even your other sisters, paying closer attention to you. Meanwhile, there would be no such suspicion or questions if you were found in Katie's bed in the morning.

Although, all of this is skipping one issue. You've already dumped a load of semen in your underwear due to that wet dream. You feel that you could almost certainly get out another load if you got to sink your dick into some pussy, but you would have to really be shaking your hips in order to get the stimulation you need. While premature ejaculation is something guys get made fun of for, it would be very helpful in a situation where you're trying to sneak your load inside of a sleeping girl. There does not seem to be any real chance of such a premature ejaculation in this situation though. If you wanted to use that approach to seed your sisters, you would have to wait until tomorrow night and do it then.

But, you do have your underwear full of semen still sitting under your bed. It should still be wet, so that could be something you could use.

William Silver Abilities:
Experience 0 Precocious seminarche
Partners 0
Pregnancies 0
Power 10
System Rubric